

Linguistics -Phonology, Syntax-

Compare the vowels in the boldfaced words of two dialects of American English.
Dialect 1 Dialect 2 Dialect 1 Dialect 2 Dialect 1 Dialect 2
epipf [p.p] [p.p] ebitf [b.t] [b.t] epickf [p.k] [p.k]
epepf [p.p] [p.p] ebetf [b.t] [b.t] epeckf [p.k] [p.k]
eribf [..b] [..b] ebidf [b.d] [b.d] ebigf [b.g] [b.g]
erebf1 [..b] [..b] ebedf [b.d] [b.d] ebegf [b.g] [b.g]
elivef [l.v] [l.v] emissf [m.s] [m.s] elinkf [l..k] [l..k]
eLevf [l.v] [l.v] emessf [m.s] [m.s] elengthf [l..kƒÆ] [l..kƒÆ]
ehimf [h.m] [h.m] ebinf [b.n] [b.n] esingf [s..] [s..]
ehemf [h.m] [h.m] eBenf [b.n] [b.n] eengf1 [..] [..]
elimpf [l.mp] [l.mp] esinnedf [s.nd] [s.nd]
ehempf [h.mp] [h.mp] esendf [s.nd] [s.nd]
elintf [l.nt] [l.nt] eBillf [b.l] [b.l]
eLentf [l.nt] [l.nt] ebellf [b.l] [b.l]
Assume that Dialect 1 shows the original. Write a rule (actually a historical sound change) that converts the
vowels seen in Dialect 1 to those seen in Dialect 2. Assume the following vowel inventory for both dialects: /i, .,
e, ., a, ., a, u, ., o, ./. (Note that some phonetic features are omitted, particularly aspiration, nasalization of
vowels before nasal consonants, and diphthongization before voiced velars.)
2. Kuria prefix vowel alternations.
The following is the vowel system of Kuria, a Bantu language spoken in Tanzania.
Front Central Back
High, Tense i i. u u.
Mid, Tense e e. o o.
Mid, Lax . .. . ..
Low, Lax a a.
As in Bantu languages generally, Kuria nouns fall into one of 15-20 noun classes. In Kuria, noun classes are
marked by prefixes of the form VCV-. In the data below, nouns are grouped according to class prefix. (High tone
is marked by an acute accent, low tone is unmarked, but tone plays no role in the alternations here.)
1. it..i-.gurube pig 2. iri-h…ndi corn cob
it..i-se..se. dog iri-toro buttock
it..i-….mb. cow iri-k…nd. date fruit
it..i-.a..mwi cat iri-t…k. banana
1 eRebf: short for erebelf, usually applied to members of the Confederate Army during the US Civil War. eEngf is
the name of the phonetic symbol [.].
3. umu-r…sja boy 4. imi-si sugar canes
umu-mu.ra young man eme-te. trees
omo-te. tree
omo-go..ndo plowed field
omo-sa..t..a. male 6. uku-g….g..ra. to shave
5. igi-tu..mbe stool uku-bu.na to break
iki-ru…gu.ri soft porridge oko-re.ma to cultivate
ege-te. * chair oko-ho..ra to thresh
eg..-n.to thing ogo-s…nsa. * to winnow
ege-sa.ka stream oko-b..t..a to vomit
*In Kuria and some other Bantu languages, voiceless stops in prefixes become voiced if the first consonant of the
root is voiceless (in Kuria, this affects only /k/, but in some languages other consonants are affected). All the
prefixes of the words in (5) and (6) have underlying /k/.
3. Tagalog morphophonemics (Austronesian; Philippines)
The following three columns of data represent verb roots as they are realized, respectively, a) when there is no
following suffix; b) when they are followed by the derivational suffix /-in/; and c) when they are followed by the
derivational suffix /-an/. On the basis of these data, provide: (i) the underlying forms of the roots; (ii) a set of
rules that account for the alternations observed.in the order in which they apply; (iii) derivations of [pulhin]
and [tamnin]. Justify this order and discuss the nature of the interaction of your rules (feeding, bleeding etc.),
where crucial.
(a) (b) (c)
bukas buksin buksan eopenf
kapit kaptin kaptan eembracef
tubos tubsin tubsan eredeemf
opos upsin upsan estopf
posod pusdin pusdan etuftf
bata bathin bathan esufferf
bili bilhin bilhan ebuyf
dipa diphin diphan eopenf
polo pulhin pulhan eask for triflesf
puyo puyhin esaddle bagf
banig baNgin baNgan ematf
damit damtin damtan eclothef
ganap gampin gampan efulfillf
putol putlin putlan ecutf
atip aptin aptan ethatchingf
talab tablan epenetratef
tanim tamnin tamnan eplantf
laman lamnin lamnan efillf
NB. Ch = two segments.
Remember: Whenever you see alternations, you should consider alternative analyses, as we have done in class
(e.g. with respect to German [c] and [x]), and try to justify the choice you make between them.
4. Turkish vowels
The following data illustrate the realization of two suffixes after each of the 8 underlying vowels of Turkish:
nom. sg. gen. sg. nom. pl. gen. pl.
1. ip ipin ipler iplerin eropef
2. k.z k.z.n k.zlar k.zlar.n egirlf
3. yuz yuzun yuzler yuzlerin efacef (u = IPA [y])
4. pul pulun pullar pullar.n estampf
5. el elin eller ellerin ehandf
6. c&an c&an.n c&anlar c&anlar.n ebellf
7. koy koyun koyler koylerin evillagef (o = IPA [o])
8. son sonun sonlar sonlar.n eendf
On the basis of these data:
(1) Provide the +fs and -fs in the following distinctive feature matrix for each of the eight vowels of Turkish:
i . u u e a o o
(2) Give the alternants of each of the two suffixes (genitive and plural) and a proposal (and/or discussion) of the
underlying representation that you would suggest for each.
5. Rule interactions in two Basque dialects
This problem has two parts, A and B. NB. c&, s& = IPA [tS] [S]; y = IPA [j]
PART A. The following are data from the Biscayan dialect of Basque.
noun definite
1. sagar sagar-a eapplef
2. gison gison-a emanf
3. buzten buzten-a etailf
4. c&akur c&akur-e edogf
5. mutil mutil-e eboyf
6. buru buru-we eheadf
7. mendi mendi-ye emountainf
8. ate ati-e edoorf
9. asto astu-e edonkeyf
(1) Provide an underlying form with the definite suffix;
(2) Formulate the rules needed to derive the surface forms; and
(3) Demonstrate in what order these rules must apply. (Show what happens if they apply in a wrong order.)
PART B. Now consider the following similar (but non-identical) data from the Baztan dialect of Basque:
noun definite
1. gison gison-a emanf
2. egun egun-e edayf
3. mendi mendi-e emountainf
4. buru buru-e eheadf
5. ec&e ec&i-a ehousef
6. as&to as&tu-a edonkeyf
After looking over these data, and assuming the same underlying form of the definite suffix that you set up in
Part A, do the following:
(1) Discuss the differences between the two dialects in terms of the surface data.
(2) Discuss the differences between the two dialects in terms of the rules and their ordering.
(3) Which dialect do you think is more innovative.and why? (What motivation would there have been for the
more evolved dialect to innovate beyond the other?)
The following data are from one of the almost 200 languages spoken in Cameroon. Carefully analyze
the data, paying close attention to the morphology.
(1) a. lipa lini ethis forestf b. mapa mana ethese forestsf
c. li.um lini ethis bellyf d. ma.um mana ethese belliesf
e. liaa lini ethis rockf f. maaa mana ethese rocksf
g. mut nunu ethis personf h. .ot .ana ethese peoplef
i. mudaa nunu ethis womanf j. .odaa .ana ethese womanf
k. hike. hini ethis knifef l. dike. tini ethese knivesf
m. hinuni hini ethis birdf n. dinuni tini ethese birdsf
(2) a. lipa li hinuni ethe birdfs forestf b. mapa ma hinuni ethe birdfs forestf
c. li.um li hinuni ethe birdfs bellyf d. ma.um ma dinuni ethe birdsf belliesf
e. liaa li mut ethe personfs rockf f. maaa ma mut ethe personfs rocksf
g. mut nu mudaa ethe womanfs personf h. .ot .a mudaa ethe womanfs peoplef
i. mudaa nu hinuni ethe birdfs womanf j. .odaa .a hinuni ethe birdfs womenf
k. hike. hi mut ethe personfs knifef l. dike. di mut ethe personfs knivesf
m. hinuni hi .ot ethe peoplefs birdf n. dinunu di .ot ethe peoplefs birdsf
(3) a. lipa litidgi ethe small forestf b. mapa matidgi ethe small forestf
c. li.um litidgi ethe small bellyf d. ma.um matidgi ethe small belliesf
e. liaa litidgi ethe small rockf f. maaa matidgi ethe small rocksf
g. mut .tidgi ethe small personf h. .ot .atidgi ethe small peoplef
i. mudaa .tidgi ethe small womanf j. .odaa .atidgi ethe small womenf
k. hike. hitidgi ethe small knifef l. dike. ditidgi ethe small knivesf
m. hinuni hitidgi ethe small birdf n. dinunu ditidgi ethe small birdsf
(4) a. liaa liy. i ndap eThe rock is in the house.f
b. maaa may. i ndap eThe rocks are in the house.f
c. mut ay. i ndap eThe person is in the house.f
d. .ot .ay. i ndap eThe people are in the house.f
e. hinuni hiy. i ndap eThe bird is in the house.f
f. dinunu diy. i ndap eThe birds are in the house.f
(5) a. liaa liy. .k…i eThe rock is big.f
b. maaa may. .ak…i eThe rocks are big.f
c. mut ay. .k…i eThe person is big.f
d. .ot .ay. .ak…i eThe people are big.f

