


Individual Assignment 3: ***Signature Assignment Recommendations for increasing value, creativity and innovation in a specific company.

Due Week 7 (Sunday night midnight)

Value 300 points

Length: 12-15 pages (page count does not include appendices, title page, visual display or references).

With Signature Assignments that are due on Week 7 all students must turn in their papers at the due date and no late papers will be graded for points, as the term is over, and students and faculty must prepare for the next term.

Be sure you include information from the Isaksen and Magretta text books and cite using APA. Citations should be short. The citations from both books must be direct applications from the text. This means that you do not use the textbook to define concepts like (creativity, innovation, creative problem solving) but you use the textbook to apply what you have learned. Remember using the textbooks to define concepts is undergraduate work.

Note: This final assignment is worth approximately ⅓ of your grade. Be very careful to follow the Rubric and the instructions below. In this paper students are to show mastery of all that they have learned through application of those concepts from this class into this final assignment. Review the Course Learning Outcomes found below as great papers will give indications that learning has occurred in each of the following six categories :

1. Examine existing personal creativity skills and cultivate additional personal creativity skills in both personal and professional settings.

2. Analyze the connection between creativity, leadership and bringing value and solving problems within the workplace.

3. Analyze the need for increasing creative thought in a complex global environment including designing strategies to increase cash, profit and growth through understanding competitive dynamics.

4. Identify the various business segments and the different or similar ways that each segment drives for profitability through creativity and resultant innovation.

5. Analyze and apply decision matrices especially Michael Porter’s work for creative opportunities, or to mitigate risk and/or legal considerations in the global marketplace including compliance with Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

6. Develop collaborative processes across stakeholders, including customers and suppliers to increase creativity and innovation.

Students will begin this final paper by reviewing the comments and suggestions from their instructor from Assignment 2, which was the outline for many issues addressed in this final paper. The instructor will review Assignment 2 before grading Assignment 3 to be sure that all suggestions from that paper have been incorporated into the final paper.

This paper will follow all APA guidelines and will be: Double Spaced, Times New Roman, , Title Page, References and . This is an example of an . Long quotes are not to be used in this paper, thus, all quotes should be from seven to twelve words and must use APA citations. This is a research paper with recommendations.

After reading assigned chapters in Isaksen and Magretta and course materials compare and contrast what you thought about creativity and innovation before this class and after this class. Reflect on what you learned and create an Action Plan where you could more fully engage in creativity and innovation with the knowledge learned in the text. . Sources (must be current – five years) other than the textbook can include: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Wired Magazine, etc. Current Academic sources are encouraged as they are relevant and recent (all sources listed above can be found in the Brandman Library). Current Academic sources are encouraged only as they are relevant and recent (also in the Brandman Library).. Use the guide below for your paper.

This final paper will include research on the industry in which your team worked, and the research gathered on the individual business chosen by the student. This paper will be easier if students choose American publicly held companies (company on the ) as financial information is readily available on those companies. Students may use or other sources

In the analysis section students are to examine how creativity and innovation have impacted the business. Based upon research and analysis students are to design strategies to increase cash, profit and growth through understanding innovation and competitive dynamics within the global marketplace. Students will analyze and apply decision matrices for creative opportunities, and/or to mitigate risk and/or legal considerations in the global marketplace. One method that students will develop are collaborative processes across stakeholders, including customers and suppliers to increase creativity and innovation and profitability. This paper will also include a visual representation of their strategy to increase creativity and innovation within the business.


Will include research on the industry in which your team worked, and the research gathered on the individual business chosen by the student. The introduction will clearly point to the Action Plan and will show the analyses that the student has chosen. The introduction is written after the analysis and action plan as until those sections are written the student does not know what they are introducing. The information from Assignment 2 in this class will be referred to in the introduction especially the history and position of the business within the industry, the history of innovation (successful and unsuccessful) The introduction is never more than ¾ of one page, so be succinct.


