

Enabling Occupation for occupational therapist: MEntal Health scenario

Assignment Requirements


I will attach what I did for the previous presentation which was 25 mins but this one is a 15 mins one. I will attach the marking rubric, template for the script later.

Assessment item 4

Oral exam – Mental health case scenario

Value: 25%

Due date: Variable

Return date: 

Length: 15 minute oral presentation, 5 minute questions

Submission method options

Alternative submission method


This 15 minute oral presentation requires you to work individually to:

1. develop a client profile
2. outline an occupational therapy program/intervention plan
3. describe, demonstrate and/or role play at least one intervention session
4. describe the professional reasoning process
5. describe the anticipated outcomes for the client and how this will be measured/evaluated
6. deliver a 15 minute individual presentation to markers [and peers] during the allocated time. Participate in question time (5 minutes) after the presentation to answer questions and demonstrate an understanding of the presentation
7. provide markers with a copy of the presentation and a reference list (APA 6th formatting)

1. Develop a client profile

  • You will be allocated a client practice scenario. Research the client’s condition to understand the impact it is likely to have on their occupational performance. Use this information to develop a client profile.
  • Choose a theoretical model used in occupational therapy and apply it to the practice scenario. Use the model to present key information about your client e.g. their occupational roles and preferences, strengths and attributes and other personal, social and environmental details important to develop the scenario and describe the client.
  • Identify and present four occupational performance problems that your client is experiencing. Any identified occupational performance problems need to be realistic and consistent with the client’s age, their current situation and their condition or diagnosis. Use references to ensure the created scenario is realistic and to demonstrate you understand the nature of the client’s occupational performance difficulties.
  • Identify and present your client’s strengths and resources. If appropriate, this may be included within the occupational therapy theoretical model
  • Present the overall aim of occupational therapy
  • Present one long-term goal to achieve this aim
  • Present two short-term goals to achieve the long-term goal

2. Occupational therapy program/intervention plan

  • Identify possible interventions/enabling strategies that could work towards your client’s overall aim and goals. These need to be selected based on the person’s current situation, environment (e.g. acute hospital, community etc) and prognosis.
  • Provide an outline of the overall occupational therapy program/intervention plan for the client, including anticipated time frames and frequency of occupational therapy contact.

3. Session plan
Describe, demonstrate and/or role play at least one intervention session to address a client goal. Include enough information so your session plan will be able to be followed or implemented by another occupational therapist; e.g. how you will explain the intervention to the client, any required equipment and environmental set-up, options for grading activities, additional resources you might use or any additional information that explains what you are planning to do during the session.

4. Professional Reasoning
Describe the process to:

  • explain how possible intervention options/approaches were researched
  • introduce any other suitable intervention option/s you considered for this client and justify why the final intervention/s were selected in preference to the other option/s
  • describe the evidence used to support your decisions

5. Progress and outcomes
Discuss how you will monitor and evaluate your client’s progress and the outcomes of the intervention.
This can be included within session plans as well as incorporated into the overall assessment/intervention process.

6. Answer questions
There will be up to 5 minutes’ question time after the presentation. Questions can be used to clarify information and may provide the opportunity to demonstrate understanding by elaborating on the presentation content.

7. References
Provide the markers with a digital or hard copy of the presentation.
Each student is required to submit a reference list or annotated bibliography using APA 6th formatting to the markers at the start of the presentation.

This assessment task corresponds to the following subject objectives:

  • be able to demonstrate professional reasoning to identify the effects that physical, social, emotional, mental, and/or cognitive impairments may have on occupational performance;
  • be able to design and plan a range of enabling strategies/interventions, informed by theory and assessments, to enable an individual to engage in relevant occupations;
  • be able to use a range of evidence to support professional reasoning;
  • be able to work on problem-based scenarios to reflect professional reasoning;
  • be able to use a range of enabling skills to promote occupational engagement of individuals.

