

Managing information and accountancy

Assignment Requirements: Coursework


Managing information and accountancy
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BA4002: Managing information and accountancy

Year: 2013-14 (Spring start)

Coursework 2

This is an individual coursework and is in two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) This coursework contributes 40% to the module overall mark. The deadline for this coursework is Friday 11th July 2014.

Part-1 Evenham – Customer Services and Satisfaction Survey

Evenham is a large multi-store retail company that sells computers and other electronic products. In the Spring of 2013, an article appeared in the press highlighting that customer grievances were under-reported at the Hale store. In order to improve their services, they sought to conduct a customer service & satisfaction survey among customers of the Hale store. 300 questionnaires were given to a systematic random sample of visitors to the Hale store as they leave the store, during the month of September, and only 120 questionnaires were fully completed. The responses have been entered into an Excel spreadsheet with a file name “Evenham.xls” under the worksheet called “Responses”. The Excel file can be found on the K-drive.

Your task is to analyse this data and write a report. The report should be addressed to the general Manager of Evenham.

There are four objectives to this survey:

  • Analysing the demographic profile of Evenham (Hale) customers
  • Level of satisfaction with the store and customer service
  • Possible link between overall satisfaction and demographic profile
  • Relationship between spending and overall satisfaction

There are two overall satisfaction measures, one to do with store environment and the other to do with customer service. These are calculated by adding all items for each measure. The idea is that if a customer rates each item highly, then he/she is overall highly satisfied. Conversely, if a customer rates each item low, then he/she is overall not very satisfied.

BA4002 Coursework, 2013/14 Spring starter                                                                             Page 1

About you: Customer satisfaction questionnaire  
Are you? 1. Male 2. Female  
How old are you? 1. Less than 20 2. 20 to 39       3. 40 to 59 4. 60 or more
Highest education: 1. School level 2. Six form or college 3. University degree
Are you? 1. Unemployed 2. Part-time employment 3. Full-time employment
Is this store? 1. Local to you 2. Not local to you  

About our store

State your feelings in relation to the following statements about our store.

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neither
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree
Our store is conveniently located [ss1]
Store hours are convenient for shopping [ss2]
Store atmosphere and décor are appealing [ss3]
A good selection of products are present [ss4]
Products sold are of highest quality [ss5]
Advertise products are in stock [ss6]
Overall, I am satisfied with price I pay [ss7]

Your shopping experience

During the last 12 months, how many times did you visit the store?

  1. One            2. 2 to 4          3. 5 to 9                     4. 10 to 19                 5. 20 or more

Do you visit the store to,

Reason Regularly










Browse for new products [E1]
Purchase a specific product(s) [E2]
Return a purchased item [E3]
Use or meet someone at the coffee bar [E4]

About our customer service

Thinking of the last time you sought an after-sale customer service from us.

How satisfied were you with the Customer service representative in relation to the following:?

Not at all satisfied (1) Unsatisfied






Very satisfied (5)
He/She was courteous [cs1]
He/She handled my case very quickly [cs2]
He/She was knowledgeable [cs3]
He/She gave me the best advice [cs4]

How much did you spend at the store today? ……………………………….

Note: The spending amount for the last question was read from their shopping slip


Objective 1: Demographic profile

  1. Download the data from the K:drive
  2. Re-label the categories of each variable using the datafile and the questionnaire above
  3. Using an Excel facility, produce the frequency and percentage frequency tables for each of: a.Gender of the customer
    1. Age of the customer
    2. Education of the customer
    3. Employment status of the customer
  4. Using an Excel facility, draw an appropriate graphical representation for each of:
    1. Age of the customer
    2. Education of the customer
    3. Employment status of the customer
  5. Comment on the demographic profile of the customers and describe the profile of the typical customer at the Hale store [No more than 200 words excluding the Excel output].

Objective 2: Level of satisfaction

  1. Define an overall store satisfaction variable for each customer, called “Storesat”, and calculate its score by adding the rating of the seven store satisfaction items.
  2. Define an overall customer service satisfaction variable for each customer, called “Servsat”, and calculate its score by adding the rating of the four customer satisfaction items.
  3. Produce a percentage frequency table for each of:
    1. Storesat, and
    2. Servsat

You may group the data score in scores of 4 from 10 to 32 for “Storesat” and in scores of 3 from 4 to 18 for “Servsat”.

  1. Calculate the descriptive statistics for each of:
    1. Storesat
    2. Servsat

The descriptive statistics should include, the mean, median, lower quartile, upper quartile, the minimum, the maximum, the inter-quartile range and the standard deviation.

  1. Comment on your results in 3. and 4., in relation to the level of satisfaction about the store and customer service.[No more than 400 words excluding the Excel output].


Objective 3: Level of satisfaction and the demographic profile

  1. Calculate the descriptive statistics for overall store satisfaction “Storesat”, split by: a.Gender
    1. Age
  2. Calculate the descriptive statistics for overall customer service satisfaction “Servsat”, split by: a.Gender
    1. Age

The descriptive statistics should include the mean and the standard deviation only.

  1. Comment on the major differences and/or similarities about store and customer service satisfaction between gender and between age groups. You are particularly asked to state the significant differences. [No more than 400 words excluding the Excel output].

Objective 4: Relationship between spending and overall satisfaction

  1. Draw a scatter diagram for each of:
    1. Spending against overall store satisfaction “Storesat”
    2. Spending against overall customer service satisfaction “Servsat”
  2. Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient for each of:
    1. Spending against overall store satisfaction “Storesat”
    2. Spending against overall customer service satisfaction “Servsat”
  3. Conduct a linear regression and calculate the coefficient of determination for each of:
    1. Spending against overall store satisfaction “Storesat”
    2. Spending against overall customer service satisfaction “Servsat”
  4. Using the linear regression equations generated above, predict the spending value of:
    1. Miriam (a customer) whose overall store satisfaction score for “Storesat” is 24
    2. Mhindra whose overall overall customer service satisfaction score for “Servsat” is 7
  5. Comment [in no more than 400 words] on your results. Your comments should address the following:
    1. The scatter diagrams
    2. The Pearson correlation coefficients
    3. The linear regression equations
    4. The coefficients of determination
    5. The predictions of Miriam and Mhindra and their reliability.


Part-2 Evenham – Analysis of quarterly takings

This part is based on quarterly takings (or revenue) obtained from the sale ledger of Evenham (Hale store). The data can be found on the same Excel file “Evenham.xls” but on a different worksheet named “Taking”.

This data span from the year 2008 to 2013. The takings are given correct to the nearest £000.

Based on this data, you are required to:

  1. Draw a graph of the time series labelled by year and quarter,
  2. Generate 4-point moving averages and centred moving averages,
  3. Generate the seasonal factors and their averages. You may need to adjust these averages,
  4. Predict the takings for Q1 and Q2 of the year 2014,
  5. Write a small report [of no more than 600 words], commenting on your results. The comments should address the following:
    1. The graph of original time series data
    2. The trend of the takings
    3. The seasonality of the takings
    4. The predictions for the year 2014. These predictions need to be compared to the actual takings by the store, which were published to be £750k (for Q1) and £610k (for Q2).


  • Your coursework must be submitted on paper to the UG office by the due date. You must keep a back-up copy of all works.
  • The submitted coursework should include:
    1. A front page which you would download from your evision, giving your student ID number but not your name.
    2. This information should also be included on the University cover sheet.

Submission deadline: Friday 11th July, 2014, by 3pm


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