


Rip Van Winkle Images

Part I: Read and analyze Washington Irving’s text, “Rip Van Winkle” ( 1813)

“By Woden, God of Saxons,

From whence comes Wednesday, that is Wodensday,

Truth is a thing that ever I will keep

Unto thylke day in which I creep into

My sepulchre.”


Pre- Revolution Dutch Colony Post Revolution ( 20 years) America

Imagery of “crown”, “majesty” “purple” to describe mountains

War metaphors ( wife’s behavior, “volley, “launched”) Dame van Winkle passed away ( war is over)

Youthful Rip ( Beloved ANTI-Hero) Aged Rip

Vedder’s Junto vs. Franklin’s Junto Somewhat industrious townBustling, ‘sharp”, pushy ( somewhat violent)

Portrait of King George III George Washington

Single Crow Flock of idle crows ( no more carrion)

Dog named “Wolf” Mangy wolf, snarls at Rip

Nine-pins, sound of thunder ( Thor) Quiet

Fowling piece rusty firelock pistol

Rip Van Winkle remains a lazy, beloved storytellerNever has to work in his life, ever again

Moral of the story?

Commentary on:● Creates a message regarding the value of the arts ( over the Enlightenment)

○ Irving ( the author) makes fun of all work and no play– no balance of life espoused by Benjamin Franklin)● What values are considered uniquely American ( satire of anti-hero, anti-Ben Franklin)● Value of strong work ethic ( Marxist theory ( 1850’s): the elite benefit from the working class– therefore Irving makes a

social commentary regarding the land owners, like Jefferson, living off the labors of the working class)● Perspective on economic shift after Revolution● Commentary on active Involvement in one’s life ( not being passive)● Value of certain “American” traditions and freedom● Change is inevitable

Feudal Aristocracy‟s Escape: A Marxist Approach to “RipVan Winkle” by Liu Liu and Yu Sun

Part II:

Text ( choose ONE quote– and agree or disagree) Analysis via Marxist Critical Theory

Marxist Theory: “According to Marx, ‘The economic structure ofcapitalist society has grownout of the economic structure of feudal society.’” Translation: Howdoes the little colony change from monarchy rule to self rule ( whogets the money from their labors?)

Video support;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVWtb9BrMDQ



The reason for the unusual family relations of Rip VanWinkle is his family‟s economic situation. In Rip VanWinkle‟s family, his wife but not him is the breadwinner, andRip Van Winkle does not take the responsibility of workingand earning money. According to Marx, the superstructure isdetermined by the economic base. So, the family positions ofRip Van Winkle and his wife are determined by theireconomic positions. As the bread-winner in the family, DameVan Winkle has more right of speech than Rip Van Winkle.The story is written during the American IndustrialRevolution. The industrial society is beginning to strike theagricultural society, and will replace it later. According toMarx, “The economic structure of capitalist society has grownout of the economic structure of feudal society. Thedissolution of the latter set free the elements of the former.” [4]From the perspective of Marxists, “literature grows out of andreflects real material/historical conditions.” [5] Take a look atthe character of Rip Van Winkle and his wife with thishistorical background, it is not difficult to find that Rip VanWinkle and his wife Dame Van Winkle actually representstwo social classes. Rip Van Winkle represents the feudalaristocracy, while his wife represents the capitalist class. Andthe conflicts between Rip Van Winkle and his wife can beseen as the conflicts between the two social classes.The feudal aristocracy does not join producing activities,but to exploit the capitalist class and peasantry. In the story,Rip Van Winkle does the same thing. He depends on his wifefor a living instead of working by himself, and he hatesworking, “The great error in Rip‟s composition was aninsuperable aversion to all kinds of profitable labor.” [1] Thefeudal aristocracy exploits the other classes by its remainingfeudal influence, and Rip Van Winkle exploits his wife by theremaining patriarchal power. Besides, like the feudal

Authors’ claim:

Dame Van Winkle= Capitalist class ( def:Capitalism is an economicsystem based on the private ownership of the means of production andtheir operation for profit.

Rip Van Winkle= Feudal class ( def: the dominant social system inmedieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown whilethe peasants (serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give himlabor)

Marxism Critical Lens: economic philosophy that explores the use oflabor as a form of capitol, the dominance of one group over anotherthrough force or Ideology ( propaganda), as well as how one groupbenefits from another’s labor ( while that working group benefits less).