It is essential that occupational therapists are able to research, select and justify appropriate intervention approaches for their clients; develop suitable intervention session plans and communicate this to the client and other members of a multidisciplinary team.
Marking criteria

OCC300 Oral presentation Marking Rubric

Content 50%
Client profile 15% Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%)
Client profile and application of occupational therapy model Client description is vague, incomplete and/or unrealistic. References are not included to support statements about the client’s condition. Description of the client is somewhat realistic, but some aspects are unclear, undeveloped or overly simplistic.
Poor quality references (i.e. websites) are used to support statements about the client’s condition.
Accurate and realistic description of client.
Description incorporates most key information from provided scenario and uses references to support statements about the client’s condition. Description incorporates key information from provided scenario and uses acknowledged references to support statements about the client’s condition. Description incorporates and enhances key information from provided scenario and uses acknowledged references to support statements about the client’s condition.
Occupational therapy model not included or presented with several errors/omissions (>4) Occupational therapy model has minor errors and/or omissions of key client information (<4) Occupational therapy model correctly applied. Used to present most key client information. Occupational therapy model correctly applied and used to present key client information. Occupational therapy model correctly applied and used to present and elaborate key client information.
No explanation of model included or attempted explanation contains several errors. Explanation of model is attempted but lacks detail specific to client and/or contains minor errors (<4). Attempted explanation accurately describes the model and incorporates some relevant client detail. Explanation is accurate and integrates relevant client information. Application and explanation of model demonstrates clear understanding of model concepts and enhances presentation of client information.
Occupational issues, aims and goals Issues/aims/goals identified are inconsistent with scenario and/or not client-centred..

Statements about the client’s strengths and difficulties are inaccurate or lack occupational language/ focus.

Occupational issues aims/goals are realistic, but not clearly linked to client scenario.

Attempts to use occupational language contain minor errors.

Identifies realistic occupational issues/aims/goals based on key information in client scenario. Uses appropriate occupational language. All occupational issues/aims/goals are realistic, client-centred and consistent with key information in client profile.
Uses appropriate occupational language for audience. Intended audience clearly identified and language crafted appropriately.
Intervention and evaluation 35% Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%)
Describe intervention options and evidence


intervention options are not appropriate for client and/or do not address the identified aims/goals.

No attempt to incorporate/apply evidence or attempts are inaccurate/incorrect.

Intervention options selected are appropriate and realistic to use with client but may not clearly relate to key information in scenario and/or address client aims/goals.

Attempts to reference/apply appropriate evidence.

Intervention options selected are appropriate and realistic to use with client.

Evidence included is descriptive and mostly relevant.

selection and justification of interventions is suitable for the client, their goals/aims and closely resembles authentic clinical practice.
Evidence included is descriptive and relevant. Evidence included is interpreted and appropriately applied with clear relevance to client.

Develop an intervention session plan


Session plan lacks detail through the omission of several minor elements or one or more major elements (see pass criteria) and/or plan is difficult to follow/replicate. Presented session plan includes:

1.explantion of intervention to the client/team

2. environmental set up and required equipment

3. options for grading with no more than two minor omissions/errors.

Session plan: incorporates all essential elements (see pass criteria)
is mostly realistic/suitable for client.

Contains key information, but detail may not always be appropriate for target audience to follow/understand.

has sufficient, realistic, clear detail to be followed/understood/implemented by target audience
  presentation of session plan enhances information being conveyed.
evaluate the intervention/s


No attempt is made to evaluate the intervention and/or proposed evaluation approach/es contain major errors. Evaluation is generally suitable for client scenario and included as a separate stage of the occupational therapy process. Evaluation is suitable for client and directly related to client aim/goals.
  attempt has been made to integrate ongoing assessment/evaluation into the occupational therapy process. evaluation/assssment is well selected, dynamically incorporated into session plans and integrated in the overall intervention process.
15% Presentation
Structure: Content demonstrates logical progression and cohesion Content is delivered in separate and unrelated parts and is difficult to follow/understand due to lack of logical progression and cohesion. Attempts are made to structure content and link ideas. Some sections are difficult to follow due to a lack of logical progression and cohesion. Content is organised with clear links between sections/ideas. Information is presented in a mainly cohesive, logical sequence. Presentation is a cohesive, logical flow of relevant content and ideas.
  Content structured and delivered with creativity and innovation.

