

Governance and Public Policy

Assignment Requirements


Critically discuss the following quotation: “The job of government is to provide the stitches that link the patchwork, not prescribe the colour, shape and texture of every separate piece of the quilt. The best of the new links will be created by people who rely on their own practical, tacit knowledge of what is needed and who harness their own anger and frustration into a new and positive energy. They may well be uncomfortable for politicians and bureaucrats alike, but that is what democracy is all about. People problems are not neat and tidy packages to be handled by experts at the centre.”(Edgar 2001:193).please I need a good essay and paraphrase, and I need to flow the refernce becuse the Dr need it like that.


The following references are grouped thematically and can be used to prepare for your assignments and class discussions each week. You are not expected to read more than three readings per week.

Introduction to governance

Ahamed, S. and Davis, G. ‘Public policy and Administration’ in The Australian Study of Politics Rhodes, R. (ed) Palgrave. Basingstoke.

Bevir, M. and Rhodes, R.A.W., 2003, “Searching for civil society: changing patterns of governance in Britain”, Public Administration, 81(1):41-62.

Bevir, M. and Rhodes, R.A.W., 2003, “Traditions of governance interpreting the changing role of the public sector”, Public Administration, 81(1):1-17.

Du Gay, P.2002a. How responsive is ‘responsive’ government? Economy and Society Vol. 31 Number 3: 461-482
Du Gay, P.2002b. A common power to keep them all in awe: A comment on governance. Cultural values Vol. 6 Number 1:

Peters, B.G. 2001. The Future of Governing: Four Emerging Models, 2nd ed., University Press of Kansas.
Peters, P. and Savoie. 2000 Governance in the Twenty-First Century: Revitalising the Public Service, McGill-Queen’s

University Press, Montreal.
Peters, BG, 2001 The future of governing 2nd edition, revised. University Press of Kansas, see chapter 9 , pp 177-201 Pierre, J. & Peters, B.G, 2000, Governance, Politics and the State, Macmillan, Chpt 1, ‘Different Ways to Think about

Governance’ & Chpt 4, ‘Governance at Three Levels’
Rhodes, RAW 1997, Understanding Governance. Policy networks, governance, reflexivity and accountability. Open

University Press. Maidenhead.
Edwards, M. 2002. “Public Sector Governance – Future issues for Australia”, Australian Journal of Public Administration,

61(2), pp. 51-61.
Loughlan, J. 2004. “The transformation of governance: new directions in policy and politics”, Australian Journal of Politics

and History, 50(1), pp. 8-22.
Jreisat, Jamil, E. Editor . 2002. Governance and Developing Countries, Introduction and Chapter 1. Brill. Boston Fukuyama, F. 2004. State Building: Governance and world order in the 21st Century, Cornell University Press, New York,

Ithaca., chapter 2.

Good governance

Cashdan.B 2002. ‘Local Government and Poverty in South Africa’ in Parnell, S. Pieterse, E., Swilling, M, and Wooldridge, D. Democratising local government. The South African experiment. University of Cape Town Press. Lansdowne.

McLeod, R.H. 2007. Democracy and the promise of good governance. Indonesian update series. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Singapore.

Addressing complex systemic challenges

Australian Public Service Commission 2007. ‘Tackling wicked problems’. http://www.apsc.gov.au/publications- Accessed 8/01/2013

Beck, 1992 Risk Society , chapter 8 ‘ Opening up the political
McIntyre-Mills, J. 2003. Critical Systemic Praxis. For social and environmental justice: participatory policy design for a

global age. The Contemporary Systems Series Kluwer, UK. London.
McIntyre-Mills, J 2006 Systemic Governance and Accountability, Springer, London, New York, chapters 1-3. McIntyre-Mills, J 2008a. User-centric design to meet complex needs N.Y. Nova Science.
McIntyre-Mills, 2010a.Representation, accountability and sustainability Cybernetics and Human Knowing McIntyre-Mills,2010b. Representation, accountability and sustainability Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Vol 17.4.51-80. McIntyre-Mills, J with De Vries, D.2010c. ‘Addressing Complex Needs’. Int.J. of Interdiscip Soci Sciences, Vol. 5.5, p.11-

McIntyre-Mills, J with De Vries, D. 2011, Identity, democracy and Sustainability. Emergence. ISCE, USA, Litchfield pp-


McIntyre-Mills.J. 2011. The food and energy crisis: transboundary governance to protect the global commons and the common good’. Social agency: multilevel and multimodal regulation, panel for ‘Democratic Participation in Employment and Societal Regulation, Ecole Normale Superiure.27th-30 June.

