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Archive for the ‘Website designers’
Warning: Use of undefined constant woothemes - assumed 'woothemes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/admin/web/qualityessayresearch.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/cushy/archive.php on line 47


Hi bro I want website for my restaurant it is Asian restaurant but this website is for online responses so a staff member will go on the website then if they need to change shifts, book holidays, or other for anything else they want to they can fill out form and send it then I will receive it. Also I want three pages one with advertisements the other one for response and one with the main homepage saying the business name which is Karahi roti junction. This is project I am doing for my uni so I dont actually want your to create one I just want one so I can show for my project.