JavaScript Form Field Validation and Error Messages
You have created a basic form and added interactivity to images using JavaScript. Now it is time to validate information entered into your form fields. You will use the registration.html file found in your Zip file. You will see that the page has a form that has the following fields for allowing users to register for an account. The items in parentheses are defined formatting instructions to be observed for each field.
Username* (must only contain letters and numbers).
Password* (minimum of 8 characters).
PasswordVerify* (minimum of 8 characters, must match password).
FirstName* (text string).
LastName*( text string).
Email (uses [email protected] format).
PhoneNumber (uses (xxx) xxx-xxxx format).
SignUpNewsletter (radio box for yes/no).
JavaScript is case sensitive so a variable named myVar is different than MyVar and m
Username* (must only contain letters and numbers).
Password* (minimum of 8 characters).
PasswordVerify* (minimum of 8 characters, must match password).
FirstName* (text string).
LastName*( text string).
Email (uses [email protected] format).
PhoneNumber (uses (xxx) xxx-xxxx format).
SignUpNewsletter (radio box for yes/no).
JavaScript is case sensitive so a variable named myVar is different than MyVar and m