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Archive for the ‘Desktop software development’
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Python Two-way Authentication

The point of this assignment is to create a two-way authentication system using python. It should use twilio to send messages to the user for authentication. It also needs a GUI made with the python module Tkinter. All other specifics will be in the attached proposal document and any solution should try to stick to the proposal as close as possible. All instructions on what is exactly needed will also be attached.

Object Oriented Python Code Robot Car

Write Python code including object-oriented classes for a robot car's major components: Controller(Raspberry Pi), Sensor(Anti Collision Sensor, End effector(Wheel), and Actuator(Motor).

Each of these component classes will be used to create objects that will be a part of the car robot's type. At least one object of each of the component types must be a member of the car's class: one robot object will have one controller and at least one object of the rest of the component classes. These component objects will be data variables of the car's class meaning that when a car object is created, it will contain a software representation of each component, making the class a proper simulation.

(a) Define a constructor function that defines and initializes the data variables
(b) Declare objects for at least one of each robot component described as data variables
(c) Add code to make your car trigger its controller to activate its other components
(d)Add code to make your c

Project 1

Please see attached PDF

Deliverables for this project include the following:
1. Source code correctly implementing all required functionality.
2. Word or PDF file providing screenshots of successfully compiling and executing the program.
3. Description of the process and lesson learned while completing this project (to be included in the Word or PDF document).
4. A test plan that contains test cases that include both layout types, all widgets and nested panels. For each test case, the input file should be shown together with the resulting GUI. (to be included in the Word or PDF document

C# Coding

Assessment Instructions

In this assessment you will complete a program to demonstrate the learning competency skills for your selected language path.

Using the language C#, please complete the following assessment:

In this hypothetical scenario, you will create a program that will allow a student to register for certification classes in HVAC. The school offers a $150 discount if the student signs up for twenty or more unit-hours. Students may also pay the tuition costs over a twelve-month period.

Assessment Requirements

Your program should declare variables using the appropriate data types to store the following string values.

Name: John Smith

Address: 101 N. Main Street

City: AnyTown

State: TX

Units Taken: 19

For the price per unit, declare a constant numeric variable to contain the decimal value 100.50.

For the twenty unit-hour discount, declare a constant numeric variable to contain the whole nu

Using Monte Carlo to optimise a production schedule

Using Monte Carlo Simulations to create the best schedule for a pharmaceutical manufacturing site
Create a new schedule system where you input any number of orders ie enter ORD001 and press enter then enter ORD002 etc. When all the orders are entered you press the GET BEST SCHEDULE button and the simulation outputs the best schedule for all these orders.  I want a very simple window (front end) code containing a box to enter the order numbers and a grey button for the get best schedule button and somewhere you get the output schedule (using Java).
The best schedule will be the schedule with the least amount of unused days. The object is to optimise the use of all machines and people so that the least amount of downtime is created. The only random thing in the whole simulation will be the start date ie the date when each product will start to be manufactured. The end date is the date given in the order table Order_Required_By.  Ideally all the products would be produced

Java Array Math

Create a 10 x 10 two dimensional array of int data type (Remember that arrays start with 0, not 1.
- Load each index in the array with the multiplication of each (row * column) location
- Using printf display the content of each index, ALIGNED.
- Create an algorithm using a loop that will add all the values in all odd columns, and print their total aligned below the column.
- Print the addition of all values in each index in the array. This is a sum of all the elements of the array.
A Java submission must compile and run from the command line or it will earn a 0 and
will not be graded further. Do not include package statements or this will happen.

Java Array Math

Create a 10 x 10 two dimensional array of int data type (Remember that arrays start with 0, not 1.
- Load each index in the array with the multiplication of each (row * column) location
- Using printf display the content of each index, ALIGNED.
- Create an algorithm using a loop that will add all the values in all odd columns, and print their total aligned below the column.
- Print the addition of all values in each index in the array. This is a sum of all the elements of the array.
A Java submission must compile and run from the command line or it will earn a 0 and
will not be graded further. Do not include package statements or this will happen.

C# Binary Tree w/ Algothrims

Need this assignment written up in C#, the top 10 displayed movies algorithm can be done using a bubble sort algorithm

A demonstration can be seen here: https://echo360.org.au/lesson/cc8d6b2c-197e-43c3-97fd-54aae4e48620/classroom#sortDirection=desc

and also here: https://echo360.org.au/lesson/fe8df1dc-bc25-4edd-a012-4c145a39b56c/classroom#sortDirection=desc

I have attached the project specification as well, if it can be done ASAP that would be awesome. Also the binary tree code is in the Zip file as well


Java Turn Based BattleCard Game

I'm looking for help to complete my assignment that requires me to make a text based game. I wanted to build a turn-based battle card game that would be a simple version of Hearthstone. I came up with the UML diagram, rules, requirements, displayer example and the different types of cards. Thank you

Assignment 2

I have provided a zip file with the assignment instructions and files necessary to complete the assignment. I have also included the instructions below.

In chapter 9 of your Deitel & Deitel text, you studied an inheritance hierarchy in which class BasePlusCommissionEmployee inherited from class CommissionEmployee. However, not all types of employees are CommissionEmployees.

In this exercise, youll create a more general Employee superclass that factors out the attributes and behaviors in class CommissionEmployee that are common to all Employees. The common attributes and behaviors for all Employees are firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber, getFirstName, getLastName, getSocialSecurityNumber and a portion of method toString.

Create a new superclass Employee that contains these instance variables and methods and a constructor.

Next, rewrite class CommissionEmployee from Section 9.4.5 as a subclass of Employee. Class CommissionEmployee should contain o