

Discussion 2

This my essay we call it chevy:
Higher education is a concept that is highly regarded and associated with the development of society. It focuses on creating and initiating prepared minds for graduates in handling issues arising in the global construct (Williams, 2017). It functions to ensure that knowledge acquisition attains relevance by creating specialized programs that promote social cohesion. Since higher education affects most people across the culturally diverse world, it is considered a public service entity. It means that it becomes a human right that should be accessed by every individual (Shaw, 2018). It enables people to get ahead of work and life by developing relevance through the development of skills. Through this, higher education creates more benefits, which helps in reforming processes across the globe.

Based on the public nature of higher education, it should be funded as a public good. The government is responsible for handling issues regarding the public domain (Shaw, 2018). They also play a vital role in controlling the funding allocated to different sectors of the economy (Santiago et al., 2019). It is, therefore, their mandate to pay for education by making it available to most of the people within the country.

Higher education is, therefore, essential and plays a significant role in facilitating development. Ideas generated within this context does not make a difference with which institution is discussed (Santiago et al., 2019). As described through the Overview of Higher Education in the United States, institutions vary in purpose and mission. The existence of public and private institutions ensures that they have diverse responsibilities (Williams, 2017). The institutions developed within the US are essential in making higher education accessible and affordable to the adverse category of people. The difference in the structural and initial implementation of processes creates a synergy where competition is enabled. It is essential to consider that the purposes of the institutions may vary.


Williams, G. (2017). Higher education: Public good or private commodity?. Files.eric.ed.gov. Retrieved 17 September 2020, from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1160071.pdf.

Santiago, P., Arnal, E., Tremblay, K., & Basri, E. (2019). Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society. Oecd.org. Retrieved 17 September 2020, from http://www.oecd.org/education/skills-beyond-school/41266690.pdf.

Shaw, J. (2018). education a bad public good. Retrieved 17 September 2020, from https://www.independent.org/publications/tir/article.asp?id=804.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. As you read their responses, note those to which you would like to respond with advice, questions, comments, and/or encouragement.

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in any of the following ways:

Discuss the similarities and differences in your opinions.
Propose an alternative viewpoint.
Offer additional information supporting your colleagues stance.
Note: Align your posts and responses to the Response Analysis and Thought Process Grid you reviewed in your Required Resources, which will help you design higher-order thinking questions and responses to the Discussion.

My first colleagues is Ford essay:
Higher education should be seen more as a way to raise the level of education knowledge. America is known to be one of the nations that the world looks up to and continue to keep this status the citizens need to have the knowledge to achieve excellence, enter better careers, and operate this country well. It should be a culture to want to have educated citizens and this means that investment needs to be focused here by our government. Many colleges and universities may see higher education as a “private good”, due to the fact that they earn money from students (NYU,20). Though there are many schools that focus on the main cause and this is top quality, effective education for students. As I personally would like to see this as a public service it is not. All individuals must pay and work to gain more knowledge and enter a professional field of their choosing. Colleges and Universities enable students to be able to do this.       

        The cost of gaining more knowledge in a higher institution is pricey. It is up to the student to decide how they are going to pay for classes. Though the government has a huge role to play in helping finance it’s citizens in paying for school. Colleges and Universities are financed in the idea of limited government involvement and the belief of market competition to improve quality and efficiency (Acenet.edu). Universities make revenue through tuition and fee payments from students. This meaning it is their responsibility to figure out how to pay for the services. The government backs the institutions by offering grants, federal/state loans, etc.         

        It is important to realize that the American Council of Education explains how community colleges receive revenue from local governments, but universities do not as often. There are many methods for universities to help students prepare to pay for schooling, and it is up to the individual to figure it out.         

        It does make a difference when it comes to what institution is being discussed. The “Overview of Higher Education” presentation goes into great detail about this. Liberal arts colleges and Universities offer students to obtain up to Master’s Degrees. Community Colleges offer associates degrees to prepare students to transfer to four-year institution’s (Laureate-media, 20). These institution’s offer different programs depending on the path that the student wants to take. Some are more affordable and have higher acceptance rates while others are vice versa. They all hold different responsibilities of what they offer for the student. It creates a diverse atmosphere for individuals to decide what school to attend based off programs, pricing, classes, etc.       

    In conclusion, I believe that higher education is greatly needed in this nation. I believe people have many options in choosing how, where, and when they want to attend a higher institution. It truly is a “private good” because it enables us to educate ourselves and get positions that other individuals may not qualify for.


Communications, N. (n.d.). Reflection: Access that Matters – Quality Education for All. Retrieved September 14, 2020, from https://www.nyu.edu/about/leadership-university-administration/office-of-the-president-emeritus/communications/reflection-access-that-matters-quality-education-for-all.html

Higher education should be funded as a public good.

(n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2020, from https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20180313102919183(n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2020, from https://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/EDUC/6155/02/mm/overview/index.html

This essay ford compare it to my own essay and follow the instructions that is above make sure their good reference and strong body

The essay is chevy compare it to my own essay.the second person essay we call Dodge:::The purpose of a public service is to help others and/or expand the greater good of society. Higher Education takes part in advancing the knowledge and culture in society, meaning it benefits society, thus it should be seen as a public service.  In Defense of American Higher Education, Gumport (2001, p. 87) reports that some see higher education as a corporate model, but even producing and selling goods and services, training the workforce, advancing economic development and performing research can also be seen as ways in which higher education is benefiting society, therefore is still a public service.
Society is its people, businesses and government, and since higher education benefits society, then the alliances that make up a society should take part in paying for higher education. Many people argue about the cost of Higher Education, but do they really know what a Higher Education needs in order to ensure the success of its students? Higher Education is not only instructors and students, its administrators, business officers, legal experts, student affairs staff, countless student services and facilities (Altbach, 2001). Each of these requires people, knowledge, commitment, technology and/or equipment and time. If one is missing, it may alter the success of the student and possibly the success of the next generation.
Although there are several types of institutions such as private, public, religious, specific population, community colleges and technical schools (U.S. Department of Education, 2005), all serve a purpose to educate and train students to become successful in their career field and pass it on to the next generation. Some institutions may only specialize and focus on particular subjects and/or trainings, but once these students have completed their schooling, they are prepared to enter the career field. At Research Universities instructors are presumed to focus more on their research than their teaching (Altbach, 2001), but this research can be used to enhance higher education and since higher education is a public service, it improves society. Society never remains the same there are constant changes, so we need this research to prepare us for whatever society throws at us.


Altbach, P. G. (2001). Chapter 1: The american Academic Model in Comparative Perspective. In P. J. Philip G. Altbach, In Defense of American Higher Education (pp. 18-19, 28-30). Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.

Gumport, P. J. (2001). Chapter 4: Built to Serve: The Enduring Legacy of Public Higher Education. In P. J. Philip G. Altbach, In Defense of American Higher Education (p. 87). Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.

U.S. Department of Education. (2005, Feburary). Organization of U.S. Education: Tertiary Institutions. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/international/usnei/edlite-index.html

Repost instructions again
Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in any of the following ways:

Discuss the similarities and differences in your opinions.
Propose an alternative viewpoint.
Offer additional information supporting your colleagues stance.

I should see two paragraphs compare
One paragraph of ford compare chevy please have good reference in body and intro follow instructions
Second paragraph dodge compare with chevy essay please good reference in body and strong conclusion.


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