

Macronutrients Human Nutrition

Macronutrients Human Nutrition

Calculate daily macronutrient consumption for an individual based on daily food intake If you are unsure of which database the publication is in, try Proquest first, then Ebsco.


Throughout this course you will learn a great deal of information about nutrition that has direct application to your own health as well as to the health of those to whom you may provide services.

The overall goal of the session long project is two-fold. First, it will give you the opportunity to learn about different tools and measures used to assess nutrient intake. Secondly, it will enable you to practice evaluating nutritional status of a client.

Before beginning the session long project for module 1, I encourage you to read the session long project requirements in modules 2 through 5 in order to get an idea of the full scope of the project. In this project, you will need to record a twenty four hour food journal, and obtain weight, height and waist/hip measurements.

The subject of the session long project can be you, a friend, or a family member. If you are going to use a family member for this project BE SURE TO GET THEIR PERMISSION to participate. As with anything we will do in our health care careers, informed consent is essential when working with clients!

Bookmark this Web site so you can use it throughout the SLP and in your career: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/SuperTracker/default.aspx After you register (Free), you can access your (or your client’s) food recall that you enter, and you can navigate to the other pages using the links on top of the homepage.



In this first module, you will keep a food journal for a 24 hour period. Again, this can either be your own food intake or someone who volunteers (get their verbal consent) to participate in your course project.

For 24 hours, every meal, beverage and snack along with amounts will be entered into the journal. While you are doing this, it would be helpful to notice the label information or, if you are eating in a restaurant, ask about portion size. For example, if you decide to have lunch at a fast food restaurant, ask for a copy of their nutrition guide (most fast food restaurants have pamphlets that contain this information) – the nutrition guide will assist you with future installments of the session long project.

If you are out to dinner and are having a steak, notice the size of the steak on the menu (8 ounce, 12 ounce, 16 ounce, etc.) so you will have an accurate measurement for your food journal.

You will enter the information into a table format such as this (hint, you can copy and paste this table into Microsoft Word and delete the fictitious entries that I have made, this way, you will have the table). You can also recreate the table using the table function in Microsoft Word.

The finished table will look something like this:

Food Item

Corn Flakes cereal with milk
About 3 cups cereal and 2 cups of milk

Chicken sandwich
Two slices of bread and about 4 ounces of meat

Lays potato chips
8 ounce bag

12 ounce can

T-bone steak
16 ounces

Baked potato with sour cream
Extra large with 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Pringles brand potato chips
4 servings
Once you have completed the 24 hour food journal, you should calculate your macro-nutrient intake.

Be sure to watch serving sizes and calculate accordingly! For example, in my example journal, I listed a 16 ounce T-bone steak. The food calculator lists a serving size of 3.2 ounces. Therefore, I need to take credit for 5 servings!

The end result of the macro-nutrient calculations for the fictitious example that I listed above are as follows:

· Total protein for the day: 188.5 grams (this represented 21% of my daily food intake).

· Total fat for the day: 185 grams (this represented 47% of my daily food intake).

· Total carbohydrates for the day: 289 grams (this represented 32% of my daily food intake).

· Total fiber for the day: 23 grams (no percentage is calculated for this value).

· DAILY CALORIC INTAKE: 3,520.5 calories

When writing your module 1 SLP, be sure to include your food diary as well as the final calculations of your protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber as well as daily caloric total.

When submitting your module 1 SLP, you will submit the following:

1. Your 24 hour food journal in table format (worth 50 percent of your paper’s grade).

2. Your final calculations of protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber and calories in table format (worth 50 percent of your paper’s grade).

3. Summary of your findings. Discuss whether you met the recommended intake. If not, describe the dietary modifications you will have to make in order to meet those recommendations.


Human nutrition is a fascinating and complex subject. People are challenged to make food choices every day based on a multiplicity of factors including:

Routine dietary habits (these habits develop over many years with their origins in childhood, may also be referred to as “customary eating patterns”).
Culture- To some extent, our food choices are influenced by the dominant culture in which we were raised.
Time- How many times have you been “pressed” for time and found yourself visiting a “drive-thru” window at a local fast food establishment? How many times have you prepared a microwave convenience dinner?
Advice from health care providers- Have you or someone you know been advised on dietary practices? For example, has a physician informed you (or someone you know) to decrease sodium (salt) intake in your diet? What about a reduced fat or cholesterol diet?
The above list represents just a few of the factors that influence food choices. Another important factor will now be considered—the media.


Sources of Nutritional Information

How many times have you turned on the television or perhaps paged through a magazine only to learn of the latest “diet craze”? Over the years, a plethora of dietary approaches, supplements, and eating plans have been proposed to the general public, promising everything from weight loss to the reversal of cardiac disease and increased life span. How is the average consumer to know what is true…especially when many of the messages conflict???

The health educator must have a working knowledge of normal nutrition in order to provide instruction and basic counseling to individuals to whom they will provide services. Kline (2005) reminds us that many designing individuals term themselves “nutritionists” as this is not a copyrighted term (unlike the “Registered Dietitian”). Individuals can call themselves “nutritionists” regardless of educational background or knowledge. Unfortunately the general public is not aware of this and assumes that the “nutritionist” must be a legitimate health care professional, a professional whose advice can be safely followed. For personal enrichment, you can go to the web page of the office of the professions in your native state to see if licensure is given for “nutritionists”


Healthy People 2020

The need for health educators to possess knowledge of normal nutrition is further supported by “Healthy People 2020”. If you are unfamiliar with “Healthy People”, this module’s background reading will provide you with more information about this initiative. Healthy People 2020 includes several indicators of health that can be impacted upon by proper nutrition, however, I would like you to take a few minutes to peruse chapter 19, “Nutrition and Overweight” as this is one of the leading indicators of health, included in the background reading.



There are four types of macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fat and dietary fibers. This module’s background reading will explore macronutrients in greater detail.



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