

Energy for political science-Term paper

CSN Political Science 101: Final papers “OPTION A”:
(you will post and respond to each other in an Angel forum)
During our last week/last class, POST your final paper (and all components of it…see below) on ANGEL as a single file on or before 9pm of our last class day.  Next, respond to 2 (or more) of your peer’s papers by midnight as part of the final requirements.
Seek insights from your colleagues, offer insights for them too!
*Save the papers as a word document with your name in the file name (as “.doc” file extension).  Otherwise, post as a text file.   It is important that you do NOT save it as a Word 2007 or newer document (“.docx” file), since not everyone can read that.
5-7 pages, including brief 1page letter, double spaced, 1″ margins, plus a brief outline and references page…any style.

FINAL PAPER, including a 1-page letter to the official of your choice.
On Domestic or Foreign Policy:  YOUR CHOICE of policy topic!

Select ONE policy area or specific program that falls under the category of either US domestic policy or US Foreign Policy.  Check your textbook chapters on these subjects.  You may email me or speak with me about your topic selection in advance.  Consider the following instructions and hints:
?    Identify and describe the selected policy or program in some depth.  For example, you may describe and discuss any specific policy or program advanced by George W. Bush and his cabinet during his 8 years in office.  You may describe and discus any policy or program under the current President Obama.  Regarding your selected policy or program, what issues and problems can you identify?
?    Attempt to analyze and evaluate the selected policy or program.   Think critically.  Does the policy make sense?  Is it effective?  Fair?  Just?   Equitable?   Flawed or erroneous?   Have any questionable or mistaken assumptions made?   In short, try to identify any wisdom or error of the policy.   Does it “work”?   If so, how well does it work, and for who?
?    Consider any special interests or public interest groups involved in the relevant policymaking.  Identify and discuss any “policy networks” or “Iron Triangles”, which involve special interests (or special interest groups) and lobbyists.  Very importantly, discuss any democratic deficits (or shortcomings) that you perceive.  For this, Use Robert Dahl’s book On Democracy when considering any democratic deficits.  Any implications, issues, or conclusions for our contemporary democracy?  Consider his book in its entirety.
?    Develop your own position on the policy that you selected for examination.  What do YOU think about the policy, and who or what influences your selected policy?  If you selected a President G.W. Bush policy for analysis, in your opinion, has President Obama changed some aspect(s) of that policy?  Has President Obama made, or is he making, any changes regarding that policy?   If so… HOW?  Any suggestions?  Any proposed reforms?  Take a position and argue for it.  Write a one page letter to the official of your choice (as part of your single document, following the paper) arguing your position and calling for whatever actions you may.  Seek a response.

What kinds of policy areas can you examine and discuss?
For example, under the area of domestic policy, you may look at policies relevant to economic policies, healthcare, education, drugs, crime, immigration, the environment, energy (maybe focus on policy regarding alternative energy?).  Energy and environmental policy can involve both domestic as well as international issues.
Obviously, economic policies (including those regarding finance/banking/home loans/credit) are in great debate today, as we are in the midst of the “economic crisis”.  You could, if you like, take on the “stimulus” package or specific bailout policies and issues.  You might utilize some aspects of the film “Inside Job”, perhaps.  Regarding the economic crisis and policies, you might specifically examine the case of Nevada and or Las Vegas.
***In any case, you should choose only one policy area and get into some depth of analysis.  Narrow your focus.

Under the area of foreign policy, you might attempt to describe President Bush’s approach to handling perceived threats to the USA.   In what ways did G.W Bush change US Foreign policy?   How does the USA respond to perceived threats, and how has this policy changed (in contrast to earlier Presidential administrations)?  What is the “Bush Doctrine”?   Any meaningful implications?   Implications for Obama and any policy changes by Obama?   Is Obama doing anything differently?   If so, what?   How?   How might things change under Obama, and why (or how have they already changed)?
Perhaps you would like to focus on our policy toward Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya (perhaps policy is being reformed, even during the length of this course?).
*One good hint: if you choose foreign policy regarding war, you should probably see the film “The Fog of War” online for free (Google Video or You Tube). WOW.  Also, perhaps see “Rethink Afghanistan”.   It is very relevant as well!

Included as part of the paper: write a one-page letter to an official of your choice.
***As part of this assignment, and after writing your paper, write a brief letter outlining your position regarding the topic that you wrote about in your paper.  Summarize your main points and policy arguments mentioned in your paper (no need to include references to Dahl in this letter).  This letter should be one page or less, and counts toward your total number of pages for the paper.  Address the letter as an email or regular letter and send your arguments and positions to any relevant elected or administrative official(s) of your choice (if you are willing)!  Whether you actually send the email or letter is up to you.  When you post it in the discussion topic, let us know if you received any reply.
?    Email me with your topic selection and some idea of what you would like to do.
?    Use your writing center if you feel the need.
?    Start with a brief one-page outline (1 page max).
?    A fairly broad and deep use of sources will help you gain better perspective and enable more thoughtful argument in your papers.
?    Be sure to save the paper with references and outline as a single .doc file (word file).   No “.wps” or “.docx” files please.   You will be posting them to the discussion board.
Email me with any questions through Angel (maybe best).  You may call me at 413-537-7901 cell.

Regarding the paper/letter format: Double-spaced (letter may be single spaced), 5 to 7 pages (including the 1 page letter to the official), size 12 font, 1” margins, page numbered, citations and a reference page.  Seek several references (six or more would be good).  Cite all info that is borrowed or quoted.  You choose the style.  Parenthetical citations may be easiest.  For example… (Tucker, 2008: p91), or any consistent style.  Include a reference page and a brief outline.  Do NOT rely on Wikipedia or other encyclopedias or dictionaries.  Live links are fine also, wherever you want to insert them.

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