



Social Media in Business (BUS5415.E1) Assignment 2, Worksheet 

NAME: Karishma Sagar Please “Save As” this file and include your name in the file name before you upload to Moodle.  

DIRECTIONS ● You will use your 4 selected and approved organizations from week one. 

o B2C (Business‐to‐consumer) o B2B (Business‐to‐Business) o Non‐profit organization not operated by a government entity  o Government agency or group  

● A workspace for each of your organizations is provided below. ● At the top of each workspace, type the name of your organization. ● In each organization’s workspace, there are 5 categories of purposes that your organization may 

use social media. In the “Your Answer” Field: ● Think of a reason, the purpose the organization would use social media for the associated 

category and provide a short description o You do NOT need to describe how the organization would execute your idea, just 

provide the reason which is basically what the business is trying to achieve or the problem they are trying to solve. 

o An example is provided on the next page.  Each organization workspace is 25 points. 



Business‐to Consumer (B2C) B2C Organization: AMAZON Category 1: Increase Revenue Provide an example of an Increase Revenue purpose your B2C company would want to achieve with social media Your answer:

Amazon with the use of social media could easily actualize its revenue purpose. Due to the escalating numbers of social media users, Amazon can use the various platforms in identifying customer feedback based on pricing, products and overall service given to the users.

Category 2: Brand Awareness Provide an example of a Brand Awareness purpose your B2C company would want to achieve with social media Your answer:

Amazon would utilize different social media platforms to advertise their products, thus reach a wider consumer pool.

Category 3: Communication Provide an example of a Communication-related purpose your B2C company would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Amazon could use the social media to communicate with their customers regarding their fair and square pricing technique, thus their overall price adjustments.

Category 4: Education Provide an example of an Education-related purpose your B2C company would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Amazon could use the social media to teach retail owners on the importance of customer’s price conditioning.

Category 5: Customer Service Provide an example of a Customer service-related purpose your B2C company would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Amazon could use social media to handle concerns and complaints posted from various feedbacks by customers. By doing so, other interested customer will see and know how dedicated the company is to achieving their overall satisfaction.


Commented [KP1]: Not sure what this means. The assignment asked for an example of a business purpose. Not clear on how customer feedback will increase revenue. 

Commented [KP2]: I’ll give you credit for this one; however, it really fits the increase revenue category. 

Commented [KP3]: This is not B2C. How does this help consumers? 


Business‐to‐Business (B2B)  

Your Business-to-Business (B2B) Organization: Dropbox Category 1: Increase Revenue Provide an example of an Increase Revenue purpose that your B2B company would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Dropbox could use the social media to market services and products to viable business clients and prospects as explained by (Ancillai et al., 2019).

Category 2: Brand Awareness Provide an example of a Brand Awareness purpose your B2B company would want to achieve with social media Your answer:

Dropbox could use social media to retarget highly relevant audience example through the use of re-targeting advertisements.

Category 3: Communication Provide an example of a Communication-related purpose your B2B company would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Dropbox could use social media platforms to communicate with respective and prospect client through advertisement regarding their pricing strategy, thus reach consumers during their decision-making concerning personal purchases.

Category 4: Education Provide an example of an Education-related purpose your B2B company would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Dropbox could use social media in answering pertinent questions regarding their products and current position in the market share. Example, it could teach on price farming a product which in turn contributes in the creation of a perceived value. In the long run, this could lead to excitement linked with good product deals.

Category 5: Customer Service Provide an example of a Customer service-related purpose your B2B company would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Dropbox could use social media platforms in elaborating viable information related to pricing of their products.


Commented [KP4]: As stated in the feedback for Assignment 1, you were supposed to notify me via Moodle message or email that you wish to change your B2B selection. I’m going to allow this change, but you need to send me the information the background information on Dropbox that was requested in assignment 1. 

Commented [KP5]: This is too vague; also the assignment is asking for your ideas.  

Commented [KP6]: I’ll give you credit, but this one really belongs in category 1. 

Commented [KP7]: Not everything in social media is an advertisement. Organizations use social media to communicate many things, but are not directly selling to customers. It’s not clear what Dropbox is communicating in this example. 

Commented [KP8]: The first sentence is on the right track. The example is confusing; missing the tie of price farming and Dropbox products. 

Commented [KP9]: This one is the same as the one above; just reworded. 


Non‐Profit (not operated by a government entity)  

Your Non-Profit Organization: Red-Cross Category 1: Increase Donations Provide an example of an Increase Donations purpose that your non-profit would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Red Cross as a non-profit organization, it could use social media to share the objectives and goals concerning its diversified charity participations. In the long run, interested partners and volunteers will join and aid it actualize its goals; through donation making.

Category 2: Brand Awareness Provide an example of a Brand Awareness purpose your non-profit would want to achieve with social media Your answer:

By using social media, example advertising their values and objectives alongside stating their participatory working margins, Red Cross will increase its brand awareness.

Category 3: Communication Provide an example of a Communication-related purpose your non-profit would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Red Cross could use the media platforms to communicate on their goals alongside their sustainability development goals. According to Liang et al. (2020) through this communication, consumer audience and interested donor parties will get in contact with the organization; thus increasing their overall donation span.

Category 4: Education Provide an example of an Education-related purpose your non-profit would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

Red Cross can use social media to educate through writing of healthcare blogs on their websites.

Category 5: Customer Service Provide an example of a Customer (donor or volunteer) service-related purpose your non-profit would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

The specified organization can use various media platforms to educate their customer about the advantages and disadvantages of blood donation.


Commented [KP10]: This section is incorrect because the organization that was approved from week 1’s assignment was the World Wildlife Fund. 


Government Agency or Group  

Your Government Agency or Group Organization: The department of agriculture Category 1: Increase Revenue Not applicable – skip this category Your answer:

Skip this category

Category 2: Brand Awareness Provide an example of a Brand Awareness purpose government agency would want to achieve with social media Your answer:

The specified government agency can use social media to create brand awareness through using imagery and graphics example use of billboards advertisement

Category 3: Communication Provide an example of a Communication-related purpose government agency would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

The given government agency could use social media to communicate on various goals and objectives it intends to carry out, that will translate to various social impacts to the community example; the advantages of the project to the well-being of the community.

Category 4: Education Provide an example of an Education-related purpose government agency would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

The organization can teach the immediate community through social media on diverse ways to make money example through forming community based self-groups

Category 5: Customer Service Provide an example of a Customer service-related purpose government agency would want to achieve with social media. Your answer:

The agency for example could teach its various consumer segments on the importance of saving and partnering with them.



References Ancillai, C., Terho, H., Cardinali, S., & Pascucci, F. (2019). Advancing social media driven sales

research: Establishing conceptual foundations for B-to-B social selling. Industrial

Marketing Management, 82, 293-308.

Commented [KP11]: This section is incorrect because the organization that was approved from week 1’s assignment was the Environmental Protection Agency.  

Commented [KP12]: Karishma, you didn’t really follow the directions for this assignment; which resulted in a low grade. If you don’t understand an assignment you need to reach out to me.  


Liang, X., Hu, X., & Jiang, J. (2020). Research on the effects of information description on

crowdfunding success within a sustainable economy—the perspective of information

communication. Sustainability, 12(2), 650.


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