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Archive for the ‘parenthetical’
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worlds imagine

Read the following primary sources from the travels of John mandeville and hernan cortess letter to Charles V, listed below. Then write a paper 1300-1500 words with a STRONG thesis statement and argument backed up with evidence from the primary sources. Your paper will be a response to one of the questions provided, with your answer serving as a thesis statement.

1. There are things that are obviously untrue in each of these documents. Identify one element that is untrue or highly exaggerated in both documents (that is, one exaggeration you find in BOTH documents). Why is there this similarity in the texts? That is, what does this exaggeration or false information tell us about what Europeans believed to be beyond Europe?

HINT: you want your answer to address the what (was exaggerated or untrue in both documents) and why (was this false information included in both documents). So your thesis will look something like: Both Mandeville and Cortes  mention purple monst