● Superstructure= propaganda ( advertising that supports andreinforces society ideas)

● Base= resources, including laborers


Author’s claim: RIP VAN Winkle IS Propaganda

Feudal structure: the dominant social system in medieval Europe, inwhich the nobility held lands from the Crown while the peasants (serfs)were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him labor

According to the Marxist lens: Literature is a form of propaganda thatreinforces social positions ( each character represents social class)

aristocracy, he hates working and leads a life of pleasure, “Ifleft to himself, he would have whistled life away in perfectcontentment;” [1], “Here they used to sit in the shade througha long lazy summer‟s day, talking listlessly over village gossip,or telling endless sleepy stories about nothing.” [1] Thelifestyle of Rip Van Winkle is the idyllic life, which is verytypical in the traditional feudal society. With the rising ofmodern industry, the power of the feudal aristocracy aredeclining. Similarly, Rip Van Winkle‟s economic condition isworsening and his life quality is falling, “His fences werecontinually falling to pieces; his cow would either go astray,or get among the cabbages; weeds were sure to grow quickerin his fields than anywhere else; the rain always made a pointof setting in just as he had some out-door work to do.” [1] Hiscondition in family assembles the feudal aristocracy‟s socialcondition. Rip Van Winkle is mild-tempered, polite, and gladto help the women in the village, which is like the well-bredand genteel feudal aristocracy.

As for Dame Van Winkle, she works hard to earn food andmoney, just like what the capitalist class do during theaccumulation of capital. And she has to provide for her lazyand incompetent husband, which assembles the capitalistclass that has been exploited by the feudal aristocracy. Andher lifestyle is much more practical than Rip Van Winkle. Shemanages the whole family without the help of Winkle, so it‟snot difficult to see that Dame Van Winkle is quite competentand has little time to have entertainment. As Winkle‟s familyposition keeps falling, “Times grew worse and worse with RipVan Winkle as years of matrimony rolled on; a tart tempernever mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edgedtool that grows keener with constant use.” [1], Dame VanWinkle‟s family position is rising, which assembles thecapitalist class‟s rising social position. Dame Van Winkle is acantankerous woman. The author uses words like “termagant”and “virago” to describe her. Similarly, the capitalist class areused to be criticized as a vulgar class.

When Rip and Dame Van Winkle fight= economic struggles fordominance

According to authors:● Feudal class= does not work ( exploit capitalist class/serfs)● Capitalist class= workers who benefit from labors

Note: I’m not sure that I agree with the authors’ definitions of capitalistclass for Rip

Rip= Feudal classDame = exploited Capitalist worker

Feudal class is inefficient for economic growth

Capitalist class is more practical ( dominated by Feudal class)

Feudal economic system causes economic failure (inefficiencies)

My thoughts ( NOT Son and Liu’s): Revolution represents the struggleswith King George III and feudal system– Rip leaves, which mayrepresent King George’s mental abdication, and Dame van Winkle ( theworker) takes over

The conflicts between Rip Van Winkle and Dame VanWinkle symbolize the combat for economic and politicalhegemony between the feudal aristocracy and the capitalistclass. In this combat, the capitalist class are beginning to havethe upper hand. But the capitalist class still has to compromisewith the feudal aristocracy. For example, they still have to putup with the feudal aristocracy‟s exploitation. In the story, RipVan Winkle cannot bear his wife‟s curse and runs into themountain to find himself some comfort. Then he drinks thebeverage of an old man and falls asleep. When he wakes up,twenty years have passed, and everything has changed.Actually, Winkle uses a long sleep to escape his wife. Whenhe wakes up, his wife is already dead, “Rip had but onequestion more to ask; but he put it with a faltering voice:„Where‟s your mother?‟ „Oh, she too had died but a short timesince; she broke a blood-vessel in a fit of passion at aNew-England peddler.‟” [1] Winkle‟s long sleep symbolizes feudalaristocracy‟s escapein the combat against the capitalist class. At the end of thestory, Winkle‟s wife is dead, but everything in the village haschanged. “The very village was altered; it was larger and morepopulous. There were rows of houses which he had never seenbefore.” [1] That is the outcome of the industrialization. Thevillage scales up and develops. Rip‟s familiar haunts hasdisappeared, and his old acquaintances all passed away or left.It symbolizes the disassembly of the traditional agriculturalsociety. The industrialization has changed the village and theway people live. The villagers care about the election now.Winkle‟s son, who is a copy of him, has to abandon his oldlifestyle for the time has changed, “As to Rip‟s son and heir,who was the ditto of himself, seen leaning against the tree, hewas employed to work on the farm; but evinced an hereditarydisposition to attend to anything else but his business.” [1] Atlast, the capitalist class wins by changing the society withsome prices and compromises. The ending of the story can beseen as a compromise of feudal aristocracy and the capitalistclass.

hegemony= social, political, military, , or economic dominance

Question: Do the authors assert that the feudal ( aristocracy) classremains in power, exploiting the workers, even as the Capitalist ( worker)class rise to dominance. Does Rip’s character represent the upperclass, that relies on the labor of the lower class– avoiding conflict?

