

Re-Aim Worksheet

Re-Aim Worksheet
Assignment 1 uses the RE-AIM Model to assess an evidence-based chronic disease program in the following Dimensions: REACH (Individual Level), EFFECTIVENESS (Individual Level), ADOPTION (Setting/Staff Level), IMPLEMENTATION (Setting/Staff Level), MAINTENANCE (Individual Level) and MAINTENANCE (Setting Level).
1. Students will select a chronic disease topic from one of the following websites: Centers for Disease Control (search under Diseases & Conditions http://www.cdc.gov/), National Institute for Health (search health topics A-Z http://health.nih.gov/) or Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (http://www.ahrq.gov/). There’s also
(http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov) and re-aim.org…( for re-aim.org, once you get to the page go to publication, once you’re on the page you can go type in a chronic disease and it has articles about a program they did re-aim on. Once you find a program, you need to find 2 more articles about the same program. It needs to be same program, but can be different population, setting, ethnicity. ONCE AGAIN THE ARTICLES NEED TO BE ABOUT THE SAME PROGRAM!!!!)–THE CHRONIC DISEASE I WANT TO FOCUS ON IS CHILDHOOD OBESITY. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS BASICALLY TO GET 3 ARTICLES ON THE SAME PROGRAM AND JUST ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS ON THE WORKSHEET. I WILL UPLOAD A BLANK WORKSHEET FOR MY ASSIGNMENT. I WILL ALSO UPLOAD 2 SAMPLES THAT MY PROFESSOR FOUND. SHE SAID THAT THOSE WOULD BE CONSIDERED A PAPERS. WHAT PROGRAMS DO THEY HAVE OUT THERE FOR CHILDHOOD OBESITY? SAME PROGRAM-DIFFERENT SETTING,POPULATION, ETHNICITY.(SPECIFIC PROGRAM)
2. Students will select an evidence-based chronic disease program from one of the same websites that will inform their work/research with a similar target population in a health care setting.
3. Students will complete this assignment individually and will use the RE-AIM Model worksheet provided to fill in responses for each RE-AIM Dimension.
4. Include a separate references page, use a minimum of 3 references, follow APA guidelines.
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________

A Chronic Health Disease Topic:


Evidence-based Chronic Disease Program:

The RE-AIM Model: REACH – Individual Level
Definition: The number, percent of those invited and eligible who participate, and their representativeness.

Example: Sixty-five percent of chronic illness patients invited to a group medical visit attended an initial session. Those declining were more likely to be male and Latino.

Key Issues: Do programs in your area reach those at highest risk? Do they define the “denominator” for the intended audience? Are different recruitment strategies or program options needed to increase reach?
RE-AIM Dimension = REACH (Individual Level)

Questions to Ask Ways to Enhance
What percent of the target population comes into contact? Formative evaluation with potential users with those declining
Does program reach those most in need? Small scale recruitment studies to test methods
Will participants be representative of the targeted population? Identify and reduce barriers to participation
Use multiple channels of recruitment


Who is intended to benefit from the program?
To what extent is REACH addressed in the literature in this area?
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always

Provide source(s) to support your answer:


To what extent is REACH a problem in practice in this area? 1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always
4 What are the key barriers to achieving high levels of REACH?
5 What are key strategies to enhance REACH? 6
What 2-3 things from this discussion can I apply to my work?





The RE-AIM Model: EFFECTIVENESS – Individual Level
Definition: Amount of change in temporally appropriate outcomes and impact on quality of life or any adverse (iatrogenic) effects.

Example: Telephone outreach program increased colon cancer screening rates by 20%, with no adverse effects on quality of life or cardiovascular screening rates.

Key Issues: Do programs in your area use logic models to clarify anticipated effects; how often is quality of life used as a common metric for overall impact; are unintended consequences reported?


RE-AIM Dimension = EFFECTIVENESS (Individual Level)

Questions to Ask Ways to Enhance
Does program achieve key targeted outcomes? Incorporate more tailoring to individual
Does it produce unintended adverse consequences? Reinforce via repetition, multiple modalities, social support and systems change
How will impact on quality of life (QOL) be assessed? Use stepped care approach
Evaluate adverse outcomes and QOL for program revision and cost-to-benefit analyses


What is the program aiming to achieve? What is the outcome(s) of the intervention?

To what extent is EFFECTIVENESS addressed in the literature in this area?

1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always

Provide source(s) to support your answer:
To what extent is EFFECTIVENESS
a problem in practice in this area?
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always
4 What are the key barriers to achieving high levels of EFFECTIVENESS?



