

Compare And Contrast The Four Models For Proposal Development

When developing and implementing a grant proposal, the grantee must consider the project structure and four models for proposal development. Understanding this framework helps to fine tune the proposal and ensure that consideration has been given to selecting the appropriate resources required to carry out the project. 

There are four models that can be used for proposal development and implementation: individual, consultative, cooperative, and collaborative. Working as an individual may be sufficient for smaller projects or a pilot. However, the consultative, cooperative, and collaborative models may be required to carry out more complex work. Each of these models involve careful consideration of the required level of resources, collaboration, and partnerships. 

In preparation for this Discussion, consider the four models of proposal development as well as when each type of design is appropriate. Review this week’s Learning Resources that focuses on these models. Reflect upon the characteristics of persuasive writing learned in Module 2.

By Day 3 of Week 3

Post the following to the Discussion board:

  • In a 2- to 3-slide PowerPoint presentation with      recorded voiceover, compare and contrast the four models of proposal      development (individual, consultative, cooperative, and collaborative) and      how each model would work in your grant-funded project. Persuade your      classmates why your choice of one of these four models is most      appropriately aligned with your proposed project. 

Be sure to support your analysis and conclusions with citations and references in APA format from the Learning Resources and your own research.

By Day 5 of Week 3

Comment on at least three of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question about a colleague’s choice in      selecting their model. Clarify any assumptions and/or gaps that he or she      needs to address.
  • Share a resource with a colleague that supports the use      of the model he or she has chosen.

Discussion 2: Writing Goals and Objectives for Your Grant

A goal is a general statement of what you hope to accomplish with your grant. In grant writing, there are 2-5 goals. Goals are broad generalizations and are abstract, not measurable. Each goal is about the outcome or impacts your grant-funded health education program is going to accomplish. In your goals, you want to catch the eye of the grant reviewers. Your goals must loop back to your needs statement. 

An objective is directly tied to the goal the grant seeker is trying to achieve through grant funding opportunities. Objectives are very targeted and include the outcome(s) that will help accomplish the goal the objective addresses. In grant writing, SMART objective writing application should always apply. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-phased. There should be 2-5 objectives for each goal, and there should be enough objectives to accomplish the goal.  

Below is an example goal and an objective for a goal.

Goal #1: Increase physical activity in children and their parents in Wilmington, Delaware through the “Walking for Life” health education program.

Objective 1A: At the end of the first six months of the “Walking for Life” health education program, 100 parents and their children will increase their daily physical activity to walking at least one mile.
For this week’s discussion board, you will be sharing your health education program’s needs statement, two goals, and two objectives. Ensure all parts of the posting are aligned to guidelines and requirements contained in the RFP. 

Note: To be respectful of your peers, in providing feedback that will be useful to them as they finalize their Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives for Assignment 1, you are encouraged to post your responses to your colleagues by Day 5.

By Day 3 of Week 4

Post the following:

  • Your Needs Statement, Goals and Objectives.

Please use the following templates to develop your goals and objectives.

To develop a goal, use the template below and fill in the blanks and create a sentence:

(Increase or decrease)


(in whom)


(in the name of your health education program).

To develop SMART objectives, use the template below and fill in the blanks and create a sentence:

WHEN—Time bound


from _____________________ to __________________________.
MEASURE with a number, rate, percentage of change, or baseline—Measurable

Be sure to support your analysis and conclusions with citations and references in APA format from the Learning Resources and your own research.

Gitlin, L. N., & Lyons, K. J. (2014). Successful grant writing: Strategies for health and human service professionals (4th ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

· Chapter 5, “Common Sections of Proposals,” pp. 79–104

· Chapter 6, “Strategies for Effective Writing,” pp. 105–115

· Chapter 7, “Common Pitfalls in Proposal Writing,” p. 117–124

· Chapter 8, “Writing Considerations for Specific Research Proposals,” pp. 125–133

Blanco, M. A., Gruppen, L. D., Artino, A. R., Jr., Uijtdehaage, S., Szauter, K., & Durning, S. J. (2015). How to write an educational research grant: AMEE Guide No. 101. Medical Teacher, 38(2), 113–122. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2015.1087483

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Develop SMART objectives. Retrieved June 27, 2017, from https://www.cdc.gov/phcommunities/resourcekit/evaluate/smart_objectives.html

Community Tool Box. (n.d.). Writing a grant application for funding. Retrieved December 17, 2017, from http://ctb.ku.edu/en/writing-grant-application


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