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Archive for the ‘poem’
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

You'll use your creativity to write a memorable study guide for yourself. We all remember things most easily when they are in the form of a song or a chant, with rhythm and rhyme. I'll put the best ones in what I call the https://instruction2.mtsac.edu/elawlor/bioanth/Pages/Poem.html#Examples. so everyone can benefit from the creativity of classmates before the final.
At least 3 stanzas or verses, or at least 12 lines, whichever is more.
Must rhyme and have consistent rhythm.
Must include plenty of accurate content, using course vocabulary correctly.
Must be original (not copied), except that you may use the tune of any song.
Must not include vulgar or derogatory language.
Upload your document to Canvas with a unique filename.
Not: Anth1_poem.doc.
Files with generic names like that will mess up Canvas and my brain and may not get a grade.
Be sure that the filename includes your name and some keyword about your topic.  For example