

Country specific entry marketing plan

Country specific entry marketing plan

The major project requires to research an exporting firm using published sources or a real company. You are a small dynamic consulting firm and have won a competitive bid to analyse the (xyz) company and present a report to the board of directors regarding their current Global Marketing operations and make some recommendations about how they can capitalise on their present opportunities and what opportunities they may consider in the future. You are expected to present informed opinions about the firm?s Global Marketing operations which means, you are expected to be critical but will need to provide clear reasons for your comments. As you are an experienced individual, you will refer to your knowledge base and be prepared to back your analysis with your knowledge of theories concepts and prior cases in the analysis, leading up to developing your recommendations.
The project requires you to conduct an analysis of a company that exports its products or services from your home country (i.e. Thailand) . If you are an international student, you will need to consider the export decisions of a company from your home country to another country (not into the country you are studying in), or the decisions of an Australian company exporting to a country other than your home country. The purpose of the project is to enable you to develop research skills regarding a country with which you are not familiar.
You may focus on one product (or one group of products if they are closely related) or service and one country-market for your project.
Either interview one or more executives from a company or use material from published sources to conduct your research.
If you are unable to obtain specific information, you may make reasoned and justified speculations upon the likely basis for those decisions. Such speculations could take the form:
?..management has made x decision to price the product in y market at this z level, based on GDP/Cap in y market, the decision to price the product xx% higher than the home market, plus price escalation based on transport, local taxes and volumes, appears to be a sound one. The reasons for this are two-fold?.?

The following list provides you with an outline. You may not be able to find information to satisfy every heading. You may also comment on your information search strategies, the problems you faced and how you overcame these obstacles. You may also wish to use the GMSSO software for your project on:
This software guides you through the process of developing an international marketing plan. Essentially, this is the same process as completing an audit which evaluates the plan. The subject will need to be registered before you can access the software. Your lecturer will make arrangements to do this.

Assignment Outcomes:
?Apply relevant international marketing concepts and theories;
?Analyse an international business from a marketing perspective in a practical context of a real world firm;
?Predict the impact of future business as it expands its operations across global markets;
?Explain how the international marketing environment influences global marketing decision makers; and
?Demonstrate research capabilities and professional communication skills.
Suggested structure for project
As you will note from the assessment criteria, marks are not awarded for expanding every subheading. You may find that some areas of managerial decisions have been particularly complex, in which case you may focus on these particular topics in greater depth. If you have any doubts about this, please consult the lecturer. You may use the following points to interview executives involved in export or international marketing.
Executive Summary
One page overview explaining the major issues such as the firm?s level of overall progress on the learning curve, its internationalisation decisions and viability of future expansion (not counted in word limit).
1. The product and the firm
Briefly describe the company and its background including the industry, size and length of operations.
Describe the firm?s experience and expertise with export and comment on the company?s present level of internationalisation, the number of years it has been exporting and the number of countries in which it has a presence and in what form (of market entry).
Description of the product or service ? level of adaptation of product or service to new markets.
2. Market analysis decisions prior to entry
Market selection criteria and analysis ? decision to target the market: opportunistic or pro-active?
Analyse the firm?s preparedness to export when they first entered the market. Present your analysis on the degree to which you believe they had the capability to deal with the complex global market into which they were about to enter (state your reasons)
How does the above situation compare with the firm?s present status?
3. Market research undertaken prior to market entry
Describe and analyse the pre-market entry analysis undertaken by the firm (if any):
?Secondary research
?Primary research
?Market segmentation
?Market potential.
Comment on the adequacy of the research undertaken and whether, given the resources available, the firm could have benefited from further research and analysis. Present your assessment ? with reasons.
4. Evaluation of the market environment
Based on the research conducted, describe the general market environment and characteristics faced by the firm. Consider obtaining this information from secondary data sources:
?Cultural characteristics
?Economic status
?Political/legal environment.
Comment on how the firm developed an understanding of these elements and the types of risks created.
Comment on whether factors such as the recent events such as terrorism, war, health crises or natural disasters have impacted on the firm?s decisions. See if you can find a risk profile using something like the BERI index to analyse the firm?s global risk exposure.
5. Market entry
Given your assessment of the firm?s market environment and its capabilities, evaluate the market entry strategy and comment on the possible feasibility of other alternatives based on short- and long-term market presence and the level of competition.
Describe the development of networks in the market entry decision – attempt to map the network of intermediaries and other entities that create a market presence for the firm.
6. The marketing mix
Briefly describe the general and specific influences of the environment on the marketing mix. You only need to describe and analyse the types of decisions leading to the outcomes.
Comment on the restrictions and opportunities available for decision making in each case.
?Product ? new product or level of adaptation
?Pricing ? basis of setting price for the market
?Advertising and promotion ? basis of strategy adopted
?Channel selection ? structure, legal and strategic implications
7. Assessment of the viability of present and future international marketing for the firm
Assess the general decision making frameworks within this firm and comment on how you would improve these.
Comment on the future changes the firm could consider (evidence of learning from experience).
Evaluate the viability of the firm?s market presence in the present market and potential for future expansion into new markets.
What markets would you recommend and why?
Outline a brief plan for future expansion.

Criteria for assessment of International Marketing Report.
1. Description of firm?s managerial problems and decisions
2. Analysis of management decisions leading to the present using subject concepts. Draw on all subject material to back up your observations.
Note: merely describing ?the firm?s situation? does not constitute analysis. You need to express an informed opinion about what you think is happening and why by drawing on concepts, theories and case studies from the subject material.
3. Consideration of alternative approaches to solving problems encountered by management
4. Based on the firm?s present situation what viable options are available for the future?
5. Depth and quality of research and initiative in solving research problems
6. Overall quality of report presentation (spelling, grammar, appropriate referencing and clarity of written communication)



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