Policy and governance process

Aspinal, E. and Fealy, G. 2003. Local power and politics in Indonesia: Decentralisation and Democratisation. Indonesia Update Series. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. The Australian National University. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Bowden, B. 2006. Civil Society, the State, and the limits to Global Civil Society Global Society vol. 20 No 2 April. Fishkin, J and Laslett, P. 2003 Debating deliberative democracy. Blackwell Publishing.
Management Advisory Committee, 2004, Connecting Government- Whole of Government responses to Australia’s Priority

Challenges, APSC, Canberra.
McIntyre-Mills, J. 2003. Critical Systemic Praxis for Social and Environmental Justice: Participatory policy design and

governance for a global age, Kluwer, London.
McIntyre-Mills, J. 2010. ‘Wellbeing, mindfulness and the global commons’. Journal of Consciousness Studies Vol. 17, No.

7–8, 44–72. Rank A (ERA), 32/68 (Impact factor rank, Web of Science), 0.7 (impact factor, Web of Science). Based on

an invited paper delivered at the ‘Towards a Science of Consciousness Studies Conference.
McIntyre-Mills, J. and De Vries, D. 2010a. ‘Addressing complex needs: user-centric design to enhance wellbeing’.

Interdisciplinary conference, Cambridge, July, online presentation accepted by Common Ground, Vol. 5, No. 5, 26. Schoeny, M and Warfield, W.2000. Reconnecting Systems Maintenance with Social Justice” a critical role for conflict

resolution. Negotiation Journal 253-268.
Singer, P. 2002. One World: The Ethics of Globalization, The Text Publishers, Melbourne.
Valdez, J.M. Deliberative Democracy, Political legitimacy and self determination in multicultural societies. Westview.

Political Governance

Rawls, J. 1999. The Law of Peoples with the Idea of Public Reason Revisited, Harvard University Press, London.
Kjaer, A.N. 2004, Governance, Polity Press, Cambridge, Chpt 2 ‘Governance in Public Administration and Policy: Steering

Inter-Organisational Networks’
Rhodes, R., ‘Governance and Public Administration’ (pp. 64-90 only) in Pierre, J., 2000, Debating Governance: Authority,

Steering, and Democracy, Oxford University Press.
Lipschutz, T. 2000. Global civil society reconsidered in Pondering Internationalism. Hobbs, H. Ed. State University of New

Economic Governance and Public Policy

Boston, J., ‘Organising for Service Delivery: Criteria and Opportunities’ & Pierre, J., ‘Externalities and Relationships: Rethinking the Boundaries of the Public Service’, in Peters, B.G. &

Chevalier, J.M.2009.The new energy crisis: climate, economics and Geopolitics. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Fukuyama, F. 2004. State Building: Governance and world order in the 21st Century, Cornell University Press, New York,

Peters, B.G. 2001. The Future of Governing: Four Emerging Models, 2nd ed., University Press of Kansas
Savoie, D.J. (Eds), 2000, Governance in the Twenty-First Century: Revitalising the Public Service, McGill-Queen’s

University Press, Montreal.

Capacity building and knowledge management

Fukuyama, F. 2004. State Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century, Cornell University Press, New York, Ithaca.

Elkington, J., 1997, Cannibals with Forks, Capstone, Oxford. This is the basis for United Nations Agenda 21 policy on sustainable development

Gallhofer, S. and Chew, A., 2000, “Introduction: accounting and indigenous peoples”, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 13(3):256-267.

Gamble, A. ‘Economic Governance’, in Pierre, J., 2000, Debating Governance: Authority, Steering, and Democracy, Oxford University Press.

Kjaer, A.N. 2004, Governance, Polity Press, Cambridge, Chpt 5 ‘Governance in Comparative Politics 1: The State and Economic Development’

Rhodes, R.A.W. 1997, Understanding Governance: Policy Networks, Governance, Reflexivity and Accountability, Open University Press. Buckingham, Chpt 5, ‘Reinventing Whitehall, 1979-95: hollowing out the state’

Wright, V. ‘Blurring the Public-Private Divide’, in Peters, B.G. & Savoie, D.J. (eds), 2000, Governance in the Twenty-First Century: Revitalising the Public Service, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal.

