

health care reform


Research, analyze, and evaluate the impact of health care reform. development/change on the practice of HR in general and on specific HR policies and practices in your organization (federal contractors; far as it pertains to healthcare reform-the attachment explains how this policy affects hr in organizations-1st page just incorporate in paper for this section). This paper should be practically-based, demonstrating how HR can be strategic and proactive with its internal and external constituents on healthcare reform. Use logical headings throughout the paper possible headings include:
Background, Issue, Analysis (including a Power/Interest Matrix, Stakeholder Analysis, Force Field Analysis-see Word attachment ), Proposed Policy Statement (including key strategies and principles), and Impact. also,incorporate feedback from your peers, where appropriate, and how your thoughts on this policy maybe different after further research then before.

my thoughts on healthcare reform was the following after reading three articles, I post my thoughts about what I learned: – Healthcare Reform Arrives: How Will Labs Fare in the New Era? By: Bill Malone

This article gave insight on the lab testing aspect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Most discussions on Obamacare focus on the provisions for health coverage for those uninsured due to lack of income. This article pointed out the benefits to medical labs. As usual, the benefits are mentioned with skepticism. Costs are always the complaint. We are constantly in a deficit even with 33 million uninsured. The only difference now is we are in a deficit, but people can obtain assistance for illness, which should, in my opinion, be a basic right for citizens. The effectiveness of health care legislation is marked by the availability of quality health care even to those who cannot pay. The relief to medical labs is an indirect contribution to maintaining the medical welfare of our society.

– USA?s healthcare reform: Why it will not work. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy. by: Antonio Grillo-Lopez

This article started with a pessimistic tone but the implications from the point of view of someone who practices medicine.being a top physician does not make you a legislator but Dr. Lopez perspective made plenty of sense. Although he is speaking from his experience as a medical provider, which is the only area he can be considered an expert. His commentary on reform should carry a lot bearing because he is speaking from first hand experience. From his perspective, malpractice issues will not allow any health care reform to flourish is the United States. Simply said, heath care reform will not work because of the abundance of malpractice cases.

-Position of HR policy association on health reform following enactment of the patient protection and affordable care act

From this article, I learned that yet another health agency does not support the President?s health care policy. Everyone is yelling, ?we need health care reform, but not that one?. But no one in the past 20 or 30 years besides the democratic presidents (Clinton, Carter) even tried to give low income individuals and senior citizens a helping hand.

The article mentioned the substandard level of care for the money. What does it matter if someone cannot obtain medical care at all. This is a whole separate issue. I don?t believe any proposed reform would be acceptable. Each group has its own agenda concerning the congressional decisions regarding health care. In this article, ??the chief human resource officers of more than 300 large employers who collectively spend more than $80 billion annually providing health care to millions of American employees, their dependents, and retirees?? are the ones bashing the legislation. Simply because it is costing them so much money.+++++++++++++++++++++++++
Comments from peers: from Nana- Great response to all three articles. In “Healthcare Reform Arrives: How Will Labs Fare in the New Era?”, you stated that health care should be part of our basic rights for citizens. Do you think that it will be better to adopt the Canadian system? Where everyone pays 9% tax instead of 6.99% to insure that everyone is covered on healthcare and other small things rom Dr. S in reference to my response: I?ve copied a few of your lines and will make comments on each.

1. ??We are constantly in a deficit even with 33 million uninsured. The only difference now is we are in a deficit, but people can obtain assistance for illness, which should, in my opinion, be a basic right for citizens. There are several items here..first, the number is more like 45 million uninsured and probably tens of millions who have very, very basic coverage, which of course runs out quickly or only comes into play when they are close to being bankrupt. By the way, health care costs are the #1 reason for filing bankruptcy in the USA. Finally, I must agree that having access to medical care should be a right and is already if we examine how healthcare is offered today. It?s not necessarily the best way or the most logical way of providing care. It?s also the most expensive way of providing care. Right now those with insurance are subsidizing those without by higher costs at the point of service.

2. ?Simply said, heath care reform will not work because of the abundance of malpractice cases.? As you have seen in other posts the cost of malpractice adds less than 3% to the total healthcare bill. Yes, there are major awards that attract a lot of attention, but the overall impact is quite small.

3. ?But no one in the past 20 or 30 years besides the democratic presidents (Clinton, Carter) even tried to give low-income individuals and senior citizens a helping hand.? Harry Truman was the first modern day president to try to do something and was shot down by some very powerful lobbies, such as the AMA. Why hasn?t this been a bipartisan issue as health care and the associated costs effect everyone? Could it be that our federal legislators, who have the same healthcare package that federal employees enjoy, are so insulated they don?t have a clear view of what this is doing to a large segment of the population? Or could it be something else?

4. ? I don?t believe any proposed reform would be acceptable. Each group has its own agenda concerning the congressional decisions regarding health care.?

This is a MAJOR issue with all legislation today..and it can be summarized as an unwillingness to exercise compromise. That one factor is a major reason why I believe we have a legislative deadlock.

5. And Nana asks..? Do you think that it will be better to adopt the Canadian system??


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