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Archive for the ‘Database design and optimisation’
Warning: Use of undefined constant woothemes - assumed 'woothemes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/admin/web/qualityessayresearch.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/cushy/archive.php on line 47

database coding

Assignment Background
In this assignment, you will develop a web application that will allow players to receive
cards from a collectible card game and trade those cards amongst their friends. The
card data used for this assignment is taken from the game Hearthstone. This is the
same data used in tutorial #8 a description of the structure of the data is provided at
the end of this document. A database-initializer.js file has been provided that will
create an empty 'a5' database in MongoDB and add each card to a 'cards' collection.
Note that the initializer will also delete any information in the 'a5' database. Each
user that registers for your web application will maintain their own set of cards and their
own set of friends. Friends within the application will be able to view each other's cards
and propose/accept trades with each other. All data your server uses for this
assignment (cards, user profiles, session data, etc.) must be persistent. Your serv

coding assigment

In this assignment, you will develop a web application that will allow players to receive
cards from a collectible card game and trade those cards amongst their friends. The
card data used for this assignment is taken from the game Hearthstone. This is the
same data used in tutorial #8 a description of the structure of the data is provided at
the end of this document. A database-initializer.js file has been provided that will
create an empty 'a5' database in MongoDB and add each card to a 'cards' collection.
Note that the initializer will also delete any information in the 'a5' database. Each
user that registers for your web application will maintain their own set of cards and their
own set of friends. Friends within the application will be able to view each other's cards
and propose/accept trades with each other. All data your server uses for this
assignment (cards, user profiles, session data, etc.) must be persistent. Your server
should be able to b

Database Management SQL

1. (13 points) Clean and normalize the data. Submit your processed Excel file with a sheet for each relation/table. You do not need to submit screenshots of the Excel data.
a. The raw data contains a multivalued field (Country) that must be resolved before loading the data into APEX
b. The raw data contains a composite field (Laureate) that must be resolved before loading the data into APEX. Hint: Every laureate has a first name. Title, middle name, and last name are optional.
c. Break up the raw data into 3 tables. LAUREATE records information about each woman who has won a Nobel Prize, including ID, name (title, first, middle, last), birthdate, and death date. COUNTRY tracks the ID and country for each laureate. AWARD contains information about the award itself (year, recipient ID, category, reasoning, and whether the prize is shared). Assume that the same person cannot receive multiple prizes in the same year.
2. (23.5 points) Import the data into APEX.
a. Write a CRE

Mysql online data base

Must develop and ERD diagram for an Online retail business of choice. The retail business must be able to collect CC payments. At minimum the developed relational database must collect and store the following information;
    Customer Details

Using the ERD diagram that was developed earlier in Part A now expand upon the original ERD and develop and populate a real life Relational Database to hold their business data and ALSO a Data Mart to support the reporting requirements of the retail company.

In order to implement this Data Mart students are required to automate the loading of the data from the live production database to the Data Mart. This should be done by scripting.

Project Report Document
a.    Background Information Document and relevant graphs connected via Excel to


A small university is in the process of creating its first database system, and you are the chief architect of this system. This university does not have majors, faculties, and departments, but it does have programs. A program usually has 5 courses (in real situation, a program usually has much more courses, but to make the test data preparation easier, we set this number as 5), For simplicity, all the courses in a program are required and fixed. Prerequisite is not considered.

This university runs in a two-semester system: every year has Winter semester and Fall semester. In every semester, a course may be offered once or not be offered. A course-offering entity is necessary. A professor may teach any courses, and will teach one or more courses each semester. A student may register in a few programs. A course is passed when the grade is 60 or more.

Every person in the campus, a student or a professor, has an ID. This ID is uniformly managed, that means all the ID

Database Systems

Draw an ER diagram using the IDEF1X Notation and ERWIN for the following two applications. If you discover that the following narrative is incomplete, make up reasonable explanations to complete the description. State clearly your assumptions. Your assumptions should not contradict the assumptions stated in the narrative. You may download a trail version of ERWIN at http://erwin.com/

1.The software maintains and manages information related to  employees, rooms, committees, and committee meetings of  a company. The information
include at least the following data:

Employee: IDNumber, Full Name, Office Location, Telephone Number, Department,  and Position.

Employees Schedule: Date, Start Time, End Time, and Task .

Room: Building Number, Room Number, and Capacity.

Room Schedule: Date, Start Time, End Time, and Status.

Committee: Title, Chairs Name , ChairsIDNumber, and  Members.

Committee Meeting: Meeting Number, Dat

team project

The project charter is already done, just uploaded it so you know how it started off as. The presentation slides from slide 37 to 40 are the only relevant ones ignore the rest. In slide 39 all you have to write about is "Detailed Communication Strategy" and "Consideration of the impact of GDPR" You don't need to do the rest as my Team members are working on those parts 

Designinga Relational Database

Step 1. Understand the specification of the problem
Read the following paragraph carefully. Multiple times, if necessary. Then follow the process we learned in Lab 2 to annotate the primary terms and actions.

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States.  Basketball tournaments consist of games between two teams at various stages (league, playoff, final, etc.). Each individual game in the tournament is played between two competing teams played at a specific city or stadium with a certain capacity, and attended by a number of spectators. The matches may also be televised on a TV channel, and viewed by an estimated number of TV viewers. During each match, the teams typically play two halves (which may be further divided in quarters depending on the tournament). Players score points, commit fouls and perform blocks, rebounds, and assists. Each match ends with a score with the team with the higher score being the winner. Players play for a team and have

SQL design and implement

2. Design a database that will be used to store information for an IT Consulting Company that provides services for client organizations as well as purchases and resells equipment (servers, desktops, software, routers, etc.) to clients. Ensure that you diagram the
tables, columns / datatypes, and table relationships.
3. Create the database and tables from the previous step as well as populate the tables with at least 50 records (use a bulk import process). Also that the tables have the appropriate indexes and database options.
4. Create a SQL login and user that can be used to access and modify records within the database, as well as a separate SQL login that can only read records within the database. Use appropriate names for each one.
5. Ensure that you can isolate performance problems when they occur, as well as monitor ongoing SQL performance and usage. Optimize the performance of your database by performing the appropriate tasks. Ensure that your database is regularly

Database designer needed for creating an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Hi there,

I need todevelop an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) of songs on albums for popular music from 1950 to 2000. Please see the complete details of the project below:

Please note that this has to be done in the Stanford style of E/R modeling.

Thank you :)