Lawn, P. 2010 Ecological economics: the impact of unsustainable growth. Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Edited by Lever-Tracey, C. 453-472

Stern, N, 2007, The Economics of Climate Change. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press
Stiglitz,J.2010 From measuring production to measuring wellbeing. Australian Productivity Commission Review of

Government Service Provision. 29 July 20 http;//www.pc.gov/lectures/stiglitz
Stiglitz, J. Sen, A. And Fitoussi, J.P. 2010. Mis-measuring our lives: why the GDP doesn’t add up. The New Press. New


Social Governance

Fung, A. and Wright, E.O. 2003. “Deepening Democracy. Institutional innovations in empowered participatory governance”, The Real Utopias Project 1V, Verso, London.

Kooiman, J. ‘Societal Governance’, in Pierre, J., 2000, Debating Governance: Authority, Steering, and Democracy, Oxford University Press, chapter 7.

White, L. 2002. Connection matters: exploring the implications of social capital and social networks for social policy, Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 19(2), pp. 255-270.

Global Governance, Good Governance and Accountability

Beck, U., 1998, Democracy Without Enemies, Polity, Cambridge.
Coghill, K. Federalism: fuzzy global trends Australian Journal of Politics and history. Volume 50, number 4, 2004 41-56. Edwards and Gaventa, J. 2001 Global Citizen Action, Colarado, Boulder
Extracts from Florini, A., 2003, The Coming Democracy: New Rules for Running a New World, Island Press, Washington

Extracts from Wilkinson, R. (Ed), 2005, The Global Governance Reader, Routledge, London.

Gaventa, J. and Cornwell, A. 2001. : Power and knowledge in Reason, P. and Bradbury, H. (Eds) Handbook of Action Research. Sage, London, pages 70-80.

Grugel, J. 1999. Democracy Without Borders. Transnationalization and Conditionality in New Democracies, Routledge, London.

Hyden, G. Court, J. and Mease, K. 2004. Making sense of governance: Empirical evidence from 16 Developing countries. Boulder. London, chapters 1, 2 and 5.

Kjaer, A.N. 2004, Governance, Polity Press, Cambridge, Chpt 7, ‘Governance and the World Bank’
Longo, M. 2004. “Hostile receptions: Dilemmas of democracy: legitimacy and Supranational law”, Australian Journal of

Politics and History, 50(2), pp. 211-228.
Rosenau, J.N., ‘Change, Complexity, and Governance in a Globalising Space’, in Pierre, J., 2000, Debating Governance:

Authority, Steering, and Democracy, Oxford University Press.
Clemencon, R. 2010. Pushing past neo-liberalism: rethinking global climate change negotiations in Routledge Handbook of

Climate Change and Society. Edited by Lever-Tracey, C. 453-472 Strong and weak cosmopolitanism

Archibugi, D. 2008. The architecture of cosmopolitan democracy in The Global Commonwealth of Citizens: Towards Cosmopolitan Democracy. Princeton University Press and also Archibugi, D. 2010. The architecture of cosmopolitan democracy in Brown, G.W. and Held, D.Eds. 2010 Cosmopolitan Reader, Cambridge. Polity Press

Baubock, R 2006 Who are the citizens of Europe? (http://eudocitizenship.eu).Rainer.Baubock (at) eui.eu http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2006-12-23-baubock-en.html Accessed 19 December, 2012.
Beck, U. 2009.World at Risk. Cambridge. Polity.
Beck, U. 2010 ‘Climate for change, or how to create a green modernity’. Theory, Culture and Society. 27(2-3) pp 254-266 Beardsworth, R.2011. Cosmopolitanism and international relations theory.Polity.Cambridge.