Presentation is of near professional quality.

Use of resources e.g. audio-visual, handouts, props




No attempt is made to incorporate suitable resources into the presentation or the resources selected are not relevant. Audio-visual and other resources are used in the presentation, but are not always necessary to support the information being presented. Use of audio-visual and other resources support the information presented and assist the audience’s understanding of the topic. Strategic selection and use of audio-visual, other resources and/or physical space enhances information presented.
  Resources are of a high quality and clearly relevant to content.
Use of allocated time Presentation is not finished in the required timeframe or finishes more than 3 minutes early. Presentation finishes early (<3 minutes) or meets the required timeframe but needs to be stalled or hurried to do so. Presentation is organised to meet the required timeframe
Presentation finishes < 2 minutes early Able to modify presentation to meet timeframe and maintain quality of delivery/content. Consistent pace maintained throughout presentation.
25% Communication and questions


Fail (<50%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%)
Language choices terminology is over-used and/or used with several inaccuracies.

Intended meaning is frequently unclear and/or language is not suitable for intended audience.

Intended meaning is clear most of the time; correct terminology is used, but this is not always suitable for the intended audience. Audience is clearly identified. Intended meaning is clearly conveyed by effectively balancing use of correct terminology and plain language explanations.
Language is selected to suit identified audience with infrequent minor lapses. Language selection suits identified audience. Language is consistently crafted for intended audience and selection is of near professional quality.
  In your presentation, you demonstrated a vocal quality that:
vocal quality meant that the audience strained to hear or understand the words allowed the audience to understand most of the words through your use of an audible voice and articulation assisted the audience’s understanding of the words through your use of emphasis, a clearly audible voice and articulation
used a monotone or pace that did not generate audience interest or engagement generated some sporadic audience interest mostly using a monotone with minor changes in pace generated some audience interest through variations in tone and pace interspersed with monotonal delivery and fixed pace   maintained audience interest through variations in tone and pace
interaction with audience During the presentation you:
stood in front of the audience and: partially interacted with the audience by: interacted with the audience by:
stared at the script or a point in the distance occasionally making eye contact and having a mostly closed or overly casualposture making frequent eye contact and having amostly open posture maintaining eye contact and having an open, relaxed posture
  enhanced interaction via appropriate use of space, gesture and/or body language
responses to questions responded to question/s in a defensive manner responded in an overlyformal or informal manner responded in a formal and prepared manner responded in a relaxed and mostly confident manner responded in a confident and relaxed manner
unable to answer question/s and/or responded to questions incorrectly or without answering them. answered questionspartially correctly – one major or more than 3 minor errors/omissions. answered questions mostly correctly with minimal (<3) minor errors or omissions.

Adds suitable depth and detail with prompting.

answered questions from the audience correctly and succinctly with suitable depth and detail.
  relates/integrates responses with other concepts.
References and research 10%
  Fail (<50%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%)
References use APA 6thformatting; evidence of research and annotations Reference list inaccurate, incomplete or not provided. APA 6th referencing not used or used with numerous (more than 5) errors.


Reference list complete.

Use of APA 6th referencing with some minor inconsistencies and errors (<5).

Some references of a low quality (i.e. older or less relevant journal articles, outdated textbooks, websites). No annotations or search strategy included.

Reference section complete with APA 6th referencing used accurately.
Evidence of a range of reading and use of relevant references from acknowledged sources, but search strategy is not clearly explained.

Annotations are included and reflect literal description of article.

Range of high quality references used beyond reading provided (i.e. current, relevant journal articles, text books). Annotations demonstrate understanding/application of article as a whole.
Search strategy included, but lacks sufficient detail to replicate. Clear search strategy included.




Students are encouraged to be creative in their approach to this presentation and may choose to
combine audio-visual content with role plays/re-enactment and/or use written material (e.g. brochures,
handouts) and other resources/strategies to support the presentation and address the task requirements.


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