


The purpose of this paper is for you to apply Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) discussed in class to a chosen sport/performance movie.  If you want an in-depth description of the theory and sub theories  you can  look at http://selfdeterminationtheory.org/theory/    but at least look at the Ryan reading from class.
Citing specific examples, you will demonstrate your understanding of this theory. Using the components of the theory, describe the behaviors, decisions, motives and, if possible, an explanation for specific outcomes for one or more individuals in the movie. Take liberties describing situation in the context of your chosen theory; the character may not say something that fits into a theory, but his/her actions may work. Every aspect of the theory may not be depicted, so you need to describe the theory in its entirety. As a conclusion, please discuss the process of applying the elements, components, or aspects that make up your chosen theory to the behaviors of the individuals in the movie. 

DO NOT WRITE A MOVIE REVIEW!!  Focus on PERFORMANCE and MOTIVATION, NOT whether not you liked the movie or anything about its quality/artistic appeal or shortcomings.

Here is a suggested outline.

1)    Write a strong introduction where you present your thesis that this film contains “x, y, and z” insights about how motivation is obtained and sustained and what about those insights are beneficial, detrimental, or both and should be considered by performers. Your summary of the film should be no longer than three or four sentences.

2) Include 3 or 4 body paragraphs, each of which analyze a different aspect of the theory youve chosen.  For example:
        “Research shows that ___________ aspect of self determination theory can help performers achieve___________ (citation, year).  In __x-movie__,  __x-person/team____ demonstrated this by ____________.”

**Refer to ideas and provide citations from class readings (and beyond if you like) for each of your points. To illustrate each point, describe incidents from the film where the performer/coach/mentor/etc. either does or does not demonstrate that particular quality or principle of whatever theory you’re using to explain motivation.

3) Finish with a conclusion that synthesizes your arguments.  You may present your opinions about how well the movie presents these issues and how understanding the theory you chose may have influenced the outcome of the story.  However, avoid using I in your prose.  Just state your appraisals without referring to yourself.

4) Include a reference list.

Helpful Hints: Concentrate on the motivation theory and how the film reveals the elements of Self-Determination Theory (a motivation theory), instead of what is says about athletes or coaches or whether or not its quality art. Your summary of the films plot should be only a few sentences. Imagine an audience for you paper that consists of performance enthusiasts who are considering watching a movie about performance psychology and havent seen this film. Try to avoid trite or clich generalizations, such as Achieving performance outcomes takes dedication If you need to refer to the maker of the movie, use the directors name.


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