The Analysis section will be written first and ranges from 10 to 12 pages in length. The Analysis will be divided into three sections of approximately equal length (three to four pages for each of the three sections, Risk, ). Students do not need to use the exact three major headings below, but they are recommended.


The research from Assignment 2 on risk can be included and expanded upon here (but not copied and pasted). The risk that the student identifies for this paper will be clearly explained using data analysis (not opinion). The risks will generally include a risk that can be solved using the material from this course (creativity, innovation collaboration between stakeholders). So risk factors for having “old machinery” or for something general like “bad management” would not qualify for this paper.


Again, starting with the information gathered in Assignment 2 for this class, research further and analyze what the competition within the same industry is doing that may be better than the business that the student choose. Opportunities often come from an honest analysis of the competition. The competition chosen does not need to be the largest competitors, but need to be a company that is competing for roughly the same customers. Identify ways that the competition is more collaborative, creative and or innovative. Most students will choose three competitors to analyze. It will be easier if students choose competitors who are publicly held as financial information is readily available. This portion of the assignment lends itself to a graph or chart that is followed by analysis (the variables on the left may vary with each business.)

Chosen company

Competitor 1

Competitor 2

Competitor 3

Recent innovation or creativity

Profitability of recent innovation or creativity

Profitability of company – or growth within market sector over the last five years.

Remember the section on competition will be three to four pages long and a chart is to provide clarity but is not sufficient in and of itself. To find out more about profitability look for recent articles, securities and exchange


In the above competition section through research the student may find that competitors are more strongly collaborative in some creative and interesting ways. This three to four page section of paper will highlight the opportunities that have been found in the research from the risk and competition sections above. Remember this is not the Action Plan (see below) so students do not make recommendations here, but show the data in depth and analyze some of the stronger synergies that have resulted in increased profitability.

Action Plan

Students will develop a plan with exact steps that will be taken to develop collaborative thinking across stakeholders, customers and suppliers to increase creativity and innovation. This Action Plan will include information from the text and from the students own lessons learned in this class about creativity and innovation. Within this Action Plan students can place themselves within the company that they have chosen and assume that they are part of the Action Plan. The Action Plan is from ¾ of a page to two pages long. The Action Plan is measurable and uses . Remember the Action Plan is built in part on what you have learned in this class about your own ability to be a creative problem solver.

Visual Representation

Students are to turn the Action Plan into a Visual Representation, The visual representation should be no more than one page and no less than a quarter of a page. The visual representation may use any of the following technology (use the free versions). Students are to embed the Visual Representation into the ONE WORD DOCUMENT that will be turned in (in other words students can’t submit the visual representation in another document or attachment as for Signature Assignments only ONE WORD DOCUMENT can be graded. Be creative here, there is a million ways to do this “right.”

This is a place for students to show their new found creativity!


Follow APA guidelines and cite all research that has been used in the paper. Students cannot include references for sources not cited in the paper.

Individual Assignment 3 Rubric






Not Completed

**Introduction and Thesis




Engaging opening introduces the paper’s general topic and inspires thinking about the topic. Writer explains that they will bring options and opportunities that bring value. The Introduction is easily identifiable, well phrased, and lets the reader know that major supporting points; the idea offered in the thesis reflects sound critical, analytical thinking.


Opening introduces the paper’s general topic but may not stimulate thinking about the topic. Writer states his or her position on the current topic in a thesis statement.


Opening is logically organized, but may lack development; paper’s topic is clear, but needs to be developed to engage the reader. Thesis statement lacks development.


Opening is poorly organized and/or lacks development. Thesis statement is weak or missing.


No opening introduction





A comprehensive analysis of research, demographic data, competitive analysis, risk competition and collaboration are utilized. Makes it clear that the goal of analysis to bring value.


An analysis of research, demographic data, competitive analysis, competition, collaboration and risk are utilized. Makes it clear that the goal of analysis to bring value.


