

PA Current Events Blog

BOOK >Shafritz et al. (2013) note that Congress passed and President Barack Obama supported the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the “Federal Stimulus,” in an effort to support the flagging US economy. After reviewing this section of your textbook, research the current level of the federal budget deficit. Compare this to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections. Given your findings, evaluate the success of the Federal Stimulus. Address the following questions in your blog:

Did the stimulus package pump enough money into the economy to prevent a complete failure of the economic system?
Would the government have reemerged from the recession without the stimulus?
Is the US better or worse off, economically speaking? If yes, why? If no, why not?
What government organization is best situated to assess and evaluate the impact and success of the “Federal Stimulus”?
What important lessons have been learned?

:Blog, please add pictures

PAD 6053 Current Events Blog Assessment Rubric for Session 12 Assignment – Fall 2016
Session 12 – PA Current Events Blog: Compare and contrast the leadership styles of John Puller and Julie Carson of The Forgotten. Apply (a minimum of) four theories/concepts from the leadership literature to your assessment of Puller and Carson. In your blog, incorporate an article from the popular press that discusses a public sector leader whose style is most similar to either Puller or Carson. Compare and contrast Baldacci’s (2012) portrayal of the selected character to your real-world example. Explore the usefulness of popular literature (like The Forgotten) for examining leadership in the public sector (worth 150 points).
Blackboard has a blogging feature that can be used to create your blog. Blogs created in the Blackboard can be viewed by your colleagues. It is also possible for viewers to comment on your blog contents.
If you are not familiar with the format for a blog, see this example – http://www.realtimeperformance.com/RealTimeLeadership/ – please note that blogging entries are usually posted over time. For this assignment I would recommend simulating this format, for example responding to this assignment with a minimum of four (4) posts. Please carefully review the rubric presented below.

Current Events Blog Assignments:

The template/rubric presented below will be used to assess the Current Events Blog. Current Events Blogs are expected to demonstrate the following indicators: subject content knowledge, critical thinking and assessment, organization and development of ideas and arguments, language and vocabulary (needed to discuss the theme presented in the assignment), and conventions (style and grammar). Please note the expectations for assignments ranked at the level of Exemplary or higher:

An Exemplary (.98 and higher) demonstration of expected indicators for this assignment would offer an outstanding mastery of the important elements of the assignment –
ВВ· makes multiple [minimum 7 or more] important theoretical connections (for example – Follett’s (1925) “law of the situation”) and linkages across the course literature and beyond;
ВВ· addresses all important components of the assignment (that is –applies leadership theories, incorporates an article from the popular news-related press that discusses a public sector leader whose style is similar to the Carson or Puller characters, offers a compare and contrast of the real-world leader and either Carson or Puller, discusses the usefulness of popular literature for examining leadership in the public sector);
ВВ· demonstrates familiarity with the course materials and the subjects presented;
ВВ· demonstrates the ability to critically engage the literature (CTA);
ВВ· incorporates and applies relevant and useful external literature and electronic resources;
ВВ· presents a blog post that is multi-media with external links that elevate the breadth and depth of the exploration of the leadership theme by incorporating relevant Youtube videos [see this one as an example – , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oubh57URFaE ] electronic articles – for example – http://www.governing.com/columns/mgmt-insights/What-Transformational-Leaders-Do.html , includes images – see image on this page as an example http://www.c2econsulting.co.uk/services_transformational.asp;
ВВ· incorporates quotations from Shafritz et al. (2013), The Forgotten, leadership theorists, leadership gurus, iconic leaders;
ВВ· incorporates other media where useful and engaging; and
ВВ· incorporates engaging audio content.

Assignment reflects organization and development of relevant arguments from the course literature and other useful resources. Clarity of thoughts, ideas, and arguments reflected in blog post. Offers an exemplary demonstration of the ability to use the language and vocabulary needed to present the blog theme. Post reflects a proficient use of all conventions, including spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and proper citation style where needed.

A Proficient (.94 – .96) demonstration of the expected indicators reflecting mastery of the important elements of the assignment (makes important theoretical connections and linkages [5 to 6], demonstrates familiarity with the subjects and themes presented (SCK); demonstrates the ability to critically engage the literature but not at an exemplary level (CTA); incorporates and applies relevant and useful external literature and electronic resources; post is multi-media and external links elevate the breadth and depth of the response (CTA). Arguments and ideas are clearly presented (ODIA); Offers a proficient demonstration of the ability to use the language and vocabulary needed to present the blog theme (LAV). Blog post reflects a proficient use of all conventions, including spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and proper citation style where needed (CSG). Demonstrates a proficient attempt to engage the viewer.

A Very Good – Good (.90 – .92) demonstration of the expected indicators – a very good grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials, makes some important theoretical connections and linkages [3 to 4] demonstrating competent use of important and relevant terminology and ideas, but does not reflect outstanding mastery; Overall – blog post is organized but additional minor tweaking is needed with the organization and development of arguments presented. While minor tweaking is needed with conventions, a competent knowledge and use of conventions are demonstrated in the blog assignment. Demonstrates a very good to good attempt to engage the viewer with written, visual, and audio content but not at a proficient and exemplary level. Blog post offers a greater proportion of written content.

A Satisfactory (.84 – .88) demonstration of the expected indicators –reflecting a satisfactory grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials, but does not reflect what is expected in a good to very good demonstration; Assignment tasks are addressed however the post only repeats and summarizes and does not offer critical theoretical connections and linkages of useful external literature or relevant terminology and ideas. Some additional work is needed to enhance the organization and development of ideas and arguments. Some additional work is needed to enhance the use of conventions. Demonstrates a satisfactory attempt to engage the viewer.

A Limited (.80 – 82) demonstration of the expected indicators –reflecting an incomplete grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials and theories, and or any useful and relevant external literature. Offers a very limited summary of relevant reading material but does not demonstrate the ability to offer a critical assessment and analysis of the literature to address the issues/tasks presented in the assignment. Arguments are not clearly presented. Additional work is needed to enhance the use of conventions. Demonstrates a limited attempt to engage the viewer.

A Unsatisfactory (.76 – .78) demonstration of the expected indicators – reflecting an unsatisfactory and below average grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials and related theoretical concepts. Fails to incorporate any useful relevant external literature. Current events blog post fails to demonstrate an understanding of the course reading materials or the ability to apply arguments from the reading material to the assigned tasks. Arguments are not clearly presented and conventions have not been followed. Demonstrates an unsatisfactory attempt to engage the viewer.


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