5 What are key strategies to enhance EFFECTIVENESS?



6 What 2-3 things from this discussion can I apply to my work?









The RE-AIM Model: ADOPTION – Setting/Staff Level

Definition: Number, percent and representativeness of settings and staff invited who participate.
Example: (Setting Level): Fifty-two percent of county health departments invited to a training program on evidence-based decision making sent a representative. Departments participating were larger, more urban, and rated chronic illness as a higher priority.
Key Issues: Do programs in your area focus on “denominator” invited and barriers among non-users. Is an effort made to have initial adoptees include peer opinion leaders (local champions)?
RE-AIM Dimension = ADOPTION (Setting/Organizational Level)

Questions to Ask Ways to Enhance
Will organizations having underserved or high-risk populations use it? Conduct formative evaluation with adoptees and settings that decline
Does program help the organization address its primary mission? Recruit settings that have most contact with target audience
Provide cost options and customization of intervention
Develop recruitment materials outlining program benefits and required resources


Define criteria for “appropriate” setting
To what extent is ADOPTION addressed in the literature in this area?
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always

Provide source(s) to support your answer:

To what extent is ADOPTION a problem in practice in this area? 1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always
4 What are the key barriers to achieving high levels of ADOPTION?



5 What are key strategies to enhance ADOPTION?



6 What 2-3 things from this discussion can I apply to my work?








The RE-AIM Model: IMPLEMENTATION – Setting/Staff Level

Definition: Extent to which a program or policy is delivered consistently, and the time and costs of the program.
Example: Caregivers received at least two follow-up phone calls 75% of the time; took an average of 5 minutes, but not all staff called consistently.
Key Issues: Do programs in your area report consistency of delivery across staff, program components, and time? Is there a balance between program fidelity and local customization?


(Setting/Organizational Level)

Questions to Ask Ways to Enhance
How many staff within a setting will try this? Provide delivery staff with training and technical assistance
Can different levels of staff implement the program successfully? Provide clear intervention protocols
Are different components delivered as intended? Consider automating all or part of the program
Monitor and provide staff feedback and recognition for implementation


1 What are the different components of the program that are intended to deliver?
To what extent is IMPLEMENTATION addressed in the literature in this area?
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always

Provide source(s) to support your answer:

To what extent is IMPLEMENTATION a problem in practice in this area?
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always
4 What are the key barriers to achieving high levels of IMPLEMENTATION?



5 What are key strategies to enhance IMPLEMENTATION?



6 What 2-3 things from this discussion can I apply to my work?








The RE-AIM Model: MAINTENANCE – Individual Level

Definition: Long-term effects on key outcomes and quality-of-life impact.
Example: At one-year follow-up, there was 58% attrition from Internet weight loss program; those present maintained 95% of an initial 8 lb. weight loss.
Key Issues: How often do programs in your area report follow-up data of one year or longer? Are attrition rates high and do they bias results?


(Individual and Setting Levels)

Questions to Ask Ways to Enhance
Does the program produce lasting effects at individual level? Reduce level of resources required; make contacts extensive, not intensive
Can organizations sustain the program over time? Incorporate “natural environmental” and community supports
Are those persons and settings that show maintenance those most in need? Conduct follow-up assessments and interviews to characterize success at both levels
Incorporate incentives and policy supports


What is considered as lasting effects at individual level?
To what extent is MAINTENANCE addressed in the literature in this area?
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always

Provide source(s) to support your answer:

To what extent is MAINTENANCE a problem in practice in this area?
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always
4 What are the key barriers to achieving high levels of MAINTENANCE?



5 What are key strategies to enhance MAINTENANCE?



6 What 2-3 things from this discussion can I apply to my work?








The RE-AIM Model: MAINTENANCE – Setting Level

Definition: Extent to which a program or policy is sustained, modified, or discontinued following initial trial or study period.
Example: Of 24 settings initially participating, 6 continued the program largely unchanged, 12 made substantial adaptations, and 6 dropped the program.
Key Issues: Do studies in your area report on program adaptation over time; are qualitative approaches used to understand why these actions are taken?
(Individual and Setting Levels)

Questions to Ask Ways to Enhance
Does the program produce lasting effects at individual level? Reduce level of resources required; make contacts extensive, not intensive
Can organizations sustain the program over time? Incorporate “natural environmental” and community supports
Are those persons and settings that show maintenance those most in need? Conduct follow-up assessments and interviews to characterize success at both levels
Incorporate incentives and policy supports
How to determine organization(s) can sustain the program over time?

To what extent is MAINTENANCE addressed in the literature in this area?

1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always

Provide source(s) to support your answer:

To what extent is MAINTENANCE a problem in practice in this area? 1 2 3 4 5
Hardly Ever Half the Time Almost Always
4 What are the key barriers to achieving high levels of MAINTENANCE?



5 What are key strategies to enhance MAINTENANCE?



6 What 2-3 things from this discussion can I apply to my work/research?





RE-AIM Questions to Ask & Ways to Enhance Overall Impact

5. Use 12 point font, Times Roman, single spaced on the worksheet.





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