

Organisations and Human Capacity Building

Organisations and Human Capacity Building
A Section from WDCB letter to consultancy selected group

It is my pleasure to inform you that your team’s bid for identification of the capacity development gap in one of the three organisations outlined below has been successful. The detailed terms and conditions of your employment are outlined in Annex 1.

1. ANNEX ONE (Terms of Reference)

1.1 You are expected to act as external consultant on behalf of the World Development Capacity Building (WDCB). You will visit one of the following organisations either X (public sector), Y (private sector), or Z (non-profit making organisation such as NGO) between 29th October and 14th December 2012 as outlined in Annex 2.

1.2 You will meet with management, employees or beneficiaries as the case may be to identify the case for Capacity Building and make your assessment of the required intervention and grant to meet the identified objectives.

1.3 As explained in the project proposal when engaged in the field work you are accountable to Farhad Analoui, Head of the Human Resource Development and Consultancy Affairs in the region. You are obliged to attend (expenses should be invoiced as advised) two workshops organised by the University of Bradford in November and December (dates to be announced later) to meet with a team of All Round Consultants (ARC), discuss your progress and seek assistance with issues related to HR, organisation, reform and restructuring, and preparation of the report. You are expected to carry out your consultancy, prepare and submit a report of between 2000-2500 words to Joanne Dunne, HR Chief PG Administrator (by 15.00 on Tuesday 11 December), as a team, after the completion of the consultancy.


You are an independent group of consultants (Capacity Building Experts). Your area of expertise is concerned with organisational and human capacity building. Your team is required to complete the following tasks:

1.4.1 Choose an organisation of your choice either X, Y or Z type (Public, Private, or Non- Profit making Organisation such as NGO). This could be your own department, or an organisation you are familiar with here (in UK) or back home. You could alternatively consult a case from the Internet (Please consult with Head of HRDCA to obtain approval).

1.4.2 Summarise the case in no more than two pages and place it in Appendix 2 of your report. This should provide a description of the organisation and can answer questions such as; What type of organisation it is? Where it is located? What does it do? What is its structure? Who and how many people work there? Who are the beneficiaries, if any? And so on.

1.4.3 The main part of your report should consist of the following;

I. Front page with information on title of the organisation, the names of the consultants involved, course name and the number of words.
II. Executive summary (one page).
III. List of Tables and Figures, Content Page.
IV. Short Acknowledgement
V. Terms of Reference (Paragraphs 1.0-1.3) (Modify to suit your consultancy!).
VI. Introduction
VII. Organisation design and culture with analysis (Short description of the organisation – see above). An organisation chart of the whole or part of the organisation should be submitted.
VIII. Number of visits to the organisation and people interviewed/surveyed.
IX. Identification of human capacity needs.
X. Design a programme of capacity building, enhancements and plan for implementation.
XI. Short description of resources required from WDCB.
XII. Conclusion.
XIII. List of recommendations.
XIV. Bibliography.
Appendix One: description of members’ contribution
Appendix Two: Description of the organisation
Appendix Three: Any other information
Appendix Four: CV of the consultancy team members (not more than a page). NB. Team photograph must be included.



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