Identify threepiecesofevidencefortheexistenceofthewordclassgnounhinthislanguage;identifyeachpieceofevidenceascomingfrominflectionalmorphology,derivationalmorphology,orsyntax.(5pts)B.Isthereevidencethatadjectivesandverbsareseparateclassesinthislanguage?Ifso,whatistheevidence?Ifnot,why?(5pts)C.Whatwordclassdodemonstrativesfallinto?Why?(2pts)(6) a. limug.. li mut lini ethis quiet personf b. mamug.. ma .ot mana ethese quiet peoplef
c. *limug.. li mut nunu d. *mamug.. ma .ot .anae. limug.. li mut litidgi ethe small quiet personf
f. mamug.. ma .ot matidgi ethe small quiet peoplefg. limug..li mut liy. i ndap eThe quiet person is in the house.fh. mamug.. ma .ot may. i ndap eThe quiet people are in the house.f(7) a. hipeda hi mut hini ethis small personf b. dipeda di .ot mana ethese small peoplef

c. *hipeda hi mut nunu d. *dipeda di .ot .ana
e. hipeda hi mut lipubi ethe pure small personf
f. dipeda di .ot dipubi ethe pure small peoplef
g. hipeda
hi mut liy. i ndap eThe small person is in the house.f
h. dipeda di .ot diy. i ndap eThe small people are in the house.f

D.What is the word class of the words limug..equietfandhipedaesmallf?Provideseveralpiecesofevidencetosupportyourclaim.





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