Benhabib, S.2002. The claims of culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Benhabib, S. 2004.The rights of others: Aliens, residents and citizens. Cambridge University Press.
Benhabib, S. 2008. On the public sphere, deliberation ,journalism and dignity http//www.resetdoc.org/Benhabib-interview-

media.php. Accessed 27/07/2012
Benhabib,S. 2004 On the existential question that moves her scholarly and political

life .http:globetrotter.berkleu.edu/people4/Benhabib/ Accessed 27/07/2012
Benhabib, S. 2007. Twilight of Sovereignty or the emergence of cosmopolitan norms? Rethinking citizenship in volatile

times. Citizenship Studies vol11 no 1 19-36


Benjamin, C. 2012. Ghastly garnishee abuse exposed. Mail and Guardian, Business, p2
Bohmann, J. and Lutz-Bachman Eds 1997 Perpetual Peace: essays on Kant’s cosmopolitan ideal. Cambridge MIT press. Bohman, J. 2004 Expanding dialogue: The Internet, the public sphere and prospects for transnational democracy. Editorial

Board of the Sociological Review. Blackwell. Oxford.
Bohman, J. 2004. Republican cosmopolitanism The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 12, Number 3, 2004, pp. 336–

Bohman, J. 2005.The democratic minimum: is democracy a means to global justice? Ethics and International affairs.19.no1

Bostrom, N. 2011 Existential risk prevention as the most important task for humanity Faculty of Philosophy & Oxford

Martin School University of Oxford www.existential‐risk.org www.nickbostrom.com
Brown, G.W. and Held, D.Eds. 2010. Cosmopolitan Reader, Cambridge. Polity Press.
Butler, J. 2011: “Precarious Life: The Obligations of Proximity”28/05/2011The Neale Wheeler Watson Lecture 2011, given

by Professor Judith Butler: “Precarious Life: The Obligations of Proximity”. Location: Nobel Museum,

Svenska …http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJT69AQtDtg
Carens, J. 1995.Aliens and Citizens: the case for open borders. In the rights of Minority cultures, Ed Kymlicka, W. Oxford.

Oxford University Press.
Derrida, J. 2005. The Politics of Friendship. Verso. London

Regional Governance

Payne, A. ‘Globalisation and Modes of Regionalist Governance’, in Pierre, J., 2000, Debating Governance: Authority, Steering, and Democracy, Oxford University Press.

Rhodes, R.A.W. 1997. “The European Union, cohesion policy and sub-national authorities in the United Kingdom”, Understanding Governance: Policy Networks, Governance, Reflexivity and Accountability, Open University Press. Buckingham, pp 137-162.

Backstrand, K.2010. ‘Climate change and energy security in the European Union: from rhetoric to practice?’ in Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Edited by Lever-Tracey, C. 453-472

Local and Community Governance

Gaventa, J & Valderrama, C. 1999. Participation, citizenship and local governance: Background note for workshop on “Strengthening participation in local governance”, Institute of Development Studies, June.

Gaventa, J. 2001. Towards participatory local governance: six propositions for discussion. Paper presented to the Ford Foundation, LOGO Program with the Institute of Development Studies, June.

McIntyre, J. Addressing complexity through critical systemic praxis for design, problem solving and governance. International Society for the Systems Sciences 46th Annual Meeting, Shanghai, July 2002 ISBN 09664183-8-7

McIntyre, “Yeperenye dreaming in conceptual, geographical and cyberspace: a participatory action research approach to address local governance within an Australian Indigenous Housing Association”, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 16(5), 309-338, 2002.

McIntyre, J “Critical Systemic Practice for Social and Environmental Justice: a case study of management, governance and policy”, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(1), 3-35, 2002.

McIntyre, J. “Participatory democracy: drawing on C.West Churchman’s thinking when making public policy”, Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 20, 489-498, 2003.

McIntyre, J. 2003. “Participatory Design: the Community of Practice (COP) approach and its relevance to strategic management and ethical governance”, Journal of Sociocybernetics, 4(1), 1-23, 2003.

McIntyre, J 2004 ‘Democracy and Participatory Praxis for Ethical Systemic Governance’ International Society for the Systems Sciences 48th Annual Meeting. Asilomar ISBN 0974073520.

Wynne, B. 1996. May the sheep safely graze? A reflexive view of the expert-lay knowledge divide in Risk, environment and modernity: towards a new ecology Lash, S. Szerszynski and Wynee, B. Sage. London.

Deepening Democracy

Farrell, H. 2012 The Consequences of the Internet for Politics Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 2012. 15:35–5 First published online as a Review in Advance on March 8, 2012

Fung, A. and Wright, E.O. 2003. “Deepening Democracy. Institutional innovations in empowered participatory governance”, The Real Utopias Project 1V, Verso, London.

