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Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’
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scuba chat

I have to make a code for the scuba chat. I have the template for the code and I only need to make a code which control the packets on the physical layer by adding on the template.
The code has to satisty at least 2 requirements out of 4(segmentation and reassembly, medium access control, multi-hop broadcasting, reliable data transfer) to pass the assignment.
In the description, it says that I have to make a simple interface but don't think about that.

scuba chat

I will send you the description of the assignment and the codes. The codes are the template and this code is moving on the physical layer. If you need more money to do this on time, I can give you. If you need more time I can give you the time until tomorrow morning.
There are 4 requirements to satisfy, segmentation and reassembly, medium access control, multi-hop broadcasting, reliable data transfer. To pass the assignment, I have to satisfy at least 2. Can you make the code which satisfies 2-3 requirements?
In the description, you can see that we have to make a simple interface, but you don't need to think about that problem.

Python Final UFO Reporting Database

There are 3 deliverables overall.

Part 1 UFO Sightings: Deliverable: A python script called lastname_firstname_final_1.py that I can run by typing "python FILENAME". It should output a file called lastname_firstname_cities.txt that contains one city/state (or city,province or city,country if you use international locations) with the corresponding count on each line.

You must include a sleep of at least 5 seconds between page accesses in order to receive credit for this part.

Part 2 Latitude/Longitude:A python file called lastname_firstname_final_2.py that I can run by typing "python FILENAME". It should open your file lastname_firstname_cities.txt from the current directory (DO NOT put a full path to the file in your code. Just use the file name so it will work on my system). It should output a file lastname_firstname_latlon.txt that has one latitude/longitude pair on each line with its corresponding count that matches with the city/state on each line of your lastn


Scientific computing applications often involve performing matrix multiplications which require a series of multiplications followed by a sum of the products.  One of the advantages of parallel computing is multiple processors can be used to perform the multiplication steps simultaneously.  This can speed up the calculations significantly.  Once the products of all the multiplication steps have been computed they can be added together.

Consider the following code example called Matrix.java which multiplies two 2x2 matrices together.  This code example first calculates the results serially and outputs the results.  It then repeats the process step by step to show how each step performs 2 multiplications and then sums the products.  The first of these calculations also demonstrates how the multiplications can be performed concurrently using threads spawned from Multiply.java.

1) What is the Big O of the serial part of the algorithm (Post into t

Digital Ethics : . Critically analyse ethical issues related to ICT

  1. Critically analyse ethical issues related to ICT

  2. Demonstrate an understanding of and be able to apply ethical theories and ICT Codes

of ethics to an ethical problem

  3. Analyse a current ICT ethical problem using critical thinking techniques and provide

solutions within the context of the analysis

  1. This assessment requires you to research and write an essay between 2 and 3

      thousand words on a topical issue related to IT or Technology that is relevant, novel

      and related to the material we have discussed in class. Write a well-structured

      critical essay.  It should have a clear introduction in which you identify your

      research questions a well written body that is broken into logical paragraphs

      building your argument and a conclusion that justifies any recommendation

Project Proposal – Justification

The title of this proposal attached is

Using Monte Carlo simulations to optimise pharmaceutical production schedules

I want you to complete  the"literary Review" Section 2.4 of this proposal attached.

XXX  Details XXX
It needs to include a justification for using Monte Carlo simulations and some kind of basic simple example of how its used. The production schedules i'm referring to will take into account people, materials, machines and their varied availability so lots of unknown variables like peoples availability (holidays/shifts), a few different types of drugs being made on shared equipment/machines in the plant.
    My supervisor wants me to give him a justification for using monte carlo simulations backing up my argument using as many references from recent research papers (last 6 years) as possible

I'm attaching the proposal with the literary Review Section empty for you to complete.

No less than 800 words

air pollution prediction using deep learning methods

I have a given dataset, on which more deep learning methods need to be applied in order to predict the air quality of that area(LSTM and GRU already implemented, so Deep Learning methods other than this like ARIMA, SARIMA,etc). If possible 5,6 models required to be implemented. Also, the models implemented need to be from code available on online sources like github etc, so it will be easy for me to understand and I can refer to those sites if asked to show so. How soon can you get back to me regarding this? Also I have a low budget since I'm a student.

Python OOP with dynamic typing

I need help with this Python homework about shapes, link to the assignment page is here https://sites.google.com/cs.stonybrook.edu/cse-216/assignments_1/assignment-5-oop-with-dynamic-typing

You can download the code on the page or you can also see the attached files below.

Some clarifications- in order to check equality of shapes for each class, you want them to have the same type and same coordinates. For the TwoDPoint Class,where the TODO magic method is, p is self and q is other, and adding/subtracting would mean x1-x2 and so on.

Python OOP with dynamic typing

I need help with this short Python homework about shapes, link to the assignment page is here https://sites.google.com/cs.stonybrook.edu/cse-216/assignments_1/assignment-5-oop-with-dynamic-typing

You can download the code on the page or you can also see the attached files below. A copy of the assignment page is also below.

Some clarifications- in order to check equality of shapes for each class, you want them to have the same type and same coordinates. For the TwoDPoint Class,where the TODO magic method is, p is self and q is other, and adding/subtracting would mean x1-x2 and so on.

Two assignments in python with libraries


For the course Introduction to Programming i need to complete two last assignments.

The first assignment is about parsing/using an input file and turning this into output in the form of a bar chart. The second assignment is about the use of events and animations to turn input files into a final message. They are similar and both require the PyCharm IDE and the distribution platform Anaconda. I will provide a file with download instructions for those, if that is necessary.

I have provided examples of earlier similar assignments and the programs i wrote for those.

Both assignents use input files, which are also attached in separate zip files.

Furthermore, the assignments make use of a plugin, which i will provide as a download, but is also linked in the instructions.

Lastly, the assignments use a library(Ipy_lib) which i will also include, along with a webpage with all documentation. This is also a link included in the instructions, but i