


3/27/22, 2:31 PM Module Two Memo Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-620-X4689 Measuring Success in an Org 22TW4

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Module Two Memo Guidelines and Rubric


You are a former Navy officer and fighter pilot who is now the controller of a division of TransGlobal Airlines, which u�lizes a fleet of

corporate jets for charter at several airports in the southeast part of the United States. Your division’s private charter clients include

several Fortune 500 companies in the region. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has informed you that the company is considering

the acquisi�on of two smaller avia�on firms in the Caribbean specializing in chartered flights for luxury vaca�ons using light aircra�

(60 passengers or less). The CFO has tasked you with assessing the organiza�onal benefits of acquiring these avia�on firms.

Before evalua�ng these avia�on firms, you want to evaluate the performance of TransGlobal Airlines.


Write a memo to the rest of the leadership team at TransGlobal Airlines, iden�fying strategic goals and key performance indicators

(KPIs) to help evaluate the company’s performance. Use the informa�on provided to you in the TransGlobal Airlines Company

Informa�on document to complete your memo.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

A. SMART Goals: Write at least one strategic goal using SMART criteria for each of the four components in a balanced

scorecard. Explain your ra�onale for choosing each goal.

a. Financial

b. Internal process

c. Customer

d. Learning and development

B. KPIs: Iden�fy at least one KPI corresponding to each strategic goal.

a. Explain how you determined the KPIs.

Guidelines for Submission:

Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources

should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on on cita�ons.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)Needs Improvement

(70%)Not Evident (0%) Value

SMART Goal:Financial

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Writes at least onestrategic goal usingSMART criteria forthe financialcomponent

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude applyingeach of the SMARTcriteria wheniden�fying an goalfor the financialcomponent

Does not a�emptcriterion


Module Two Memo Rubric


MBA-620-X4689 Measuring Success in an Org 22TW4 TM

3/27/22, 2:31 PM Module Two Memo Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-620-X4689 Measuring Success in an Org 22TW4

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1022673/viewContent/17803158/View 2/4

SMART Goal:Internal Process

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Writes at least onestrategic goal usingSMART criteria foreach of the internalprocess components

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude applyingeach of the SMARTcriteria wheniden�fying an goalfor the internalprocess component

Does not a�emptcriterion


SMART Goal:Customer

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Writes at least onestrategic goal usingSMART criteria forthe customercomponent

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude applyingeach of the SMARTcriteria wheniden�fying an goalfor the customercomponent

Does not a�emptcriterion


SMART Goal:Learning andDevelopment

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Writes at least onestrategic goal usingSMART criteria forthe learning anddevelopmentcomponent

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude applyingeach of the SMARTcriteria wheniden�fying an goalfor the learning anddevelopmentcomponent

Does not a�emptcriterion


SMART Goals:Ra�onale

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Provides a clearra�onale forchoosing each goal

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude providing aclear and relevantra�onale for theiden�fied goals

Does not a�emptcriterion


KPIs Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Iden�fies at leastone KPIcorresponding toeach strategic goal

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude iden�fyingrelevant KPIs thatcorrespond to eachof the strategic goals

Does not a�emptcriterion



Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Explains clearly howeach KPI wasdetermined

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude providing aclear ra�onale foreach KPI and how itwas determined

Does not a�emptcriterion


A � l � f E d fi i Cl l Sh S b i i h 5

3/27/22, 2:31 PM Module Two Memo Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-620-X4689 Measuring Success in an Org 22TW4

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Ar�cula�on ofResponse

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner

Clearly conveysmeaning with correctgrammar, sentencestructure, andspelling,demonstra�ng anunderstanding ofaudience andpurpose

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors ingrammar, sentencestructure, andspelling, nega�velyimpac�ng readability

Submission hascri�cal errors ingrammar, sentencestructure, andspelling, preven�ngthe understanding ofideas


Cita�ons andA�ribu�ons

Uses cita�ons forideas requiringa�ribu�on, with fewor no minor errors

Uses cita�ons forideas requiringa�ribu�on, withconsistent minorerrors

Uses cita�ons forideas requiringa�ribu�on, withmajor errors

Does not usecita�ons for ideasrequiring a�ribu�on


Total 100%

Activity Details

3/27/22, 2:31 PM Module Two Memo Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-620-X4689 Measuring Success in an Org 22TW4

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