

Missing Piece To Gang Violence

Assignment Requirements


1)Rhetorical Analysis
Short paragraph based on essay “Missing Piece to Gang Violence” by Dan Gardner (8-12 sentences
Describing the central argument and rhetorical strategies.

rеsеаrсh еssаy

Order Summary


Requested pages:


Academic level:

PhD Level

Cost per page:


Referencing style:


Client country:

Australia (UK English)

Page cost:

$8.40 + $0.00

Total cost:

$100.80 + $0.00

Time left:

13 days 6 hours

Attached files:

Order instructions:

Research Essay: Societal Bilingualism

Write a 2500 word report in which you discuss societal bilingualism in a context in which you are familiar, design

an educational program for this context, and design a bilingual assessment for this context. You are not required

to complete research in this community and you should not think of this assessment as relating to any existing

program. Please check the suitability of your selected context with the lecturer prior to beginning your

The report should contain five sections. The List of References and the two Appendici are not considered to be

part of the overall word count but are vital in order to understand the context, bilingual program and bilingual

1. A Description of the Macro- and Micro-Context (500 words)

Describe the macro-(national/regional) and micro level language (school) policy of your chosen context

(Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia etc). This section should consider the important local contextual features for

understanding bilingualism and for understanding why you have developed your bilingual educational program

and your bilingual assessment as you have. It is important to use references to back up any claims that you make

about policy in this context and provide any other relevant details that let the reader understand why the

educational program that you are about to describe would be particularly suited to this context.

2. A Description and Justification of the Bilingual Program (1000 words)

The discussion of your chosen bilingual program should state and justify the aims and objectives of the bilingual

program and position the program within current theoretical perspectives on bilingualism and additional

language learning. You should explain why this program would be the best bilingual program for your purposes

(and why other forms would be less effective). In all instances, it is very important to use relevant literature in

bilingualism to support your claims for why you chose (or did not choose) a particular program for your context.

3. A Description and Justification of the Bilingual Assessment (1000 words)

The discussion of your chosen bilingual assessment should explain why this would be the best assessment for

your context for your selected purpose. In all instances, it is very important to use relevant literature in bilingual

assessment to support your claims for why you chose (or did not choose) a particular assessment for your

program. Your discussion should include an argument, drawn from the relevant literature, which shows an

understanding of the purposes and different way of assessing the linguistic abilities of bilinguals.

4. List of References

The references must be in APA6, and perfectly formatted. You should use as many references as you need to fulfil

the task. All-text references must fulfil the requirements of academic integrity.

5. Appendici

A: The Proposed Program

B. The Proposed Bilingual Assessment

You should not include micro-level planning details such as lesson plans.









This what DR post about the assignment.





Re: About assignment 2


Yes, these are the ‘technical  requirements’.

The important point here however is that this is a subject about bilingualism.  It is therefore important that you frame everything in your assignment  around the assumption  that your idealised person is a bilingual . Therefore the context needs to be looked at as a ‘bilingual’ context (perhaps an incipient bilingual context in some cases). The literature on which you base your ideas needs to draw from  the literature on bilingualism (which we have been exploring), and around bilingual programs  and bilingual assessment  (which we will focus on in the rest of the subject)

So start thinking about your bilingual that you are targeting.

Who is this idealised person -what type of bilingual is that person?

early or late, harmonious or not?

age of acquisition

two dominant languages or incipient in one?

compound or coordinate bilingual?

simultaneous or sequential?

their home language use and ideologies?

their community language use and ideologies?

their language policy at home, school, and national level?

AND having described this idealised person you then consider  their linguistic NEEDs and wANTs and how might you (on the basis of existing literature on bilingualism and bilingual programs devise a program that best meets the needs of this idealised student). You also devise an assessment (keeping in mind cognitive and linguistic differences between bilinguals and monolinguals -based on the existing literature in the field).

Соmеrсiаl Соntrасt Маnаgеmеnt


  • The following question is final exam type
  • Each question must me answered thoroughly and as informative as possible
  • The answer should follow the format of introduction and conclusion
  • Each Question, single space11 font size




1. Discuss the importance of procurement to Project Managers; and outline the procurement options available.

(100 marks)



2. Explain the need for, and development of, standard forms of contract on projects.

(100 marks)




a. Outline how contract conditions can provide for commencement and completion of the works;

(50 marks)


b. Outline the techniques, which provide for bonuses for early completion and sanctions for late completion.

(50 marks)




4. Discuss the options for payment as the work proceeds, via:


i. Interim [measured] payment;


ii. Stage;


iii. Milestone.


(100 marks)

Idеаs in Соntехt

Order Summary


Requested pages:


Academic level:

High-School Level

Cost per page:


Referencing style:


Client country:

United Kingdom (UK English)

Page cost:

$3.28 + $0.00

Total cost:

$59.04 + $0.00

Time left:

13 days 6 hours

Attached files:

Ideas Con.docx
HNGD 108 Ideas in Context Assignment.doc

Order instructions:

Assignment brief
Assignment title Collections (1 of 1)

PROJECT: Go to a second-hand or a charity shop and choose 3 books (one each) worth no more the £2.50.