Christakis, A. with Bausch, K. 2006 How People Harness their Collective Wisdom and Power Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, CT, March 2006.

Dryzek, J. 1999 Democratizing rationality in Discursive Democracy. Cambridge.
Dryzek, J. 2000. Deliberative democracy and beyond: liberals, critics, contestations. Oxford University Press
Edgar, D. 2001. The Patchwork Nation: Rethinking government-rebuilding community, Harper, Sydney – relevant extracts

Essays in Smyth P., Reddel, T. & Jones, A. (eds), 2005, Community and Local Governance in Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney – in particular Geddes, M. ‘International Perspectives and Policy Issues’; Martin, D. ‘Rethinking Aboriginal Community Governance’ & Reddel, T. ‘Local Social Governance and Citizen Engagement’.

Extracts from Florini, Ann. 2003. The Coming Democracy: New Rules for Running a New World, Island Press.
Fung, A. and Wright, E.O., 2003, Deepening Democracy. Institutional innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance.

The Real Utopias Project 1V, Verso, London.
Gaventa, J & Valderrama, C. 1999. Participation, citizenship and local governance: Background note for workshop on

“Strengthening participation in local governance”, Institute of Development Studies, June.
Gaventa, J. 2001. Towards participatory local governance: six propositions for discussion. Paper presented to the Ford

Foundation, LOGO Program with the Institute of Development Studies, June.
Longo, M., 2004, “Hostile receptions: dilemmas of democracy: legitimacy and supranational law”, Australian Journal of

Politics and History, 50(2):211-228.
McIntyre ,J. with Louise Waiblinger, Jennifer Stehn and Steven Marshall. From Hubris to Gaia: Re-designing the future of

public sector education’. Institute of Public Administration of Australia. National Conference. Paper presented by Steve

Marshall, 2003
McIntyre, J., Daley, M, Sharp and C, Waiblinger ‘Review of a community of practice for the Public Sector’- with presented

as a panel at Powerful Connections, IPPA conference, Flinders University, Adelaide, 2002.
McIntyre ,J. “Access Action Plan” in response to the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 to address the following aspects

of access: information, communication, attitude and infrastructure.
McIntyre 2006 Hijab and Systemic governance: Transnational Policy Making and Human Rights in Systems Research and

Behavioural Science: vol. 23 1-22 in press
Pierre, J. & Peters, B.G, 2000, Governance, Politics and the State, Macmillan, Chpt 7,
Reddell, T. 2002. A discussion on “Beyond participation, hierarchies, management and markets: New governance and place

policies”, Australian Journal of Public Administration 61 (1) pp50-63 Interagency Policymaking

Clarke, J.N. and McCool, D. 1985. “Differentials in Agency Power”, Staking out the Terrain: Power Differentials Among Natural Resource Management Agencies, SUNY Press, Albany, pp. 1-16.

Kjaer, A.N. 2004, Governance, Polity Press, Cambridge, Chpt 4 ‘European Governance: Between International Relations and Public Policy’

Wilson, J.Q. 1989. “Problems”, Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It, Basic Books, New York, pp. 315-332.

Minogue, M., Polidano, C and Hulme Ed 1998. Beyond the new Public Management: Changing ideas and Practices in Governance. Edward Elgar. Northhampton, see chapter 5 on social inclusion,pp76-93

Leichenco, R. Thomas, A. And Barnes, M. 2010. Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Edited by Lever-Tracey, C. 133-151

Integrated Policymaking

O’Faircheallaigh, C., Wanna, J. and Weller. P. 1992. ‘”The Impact of Institutions and Discretion”, Public Sector Management in Australia: New Challenges, New Directions, Macmillan, Melbourne, pp. 72-96.

Commonwealth of Australia. 2004. “The Whole of Government Challenge”, Connecting Government: Whole of Government Responses to Australia’s Priority Challenges, Australian Government Management Advisory Committee, Canberra, pp. 1-18 (also see:

McIntyre, J. “A community of practice approach to knowledge management and evaluation re-conceptualized and owned by

Indigenous stakeholders”, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, December 2 (2), 57-60, 2002.
McIntyre Critical Systemic Praxis: participatory governance for social and environmental justice, Kluwer, London, 2003.

(ISBN 0306-48074-3) Contemporary Systems Series.


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