

Professors instructions

Professors instructions

The balanced scorecard approach has been used as a strategy evaluation and strategy formulation method since the early-1990s when Kaplan and Norton (1992) first introduced the idea. Variations of the balanced scorecard were used by over 70% of Fortune 1000 companies by 2002, and companies in virtually all industries use the scorecard approach as a means of approaching performance evaluation.

You may choose from one of two options provided to you as a final project for the course. Since the MSMIT and MSM lack competency exams, which is the essence of the MBA-MFT, a paper or project is the substitute for the MBA-MFT.

• Choice #1 (Research Paper)—You may write a 15-20 page paper on the balanced scorecard as applied to an industry or field. For instance, if you work in the healthcare fields, you may want to explore how physician groups, for-profit or not-for-profit hospitals, insurers, etc. use the balanced scorecard approach to evaluate and/or help formulate strategy. APA format, citations and references are required for the research paper choice.

• Choice #2 (Case Study Project Paper)—You may also work with a company to help design a balanced scorecard for the company. The written report must clearly lay out the process that went into the design, present the balanced scorecard and reason for inclusion of performance measures chosen, and how data are going to be assessed and collected. As a guide, you will want to see Kaplan & Norton (1993) and the examples of companies presented in that article and how they developed and used the balanced scorecard. Harvard Business School cases also serve as useful models as far as how you would possibly want to lay out the case company and the balanced scorecard. The case study should also be between 15-20 pages. APA format, references, and citations are required.
Final Research Paper for Shakespeare Unit
During this unit, and out whole year, we have stressed the importance of considering multiple perspectives.
• For our final paper of this unit, your assignment is to analyze both the majority and ignored perspective in both our play and in an event in history (either current or past).
o To do this, you must:
1. Pick a historical event
2. Research the typical way that it has been portrayed in historical accounts and the media-
3. AND research the ignored perspective in the event that has typically been overlooked.
*You must have at least _____ researched scholarly source(s) and present all research in a bibliography
4. Finally, in your paper, you must make a conclusion about:
a. How stories/happenings are reported,
b. What the consequences are for telling stories in this way,
c. And what you believe Shakespeare was trying to do/prove in his play.

This analysis should take the form of a 5 page,five-paragraph essay.
Below is the outline for your paper. The accompanying questions are suggestions to help you write.

Paragraph 1: Introduction and thesis that proves your belief about perspectives in our play and the historical event

Paragraph 2: How Shakespeare was presenting a majority and ignored perspective in the play. What was his aim? How does the play prove your thesis?

Paragraph 3: The majority perspective in history (for a specific event). Why was the story told this way? What are the consequences of telling the story this way? How does this information prove your thesis?

Paragraph 4: The ignored perspective in history (for a specific event). Why was it ignored? What are the consequences for ignoring this perspective? How does this information prove your thesis?

Paragraph 5: Conclusion about perspectives, reporting, history, and the consequences.

Bibliography (MLA Style)


Major Due Dates

Jan 29- at the end of class a thesis statement is needed

Jan 30- students will have to evaluate and show me their sources

Feb 4- topic sentences are due at start of class

Feb 8- editing workshop, a printed rough draft is due at the start of class

Feb 18- paper is due- it must be printed and turned in with the rubric at the start of class!!!

Getting Started

What do you think Shakespeare was trying to do in his play? How was he treating the majority and ignored perspectives? Think of what he was trying to teach his readers. Use your notes from the unit to guide your answer. Write at least 3 sentences below

Shakespeare shows that there is difference between people with power and people without. e as humans will always have someone with some form of power on top of the ignored perspective controlling their lives. Prospero was in control of everyone on the island even after he had left for Milan he still had power he will retire with that same power.

What evidence do you have for your answer above? Cite at least 3 specific instances from the play (does not have to be quotes) to back up your opinion.

1. Prospero uses his magic to control Miranda and her feeling and knowledge, Caliban and his life within his hands. He “needs” his magic to feel like he has the same power he did when he was the duke of Milan.

1. When Prospero and Miranda had landing on the island like the others they relied on Caliban to survive and keep them alive. It put them on the same level they realized they were people but in the same instance they realized they had some power some control over him (or the natives).

2. In the end Prospero leaves to go back to Milan, but before he does he ask us the people forgiveness no not forgiveness justification, or for that what he has done was not bad. He puts his self on the level of his comrades and we as people but still not acknowledging Caliban as an equal.

Talk to a history teacher, skim through a history book, read a newspaper, or jump on the Internet. Pick a historical event, either current or past, and analyze whose perspective is being shown and what perspective is being ignored. These will be your topics for research


Historical Event: The end of segregation it showed how we are all equals. Even more that anyone rich or power, gay or straight, black, white, or other people would belong to be together.
Majority Perspective:Were currently at that point in time were Caucasians in some cases they still are.
Ignored Perspective:





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