A somewhat brief analysis of research, demographic data, competitive analysis, competition, collaboration and risk are utilized. Makes it clear that the goal of analysis to bring value.



No analysis provided

Creative and Innovative thinking


C&I Thinking


Students apply creative and innovative deep thinking to the outline. The textbook and course materials are applied in an interesting and creative manner.


Students show some creative and innovative thinking to the outline. Course materials are applied.


Students somewhat show creative thinking to the outline. Course materials are somewhat applied.


Students do not demonstrate a deep understanding of creative and innovative techniques or strategies.


Paper is missing creative and innovative techniques and strategies

Business and Scholarly Sources




Effectively integrates credible academic or business sources into the outline; in-text citations are presented in accurate APA style; paper includes APA style “References” page, listing authoritative sources; utilizes an appropriate balance of quoted material and the writer’s analysis; all source material is accurately quoted, paraphrased or summarized to give authors credit for ideas. Block and direct quotes are used sparingly and effectively.


Generally incorporates credible academic or business sources into the outline; most in-text source citations reflect accurate APA style. “References” page lists authoritative primary and/or secondary sources but may contain minor errors in APA style; there may be a minor imbalance between quoted material and the writer’s analysis. Block and direct quotes are generally used sparingly and appropriately


Occasionally incorporates credible academic sources into the outline; adherence to APA style guidelines may be inconsistent but does not compromise the integrity of the paper; “References” page lists several authoritative secondary sources and generally follows APA style guidelines. Occasionally block and direct quotes are over utilized and/or not used appropriately.


Does not integrate credible academic sources into the outline inconsistent adherence to APA guidelines for in-text citations, which may compromise integrity of the paper; inaccurate or missing “References” page. Block and direct quotes are over utilized and/or not used appropriately.


No business or scholarly sources provided

Visual Representation




Creatively and clearly demonstrates the Action Plan. Shows a deep understanding of the material and successful technology is applied.


Clearly demonstrates the Action Plan with a deep understanding of the material. Successfully applies technology.


Demonstrate the Action Plan with deep understanding of the material and applies technology.


The Action Plan is either highly creative but hard to understand or easy to understand but does not necessarily apply to the Action Plan.


No creativity or clarity of action plan

Action Plan


Action Plan


Summarizes the topic and the ways to bring value, restating the major supporting points and findings/analysis from each section of the paper, with the purpose of supporting the thesis; states conclusion(s) based on research; ways to take action or to be open to another way of thinking.


Summarizes the topic and ways to bring value, restating the supporting points and findings/analysis from each section of the paper, states conclusion(s) based on the research.


Vaguely summarizes the topic and opinion or argument.


Does not summarize the topic and opinion or argument. Brings in new data.


No action plan provided





Effective syntax and grammar demonstrate a mastery of writing conventions and serves the author’s purpose; writing is free of misspellings and punctuation errors.


Syntax and grammar demonstrate mastery of writing conventions but may be awkward; a few misspellings or punctuation errors are present.


Awkward syntax and grammar may impair clarity; misspellings, run-on sentences, sentence fragments, or other errors are present throughout the paper.


Frequent syntax, grammar, and/or spelling errors impair clarity; numerous run-on sentences, sentence fragments, or other errors impair meaning throughout the paper.


No adherence to this criteria





Title of the paper clearly reflects its content. The title and other document formatting demonstrate. APA headings are carefully adhered to.


Title of the paper reflects its content. The title and other document formatting demonstrate general adherence to APA style guidelines. APA headings are carefully adhered to.


Title of the paper vaguely reflects its content. The title and other document formatting only occasionally demonstrate adherence to APA style guidelines. APA headings are adhered to.


Title of the paper does not reflect its content. The title and other document formatting does not demonstrate adherence to APA style guidelines. More than three errors in APA headings.


No APA formatting used


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