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The digital revolution as some call it has brought many benefits and conveniences to people worldwide. It has certainly made travel easier and, in many ways, more interesting. Travel destinations can be explored on smartphones, information combed, and bookings made. Digital devices have unchained business people from their desks and allowed real-time communications through many online channels.

There can be little doubting that many people just love their phones. However, there is mounting evidence that using smartphones is addictive and that it can harm a persons mental and physical health. An article in The Wall Street Journal suggests that smartphone use lowers ones intellect (Carr 2017). Chang (2017) identifies the following eight (8) dangers of excessive phone use:

Injuries and accidents
Posture-related disorders
Screen fatigue
Reduced attention span
Sleeping problems
Disconnection with friends and family
Identity theft
Damage to the spine and ne

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Bleisure is not a word to be found in any dictionary yet, but despite this it is a hot trend in tourism. It can be defined as a combination of business and leisure travel. Whereas tourism statisticians prefer to put visitors in neat boxes, the growing numbers of bleisure travelers are bound to confound the number-counters by blurring the boundaries between market segments.

The following are some of the likely reasons for the popularity of bleisure trips:

Time poverty
A concept liked by millennials
Someone else is paying for the trip (or most of it)
People may not return to the same destinations
Family can be brought along
See more of the world and gain greater knowledge
Have more and different cultural experiences
Two research studies have been completed on bleisure travel and are listed in the sources. The research by BridgeStreet Global Hospitality (2014) found that 60 percent of respondents had taken bleisure trips and another 20 percent intended t

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Will Technology Reduce Business Travel?
Digital technology advancements such as video conferencing seem to be a good substitute for business travel. Some examples of such web conferencing software products are Highfive, RingCentral Meetings, Samepage, Blackboard collaborate, and webinato. They offer features such as electronic hand-raising, shared whiteboard, applications sharing, presentation streaming, and on-demand webcasting. Video conferencing allows businesses to communicate face-to-face virtually, reducing the amount of money and time spent on travel.

Despite this trend, business travel is still an important growing travel segment. For instance, the number of United States business travelers increased by 1.2 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year. There also is growing recognition of the advantages of a face-to-face meeting compared to videoconferencing. One issue is that video conferencing does not allow individuals to emotionally connect with others. In some c

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Anxiety and Worry in the Age of Permanxiety
Destination safety and security is a destination attribute that is extremely important to travelers. In todays global world, however, negative geopolitical events such as the series of terrorist attacks that took place in London and Paris have become all too frequent occurrences. The impact of these negative events, magnified by todays omnipresent Internet connectivity, has created great anxiety and worry among travelers. A Skift report coined the term Permanxiety to describe this emerging travel worry culture.

Although terrorist attacks and mass shootings would only drive away travelers temporarily, other factors that worry travelers could have a more permanent impact on whether they would travel or where they would travel to. Certain activities that travelers have to engage in, such as going through security and immigration at airports, could cause traveler anxiety.

Travelers can also be worried about traveling to a destina

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Culturally-Oriented Hotel Amenity and Service Design
If you are to stay at a hotel, what kinds of services do you expect? While your expectations can vary by what types of hotel you are staying at (e.g., luxurious amenities would be expected for high-end hotels), cultural backgrounds of guests can also influence their preferences, and thus hotel practices. In fact, an increasing number of hotel companies are taking guests cultural background into consideration. Culturally tailored services and amenities can be found in many hotels in the United States.

One particular market that has received increasing attention from the hotel industry is the Chinese tourist market. According to a Skift report (2016), Chinese tourists are projected to be the largest overseas tourist market to the United States by 2020. Hotels are re-designing their offerings to cater to Chinese travelers preferences and habits.

For example, in response to this trend, the Sheraton Boston in the Back Bay

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How did participation in the Korean women's hockey team change "import" players' attitudes about their own racial and/or national identities?  How did their participation change their Korean teammates' attitudes about race and nationality?  Include at least one specific example from each of chapters 8, 10, and 11 in your response.

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In recent years, with the ready availability of online consumer reviews, consumers have increasingly resorted to online reviews for information and decision support. In fact, according to Forrester Research, more than 80 percent of online consumers consult others reviews when making purchasing decisions. Online consumer reviews have become a major assistive mechanism for consumer decision support. Travel purchases such as hotel booking and restaurant selection are such products where consumers increasingly resort to online reviews for information.

Meanwhile travelers are increasingly willing to share online their views of and experiences with tourism and hospitality services. With an increasingly large amount of consumer generated information available, one potential challenge is information overload and information trustworthiness on the part of the consumers as these e-WOMs are essentially generated by strangers, albeit fellow travelers. Consumers spend a large amount of time

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Write a paragraph responding to any ONE of the following questions, supporting your answer with specific examples (information or quotations) from the text and giving your own analysis of those examples.

(1) How does this ordinance represent the purpose of antidoping measures?
(2) Where does it place the blame for doping and/or responsibility for preventing doping (and, therefore, what solutions for doping does it highlight)?
(3) How does it situate China in relation to international antidoping efforts and structures (such as ISO, WADA, IOC)?

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Write a paragraph responding to any ONE of the following questions, supporting your answer with specific examples (information or quotations) from the text and giving your own analysis of those examples.

(1) How do these articles represent the purpose of antidoping measures?
(2) Where do they place the blame for doping and/or responsibility for preventing doping (and, therefore, what solutions for doping do they highlight)?
(3) How do they situate China in relation to international antidoping efforts and structures (such as ISO, WADA, IOC)?

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The form of this piece is not traditional, and it is not a traditional length.  The chorus, which begins at 0:00 and ends at 0:30, is repeated, concluding the second time at 1:00.  This is not a blues form, but it can be represented schematically as AAB.  That is, there is an A section, which is then repeated; and the B section that follows is the same length as the two A sections combined.  How many bars do you count in the chorus (0:00 - 0:30)?

Describe how this trio of musicians phrases the melody together.  Describe how Evans uses chords to support the melody.  Does is sound written?  Is it harmonized?  Is the trio unified? Describe what LaFaro plays during the melody.  Is he just keeping time? After the melody Evans begins his solo at 01:01.  How many choruses does Evans solo?  How many choruses does LaFaro solo?  How is the melody played at the end of the piece?