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Archive for the ‘Electrical Engineering’
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Setting voltage for potentionmeter

The amplitude doesn't matter so you can just plug it directly into the power supply. We would want the reference voltage to be equal to the potentiometer voltage when the potentiometer at the halfway mark.
so figure out the voltage at the halfway mark.
and then set up a voltage level using op amps to get the reference voltage

Problem(PLC) – conveyors sequence

It's a project that has a report and presentation. the project title is PLC conveyors sequence. there is four important things to do: LOGO software V 8.1, Relay diagram on constructor software, flowchart free online to develop, wiring diagram using kit do the virtual connection of Input/Output devices. Using a module-based by line diagram connection.all the four things must be recorded to a video so 4 videos for the steps and also have a screenshot.

Antenna Radiation Patterns

Looking for someone to help me code out 3 separate Matlab codes to show the 3D plot with regards to Half-Wavelength Dipole, Monopole and Horn Antennas without the use of the Antenna Objects on matlabs as the codes will be transferred to a mobile app.

Along with a report done with formulas used and the references.

Preferred textbook : Antenna Theory Analysis and Design (3rd Edition)by Constantine A. Balanis

Radio to optical frequency assignment

The first attached document include the 4 questions to be answered, alongside the guideline for the assignment
The second document is a Smith Chart, which some of the questions require the use of it
The third document is the formula sheet, just in case.

Pscad Project

2.    Scan the handwritten solutions, and save the  file in PDF/ docx format.

3.    For all the PSCAD simulation question(s), report should include all the necessary graphs and calculations. Also, clearly mention assumption made (if any).

4.    Save the PSCAD model in .pscx  file format. Make sure the model is bug free and running.

Please help with this 3 pscad problems

Homework Pscad project

2.    Scan the handwritten solutions, and save them  in PDF/ docx format.

3.    For all the PSCAD simulation question(s), report should include all the necessary graphs and calculations. Also, clearly mention assumption made (if any).

4.    Save the PSCAD model in .pscx  file format. Make sure the model is bug free and running.

5. Please send all reports and pscad files

Review of LEDs: device physics, properties and application

title: Review of LEDs: device physics, properties and application

Part 1: Term Paper (10 %)
CLO 2 Explain analytically the fundamentals, operation and solid-state characteristics of semiconductor
- Term paper about chosen semiconductor device with overview of device physics and applications.
- 10 min presentation per group, followed by 10 min Q&A session.

Summary of the key findings of the paper
1. Introduction
- Background information about the topic and examples of applications
- Include information about most recent advances to date and future roadmap
2. Device Physics
- Fairly detailed description and analysis of the physics of the operation of a device under the review
- Review device advantages and limitation
3. Device Equivalent Circuit and Characteristics
- Equivalent circuit model and examples of I-V and/or transfer characteristics
4. Conclusion
- Summary of the key points of the review and pe

electric circuit

The first problem needs to solve manually and by simulation as well. Compare the results. The second problem do not need simulation. You may please solve it manually. In the presentation, you can upload the schematic of the circuit, plots from the simulation, a picture of the manual solution and comparison table.

use multisum online for simulation

transformer protection devices

ieee refernces

The submission must include the followings: 15 pages report ( double space )

Table of Contents
Literature Review
Theory section
Simulation ( very basic matlab/simulink  )
Case study
You can combine Theory and Simulation or simulation and Case study
Also, the report must address all learning outcomes from the course syllabus which are:

Use modern software tools and theories to design protection systems that meet specific functional requirements with consideration of safety, global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors

Discuss professional and ethical issues in the design of contemporary electric power system protection systems, including asset values, environmental compliance, and social factors

Research power system protection and safety standards, beyond the topics covered in class

assembly 8051

Random numbers are used in a wide range of applications, data encryption and simulations are but
of a few applications. However, when generating a random sequence using an algorithm is known
as pseudo-random generation.
In this project, we intend to implement a pseudo-random number generator. Among the techniques
used for such an application are the linear feedback shift register (LFSR).
An LFSR is a shift register whose input bit is a linear function of its previous state. The most
commonly used linear function of single bits is the exclusive-or (XOR).
The initial value of the LFSR is called the seed, and because the operation of the register is
deterministic, the values produced by the register is completely determined by its current (or
previous) state (Figure 1). Likewise, because the register has a finite number of possible states, it
must eventually enter a repeating cycle. However, an LFSR with a well-chosen feedback
function can produce a sequen