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Archive for the ‘Software Engineering’
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Computer Science C++ programming assignment

This is a C++ intro to software engineering, this is for a Computer Science class i have to make a race between a turtle and  rabbit. I uploaded the assignment requirements i also uploaded a sample output of how it suppose to look.

please read the bottom 4.GRADING part, the most important part

In order to be graded according the categories listed in section 4.3, your program must meet the following
minimum criteria:
The program must be implemented in C++98, and it must compile and execute in the default course
A correct Makefile must be provided.
The program must successfully complete at least five (5) separate and different (randomized) executions that meet all requirements and constraints described in sections 1 and 2.

Minesweeper game with GUI

Implement in Java with a GUI the game Minesweeper with the following restrictions:

1. Board size: you should give the option to the user to choose at the start of the game between "Beginner", "Intermediate" and "Advanced". The board size and number of mines for each of these three choices are the following: Beginner: board 7x9 and 10 mines, Advanced: board 13x18 and 35 mines and finally Expert: board 22x25 and 91 mines

2. your game should have a timer that displays the number of seconds played so far, if the clock reaches 1 minute for Beginner, 3 minutes for Advanced or 10 minutes for Expert then the game is lost and the mines should explode

3. Implement some small animation of mines exploding and at the same time the game should also make an exploding sound. Obviously only the not yet uncovered mines should explode,the ones that were marked as mines should not explode. Furthermore your program should point out with a red X the locations where the player marked as


I am doing KNN model and I have very imbalanced data like below. Now I want to over sample Buy and Sell Label to be the same amount of Don't Move in my KNN model. I want to use SMOTE Synthetic sampling. I can share my code once a person is able to do it.
Buy    515      Don't move  1473 Sell    466

Investment Recursion

An investment company guarantees a 2% monthly compounded return on your investment.  You want to see how long it takes to reach a total of $500,000 dollars in investment plus return.  Write a program that allows the user to enter a continuous monthly investment (Example - $200 every month) or ($600 every month).  The program should call a recursive method that returns and displays the total months needed to reach the $500,000 dollar goal.

Example - At the 2% compounded monthly rate, and a $400 continuous monthly investment, the first month the user makes $8 interest and has $408.00 dollars, the second month the user adds $400 and makes $16.16 interest and now has $824.16, the third month the user adds $400 and makes $24.48 in interest and now has $1,248.64 dollars, etc.

Display how many total months it takes the user to reach the $500,000 dollar goal.  Remember, the user should be able to input the continuous monthly investment.  The rate is alwa

Computer science Project

Every instructions u need to know is going to be in the file I'll be providing. Also after finishing the code use the example code to check if the code works. Use python the latest version. Use the tester8 file to check if the program works. Thanks!

Logic-based Programming

Via MS Excel, develop a logic-based programming application.

Use the data in the Mod_9_10 OUITBloodPressureTableau.xlsx Excel spreadsheet (or corresponding .zip file). Create a dropdown that allows the user to select:


    County Location

    Hospital Type

Use these selections to determine:

    The total number of patients at the specific hospital

    The average age of patients at the specific hospital (combined, male and female),

    The average change in blood pressure over the course of the treatment period from current to 6 months after admission.

Provide an Excel file with one button on it - I will select a state, county and hospital time to test your module. Be sure and save your file as an Excel - Macro-Enabled file structure.

The attached file has some of the codding. I just need the rest were it showes the final result. Also it is an Ecxc

Matplotlib,scipy,pandas,svm,linear regression,multiple linear regression,k-means,



*DEADLINE:* 4-04-20 BEFORE 6:00 PM                                                                                                                           *NOTE:* EVERY INDIVIDUAL HAS TO PREPARE A SINGLE PYTHON JUPYTER NOTEBOOK FILE(.ipynb file) FOR ALL 15 TOPICS. NO TWO STUDENTS CODE SHOULD N

Generating xml/json file based on the value provided from csv/xls/xlsx

*Read only csv/xls/xlsx(sample file Excel2/xlsx) from src location configured in dl-config file.(5 threads at time)
*Rows in a file should be grouped on basis of configured columns mentioned in fileAttributesConfig.properties(grouping scenarios is explained more in fileAttributesConfig.properties)
*Once the group is done , check the sizeConfig from dl_config file if the config is 'Volumne' and based on the sizeLimit copy the files mentioned in COMMAND_FilePath to workDir one it reaches 10 GB stop the file copying but the file which is still under process should be completed eventhough it exceeds more the config size, once the file completes stop it.If the config is 'All' then in group copy all the datafiles irrespective of size
group1 : (Volume Wise)
Ad,AT,AY -10.3GB - once copied start creating a manifest and zip it & rename it and move to zipFileStream path
AY,AG - 10 GB -once copied start creating a manifest and zip it & rename it and move t


Percentages behind each paragraph signify the % of your grade determined by each part.
0) Code compiles (10%)
1) You need to develop a flight management system for an airline. Each flight is characterized
by its flight number, origin airport, destination airport and distance. Airports are
characterized by their three-letter airport code and country code. Airplanes have a type
name, range in km and number of seats. Passengers have a name and integer passport
number. (53.3%)
2) Each flight stores a list of passengers. (6.7%)
3) Passengers store a list of flights they are taking. When a passenger is added to a flight, this
flight also needs to be added to the list of flights stored by the passenger. (3.3%)
4) Each flight has an airplane type. Before a plane is added, the method needs to check
whether the planes range is sufficiently large for the flight distance. If successful, the
method needs to return true. If unsuccessful, it needs to return false.

Coppelia simulation(lua programming)

Hi, I have to create and code an hovercraft on Coppeliasim for it to finish a maze in under 2 minutes I have attached a file of the maze and of an hovercraft. I have to simulate it in two ways: the first way is by using the minimum number of proximity sensor ( my teacher gave us the idea that we can put one in the front and two ray sensors on each side to stay in the middle of the track while going forward), the second way is to use the minimum number of vision sensors) however we cannot do a line following for the vision sensors we have to use the fact that vision sensors can detect the shape and the color of the obstacles it encounters.
The code needs to be written in the lua language.
If you have more question about the assignment instructions don't hesitate
Thank you!