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Archive for the ‘Software Engineering’
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C++ Pointers Lab

Create two triangle classes, one where the internal properties are stored on the stack and one where the internal properties are stored on the heap.  Each triangle should have a base, height, and a function that returns the area.

Triangles 1:  Create a vector of triangles where everything is stored on the stack. 

Triangles 2: Create a vector of triangles where everything is stored on the heap.

Triangles 3:  Create a vector where the items in the vector are stored on the stack, but the individual items have some data on the heap.

Triangles 4: Create a vector where the items in the vector are stored on the heap, but the individual items use no dynamic memory.

Note:  Think about what version of the triangle you should use for each scenario and make sure you do not have any memory leaks.

Assembly program

Perform a program written in ASSEMBLY 486, on Linux, with the requirements indicated below

The program should ask the user for the name of the file to be read.
The program opens a text file and performs one of the following operations:
1- Read the contents of the file, change the lowercase to uppercase letters, and print the result on the screen
2-Read the contents of the file, change capitals to lowercase, and print the result on the screen
3-Read the contents of the file, eliminate punctuation characters, and print the result on the screen
4-Read the contents of the file, eliminate the figures, and print the result on the screen
5-Read the contents of the file, eliminate all letters, and print the result on the screen
6-Read the contents of the file, leave only the punctuation marks, and print the result on the screen

The previous options must be displayed on the screen and the user chooses the desired option.
After ex

Linux Project

To install and configure a SIP based IP-telephony server.
To be introduced on some telephony features an IP-PBX can provide.
To gain a basic knowledge on SIP server troubleshooting tools.
1- Install and configure a SIP based open source PBX.
2- Configure, connect and test a SIP based soft phone to the installed PBX.
3- Implement the following features that the PBX can provide:
a- Hunt group in ring all mode with three members.
b- Interactive voice response IVR with two levels menu options.
4- Use the PBX built-in SIP trace to log a completed SIP call trace and a failed SIP
phone registration request.
Submission Requirements:
1- An implementation report listing the, PBX network configuration configured
admin users names and passwords, configured extensions list and ring groups.
Also the report should include the requested SIP trace logs.
2- A live demonstration and presentation on the configured PBX; during this

Python code

User Contact
Brinda has recently joined a company and she is working as a software engineer. She was associated with a project to work on relationships. To get hold of the topic she starts writing a code where she takes the details of her colleagues and displays them in an ordered way. Let's help Brinda to complete her code.

Create User class as the parent with the following attributes.

Attribute    Data Type
name    str
age    int
gender    str
contact    Contact
Use __init__() constructor to initialize the variables with respect to class.

Create a class Contact class with the following attributes.

Attribute    Datatype
phone_no    int
email_id    str
address    str
Use the following method to display the details in both class.

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C programming

I need to have a fully working C program, There are five data (plain text) files, namely, the students.txt, courses.txt, registrations.txt, criteria.txt, and performances.txt that keep information. Student file keeps the information about students such as the student number, name, surname, and department in abbreviated form. Course file keeps the information about courses such as the course code and course title. Criteria file keeps the information about course assessments such as the course code, course credit value, homework, lab, quiz, midterm, and final percentages. Registration file keeps the information about the students registrations such as the student number, academic year, semester, and course code. Performance file keeps the information about the students performances such as the student number, course code, and performances.
Below explanations are given for better understanding of the file formats (contents).
A sample line from the student file is 194162 VIANNEY DUSH

Simulating Cache and Virtual Memory Assignment

1. Download    the    file    cache.c    from    the    Assignment8    drop    box.
2. Implement    code    at    each    comment    containing    TODO:    that    performs    the    operation    described    in    the    comment. 
3. The    code    includes    unit    test    code    that    calls    the    various    cache    management    and    virtual    memory    functions.    Verify    your    code    works    but    using    that    unit    test.

Research paper writing on topic “Federated machine learning”

Content: Total word page limit 6-8 pages in IEEE format (you can add 1-2 more pages if you want)
Topic: Federated machine learning
Title: Attractive title on any subtopic related to the topic. (title must include the main topic)
Abstract: Within 6000- 7000 words
Introduction: Broad announcement of the topic, motivation, contribution and organization.
Your Study Report: You should study and report the current state-of-the-art systems and report
for future perspectives. Cite some papers that your claim is backed by evidence. Do not copy
and paste from websites or papers. Turnitin will be used to find plagiarism. Be honest in writing your report. Comparison table must be provided. Also, neat and clean diagrams are expected.
Discussion: You must present a detailed discussion on the selected topic and its future
Conclusion: You must draw a suitable conclusion.

Reports can be prepared either in Latex or Word. The report should be at par with th

Operating Systems Concept Question Quick Help


Consider an index-based file system with the inode containing 64 indexes, 1 indirect index pointing to a disk block containing an array of direct indexes, and 1 2-level index in the usual way. Assume that each index takes 4 bytes.

What is the maximum file size under this arrangement, if a disk block is 1024 bytes? Explain how do you compute this maximum size.

An indirect block has 1024 bytes * 1 index/4 bytes = 256 pointers
So a file has at most 64 + 256 + 256*2 blocks and (64 + 256 * 256^2) * 1024 bytes.

How many disk accesses does it take to read one disk block at location 3000321 within a file, assuming no caching. Justify your answer.

Block 3000321 is block number 2930, which means we have to read the inode, the 2-level index, a direct index, and the data block. 4 reads.

Suicide Checkers C++ Assignment

in terms of the documentation(please refer to the attached pdf project brief), please write a brief paragraph of each of the following " Background and problem understanding ";" Quality of engineering output";" Critical analysis and evaluation" and i will expand on them. And please include any information, citations and references you believe are important to note or are just useful or helpful towards the assignment. and please comment on each line of code(especially where you believe it to be important to note.

Traffic flow simulation C++

This semester the class will create a computer model of traffic flow through an
intersection. It can consist of a train-crossing as part of traffic control or a cross walk.
Originality and creativity is appreciated.
Your program must make use of.
1. functions
2. classes
3. object oriented programming
4. read file
5. notes in code
It is very important that you write readable, well-designed code.
You are encouraged to collaborate,