OVERVIEW / BACKGROUND: I would like you to have fun, break the rules, be competitive and demonstrate how creative you are. Your task is to sell a second hand book of your choice to a prospective audience. You will work in a group of three to provide a final outcome for the research/creative submissions of this brief, as the module asks that you work as part of a creative team. One of you will be responsible for taking minutes of every class you have, which will be typed up at the end of the semester with a clear layout of all of the responsibilities and elements of design you were responsible for. You will work to develop three different pieces of work in your small team, as outlined below.

  • Investigate the content of the book.

Decide which of the following categories your book belongs to:

  • Non-fiction (Manuals), Fiction (Realistic or Science), Fantasy, Mystery, Biography, Poetry or Poems, Folklore (Myth and/or Legends), Comic, Political, Educational, Classic?
  • Is it for adults or children?

The style of campaign should reflect the character of your book. Books can have a unique value for many reasons. Check the year of publication, the edition, the author/s…. Are there any illustrations/photographs? Is it hard cover? Is it printed on quality paper? Will, by any chance, the content of this book change your audience’s lives in any ways? Will your book become a ‘cult’ reading simply because of the extraordinary campaign that you have organised?


You will have to investigate 5 different roughly sketched ideas for each of your three final book covers, to rebrand the books to a new/modern audience. You will provide important information such as ISBN number, authors name, summary, quotes from book/the main review quote from critics, as well as your own illustration/photography which


You will have to think on how to catch your audience’s attention! Think about your three posters layouts (they might have a similar image but have a different text or vice versa), colours, typography (does it reflect the type of book that you are advertising?), distribution (how will your campaign will be run? On the tube, or on billboards, in magazines?) Plan your campaign, make it effective and standing out from the possible competitors!


Create an A4 Research and Development Pack (created in Word or Indesign) with images of other book covers from the same genre of books as your own, other inspiring book covers old/new, illustrations and photography work you find of value/interest, 5 pencil drawing sketches of the initial ideas, 2 refined concepts (either professional pencil drawings or digital mock ups), and screenshots of your final work (must be digital output in either Illustrator or Photoshop, originating from pencil sketches in your 5 ideas). You also need to justify your design choices (through annotation of your work) and creative solutions you have chosen i.e. why you have chosen a specific medium/location, layout, colours, typography etc for your campaign. Please note that a word limit is quite flexible. It is not important how many words you write but it is important that you justify your design choices and solutions. On average this R&D Pack will be approx. 10 A4 pages for successful communication. Your R&D pack must also be contributed to from all members of the team.

What to submit:

  • Three clean, high standard finished book covers, laid flat and printed in colour on A3
  • Three clean, high standard finished poster reflecting the new style of the book, also printed on A3
  • R&D Pack
  • A breakdown of Minutes from the entire team, with a clear description of what everybody contributed to
  • Bibliography of Sources in Harvard Referencing Format and Evaluation from EACH team member
  • Work can be printed or handed in on CD

Please make sure you buy a large folder to put all of the work into, to submit to Examinations. Plastic bags etc and anything that cannot be completely closed will be refused upon submission



Evidence checklist Summary of evidence required by student Evidence presented
Task 1.1 R&D Pack  
Task 2.1,2.2  

3 Book Covers


Task 3.1, 3.2 3 Book Poster Campaigns  
Task 4.1 Minutes, and individual self evaluations  


Sources of information:


Resources and Reference materials

  • The Fundamentals of Graphic Design
  • Comprehensive guide to content and process
  • Essentials of Visual Communication
  • Design: Portfolio: A Seductive Collection of Alluring Portfolio and Self-Promotion Design
  • The Poster: 1,000 Posters from Toulouse-Lautrec to Sagmeister
  • The A – Z of Visual Ideas: How to Solve any Creative Brief
  • The Logo Brainstorm Book: A Comprehensive Guide for Exploring Design Directions



  • Computer Arts
  • Creative review
  • Grafik
  • Imagine



Websites showing evidence of research.


Analyse: Break an issue into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting arguments and evidence for and against as well as how these interrelate to one another.


Compare:Identify the similarities and differences between two or more phenomena. Say if any of the shared similarities or differences are more important than others. ‘Compare’ and ‘contrast’ will often feature together in an essay question.


Evaluate: Give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Come to a final conclusion, basing your decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.


Discuss: Essentially this is a written debate where you are using your skill at reasoning, backed up by carefully selected evidence to make a case for and against an argument, or point out the advantages and disadvantages of a given context. Remember to arrive at a conclusion.

Businеss Lеаdеrshiр – Тhе Lеаdеrshiр Сhаllеngе

Order Summary


Requested pages:


Academic level:

College Level

Cost per page:


Referencing style:


Client country:


Page cost:

$6.02 + $0.00

Total cost:

$24.08 + $0.00

Time left:

3 days 15 hours

Attached files:

BUS 401 – Individual project.pdf

Order instructions:

I want an assignment based on the book ‘Тhе Lеаdеrshiр Сhаllеngе’


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