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making financial decisions

Task: A report on the financial performance of a company.
-In session 1 you will be allocated/chose a company for the purposes of carrying out research and applying the concepts covered in class. This company will also be the one that you use as the basis for your final coursework report.
-Your task is to prepare a short 1,200 word report/bulletin for a potential investor in your allocated company. To do this you need to obtain the companys annual report and accounts, which you canaccess via the following link:
- http://markets.ft.com/markets/investorRelations.asp?segid=90058.
From the internet, find:

Any news stories about the company.
Historic share prices - use the closing price.
Financial Ratios.
Any qualitative issues, for example, governance, supply of labour, environmental issues.
A competitor company from the same sector.

There are a number of websites that provide useful information:

Ratios can be calculated from the company

strategy and business planning

Your Task:
You are required to report on how an organisation you are familiar with benefits, or could benefit, from strategic planning (1,500 words maximum)
--the organisation i chose is Burberry because I presented about it. ao the essay should be about burberry.

-- p.s. I am a first year student in uni, so the essay cant be graduate level.

The objectives of this assignment are:
to assist you in understanding the importance of strategic planning;
to develop the ability to understand the fundamental decisions facing a contemporary business;
to conduct effective management research as an individual student.

In completing this assignment, you should consider:
The nature of strategy and strategic planning (including definitions, relationship with other
concepts, the importance of planning.)
The competitive environment (including the use of appropriate models such as PEST(LE), Porters
5 forces etc.)
Strategic capability (includ

essay 1: Study proposal + essay2

essay 1:
Study proposal
The following are the requirements, I have determined the title
1. TitleDigital Marketing
Direction of the research Fashion Online: evolution, trends and market insights. The social web: Web 2.0 and the growth of Social Media, Integrating online and offline customer experience
2. Reasons (reasons for being interested in the subject)
3. The overall goal of the study
4. A brief overview of the method
5. References/bibliography
Maximum 500 words (excluding research sources, bibliography and appendices)

essay 2:
Write a 300 - 400 words essay (excluding references/bibliography) on the following topic:

"How might the introduction of Blockchain support supply chain visibility in the Fashion sector"

Please note that essay one should be about 450 words, and essay 2 should be about 375 words, not counting references.

Please separate essay 1 and essay 2 in the final document submitted.