

Paper on Operational process

operational process
I need a report.This report has to be about operational process.My chosen company is IAC
International AUtomotive Company.These are some hints from the teacher:Assessment
Word limit: 3000 words, excluding diagrams and appendices.
You are required to analyse an organisation of your choice and to produce a report, of
approximately 3000 words, which:

Critically analyses how effectively the systems and processes being deployed within the
organisation have been aligned to deliver the organisation�s performance objectives,
Suggests ways in which the process might be better managed to improve the delivery of those

In your report you should:
Identify the desired outputs of, and what constitutes effective performance for, the
Use the theoretical ideas or models that we examine in the module to
systematically review the issues and choices faced by the �operations manager� as they
design, operate and improve their processes.

Format: Your report should be clearly structured using sub-headings etc. I do not expect an
executive summary at the beginning of the report.This report must include:a)-Operations
management-what it means,b)-The strategic role and… The role of the operations function
Operations performance objectives After making this general point about operations
objectives, the rest goes on to look at the five performance objectives of quality, speed,
dependability, flexibility, and cost.c)-Operations strategy New product/service development
Vertical integration strategy
Facilities strategy
Technology strategy
Workforce and organization strategy
Capacity adjustment strategy
Supplier development strategy
Inventory strategy
Planning and control systems strategy
Improvement strategy
Failure prevention and recovery strategy.d)-Process design What is design? Why design is
important?Supply network design.e)-Capacity planning Long-term, medium-, and short-term
capacity Measuring demand and capacity Alternative capacity plans. f)-Process technology
Life-cycle effects on product/service and process technology Materials processing
technologies Information processing technologies.g)-The objectives of job design 1. Quality
The ability of staff to produce high-quality products and services can be affected by job
design. This includes avoiding errors in the short term, but also includes designing jobs
which encourage staff to improve the job itself in such a way as to make errors less
2. Speed
Sometimes speed of response is the dominant objective to be achieved in job design. For
example, the way in which the jobs of emergency service personnel are organised (the range
of tasks for which they are trained, the sequence of activities in their approved
procedures, the autonomy which they have to decide on appropriate action, and so on) will
go a long way to determine their ability to respond promptly to emergencies and perhaps
save lives.
3. Dependability
Dependable supply of goods and services is usually influenced, in some way, by job design.
For example, in the postal services� working arrangements, multi-skilling, accurate use of
sorting equipment through good staff-machine interface design, and the �design� of postal
staff�s clothing, can all aid dependable delivery of letters and parcels.
4. Flexibility
Job design can affect the ability of the operation to change the nature of its activities.
New product or service flexibility, mix flexibility, volume flexibility and delivery
flexibility are all dependent to some extent on job design. (See Chapter 2 for a full
description of these different types of flexibility). For example, staff who have been
trained in several tasks (multi-skilling) may find it easier to cope with a wide variety of
models and new product or service introductions.
5. Cost
All the elements of job design described above will have an effect on the productivity, and
therefore the cost, of the job. Productivity in this context means the ratio of output to
labour input: for example, the number of customers served per hour or the number of
products made per worker.
In addition, job design will influence two other particularly important objectives.
6. Health and safety
Whatever else a job design achieves, it must not endanger the well-being of the person who
does the job, other staff of the operation, the customers who might be present in the
operation, or those who use any products made by the operation.
7. Quality of working life
The design of any job should take into account its effect on job security, intrinsic
interest, variety, opportunities for development, stress level and attitude of the person
performing the job.
Division of labour
Although it is historically the earliest influence on job design, division of labour is
arguably still the most important. If it were not all of us would do everything. The fact
that we specialise is a tacit recognition of the advantages to be gained from division of
labour. The main issue is the extent to which jobs are divided up. Although there are still
some highly divided and very repetitive jobs, there has been a general trend in many jobs
for division of labour to be reversed somewhat. But not totally eliminated, that is the
important point, there is still some degree of specialisation in almost every job. The
important objective is to balance the flexibility and increased job satisfaction which less
divided jobs give most of us, against the degree of efficiency and learning which often
goes with some degree of division of labour.
Scientific management
As far as scientific managements influence on job design goes, method study and work
measurement are its twin legacies. Both are still practiced, though neither are as popular
as once they were.
Method study has some advantages in its systematic approach to questioning why jobs are
design in a particular way. Indeed, the conventional method study approach is very close to
some more modern approaches such as business process reengineering. The main criticisms of
method study (and indeed business process reengineering) centre around its limited
objectives. It pays little attention to even the most obvious aspects of motivation. But
the principles of method study are still valid for most jobs. For example, compare the way
an experienced cook moves around the kitchen, automatically sequencing tasks so as to save
effort or time or both. Compare that with the less experienced cook who does not have the
innate ability to perform his or her tasks in an efficient or effective manner.
Work measurement is less widely used now. Time standards are still important of course. Any
business still needs an estimate of how long jobs will take, if only for planning and
control purposes. However, the use of time standards to underpin payment systems or control
work rate is less common. Again though, it is still practiced in some operations.
Supermarket check-out staff for example, or call centre operators generally work against
time standards. And where they do, the practice can still be contentious. The boxed example
on NUMMI on pages 272 and 273 is an interesting example of how some of the basic principles
of work study have been used by staff rather than on staff. The idea of thinking about
staff from a physiological point of view, but in a systematic manner, goes back at least
half a century. As such it was once regarded as a little �old fashioned� in job design
circles. However, health and safety legislation in many countries has prompted a renewal of
interest in the subject. So, for example, on automobile assembly lines the car is normally
positioned at a height convenient for the assembly line staff to do their job without
excessive bending or lifting. This not only eases strain on the assembly staff themselves
but also helps to promote smoother, faster and higher quality working.
The way in which controls and displays are designed is also treated by ergonomists. The
figure below demonstrates what ergonomists call the �person-work place loop�.
f)-Supply chain planning What is good supply chain management? g)-Inventory planning The
objectives of inventory planning and control Stock sometimes has unexpected advantages h)-
Quality planning and control How can quality be defined?How can quality problems be
diagnosed?What steps lead towards conformance to specification?How can statistical process
control help quality planning and control?How can acceptance sampling help quality planning
and control?h)-Change and Innovation. The Intro to Lean.Capacity Planning.Please use
references I sent you:Key reading for successfully completing the module:
Core Reading :
Slack N, Chambers S & Johnston R, (2010), � Operations Management Principles � 6th Edition
(Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Key Reading
T Hill, A Hill (2011) Essential Operations Management, Palgrave Macmillan
Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn (2010)Essential Tools for Operations Management: Tools, Models and
Approaches for Managers and Consultants, A John Wiley and Sons Ltd
J Heizer, Barry Render ( 2010) Operations Management, Pearson
Prof Robert Johnston and Graham Clark(2008), Service Operations Management: Improving
Service Delivery, FT Prentice Hall
Additional URL site;
Everything you writing could you please link it to the company I have chosen.For you to
understand the concept of my job I have sent you some you tube links.These machines work
very similar but I make parts for cars.The parts made by the maschine I operate are then
colected by a robot and put through a conveyor.After that I have to check the quality of
the parts and correct them if needed.The raw material
is sent from suuply inventory by pipes to the feeder hopper.
Ihave sent you the information about my company,so you use them.Could you please copy the
graphs and diagrams and at them to the report.I sent you information in pdf file in case
you write to many words about one subject you can refer to the appendix(pdf file)


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