Industrialization: the development of industries in a country or region ona wide scale ( development of economic power)

Feudal society has gone. Rip ( representation of feudal, non working,class) still exists. Rip’s son may symbolize the continuance of upperclass dominance

The vote may represent the growing voice/power of the workers (Capitalist class)

Authors’ claim: The end, where Rip Van Winkle remains a sedentarystoryteller who never worked or contributed to his family’s welfare,is a compromise between the two economic classes.

In essence:

Judith Gardiener ( Capitalist worker class) supports Rip Van Winkle( remaining Feudal class)

Translation: the workers have the freedom to gain from their labors,as long as they support the small upper class ( 1%)

Note: Marxist Critical Theory usually discusses the conflict between theBourgeoisie ( upper class/Rip) and the Proletariat ( workers/Dame)

Part III: Write a critical paragraph response to Son and Liu’s Marxist analysis of Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”

Part II: Write a paragraph:

Directions: Focus on the Sun and Liu Marxist analysis ( in essence the Rip Van Winkle story is propaganda that reinforces the idea that theworking class supports a small elite class). Find a quote from Son and Liu’s text, agree or disagree with it. Then explain why, with a quotefrom “Rip Van Winkle”.

1. Topic Sentence ( answers the question)Ex. Within the critical analytical text entitled "TheFeudal Aristocracy‟s

Escape: A Marxist Approach to 'Rip Van Winkle,'" the authors Son andLiu claim….

2. Evidence from criticism text ( one quote). Remember to cite!ex. Within Liu and Son's text, the author states….

3. How (what specific element of the information you selected) is thisevidence important to the question?

4. YOUR CLAIM: Agree or Disagree with Liu and Son's assessment of "RipVan Winkle"

5. Support YOUR claim with ONE quote from "Rip Van Winkle"

6. Why is it important to answering the prompt/question?7. Concluding thoughts

ex. Therefore, Liu and Son's critical approach to "Rip Van Winkle" is….

Suggested quote from supplemental text: “The feudal aristocracy does not join producing activities, but to exploit thecapitalist class and peasantry. In the story, Rip Van Winkle does the same thing. He depends on his wife for a living insteadof working by himself, and he hates working, “The great error in Rip‟s composition was an insuperable aversion to allkinds of profitable labor.” [1]

( Translation: The authors Sun and Liu assert that the Rip Van Winkle story is propaganda reinforcing the idea that the rich elite don’t work,but they benefit from the working class– in essence that Irving is creating propaganda that the working class supports the rich elite)Do you agree or disagree?Outline– if needed 🙂

1. Topic Sentence: Within the critical analytical text entitled "TheFeudal Aristocracy‟s Escape: A Marxist Approach to 'Rip VanWinkle,'" the authors Sun and Liu make a (reasonable/unreasonable– choose ONE) claim that Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”is____________________________________.

2. WHAT Evidence from Sun and Liu’s text: Within Liu and Son's text, the author states,”__________________________.”3. HOW Analyze the authors’ meaning: The authors’ use of the words_________________________ indicate ( define for

audience)_____________.4. Agree/Disagree ( claim): I agree with Sun and Liu’s assessment of Rip’s characterization, because_______________________.5. WHAT Support your claim with proof from “ Rip Van Winkle”: Indeed, Washington Irving characterizes Rip as “_______________”6. HOW Analyze the authors’ meaning: Irving’s use of the words ____________________ reinforces the message of ______________.7. WHY is this a support for your claim: Therefore, Liu and Son's critical approach to "Rip Van Winkle" is____________________.

Visual Realia:

Concrete versus Abstract Reading of a Story

Concrete Reading= Story is JUST a story Abstract Reading= Story and Characters SYMBOLIZE something ELSE

Concrete Abstract

a literal form of thinking that focuses on the physical world critical, analytical thinking

Concrete Reading of “Rip Van Winkle”= Lazy man goes intomountain woods and sleeps for 20 years, misses American Revolution

Abstract Reading of “Rip Van Winkle”=The shift between the pre-American Revolution and the post-Revolution creates a message

Symbols:● Rip’s character symbolizes something● Dame Van Winkle symbolizes something● King George and George Washington symbolizes something● American Revolution symbolizes something● All of the changes Rip notices symbolize something

It all depends on the “lens”

For Sun and Liu’s critical analysis– using the “lens’ of MarxistCritical Theory:

Marxist Theory: focus on power and resources.

Story= propaganda ( information used to reinforce a certain ideology)to strengthen the idea of working class supporting the upper class.


● Rip= Bourgeoisie ( Feudal, agriculture based economy, upperclass)

○ Benefits from workers efforts

● Dame Van Winkle= Proletariat ( Capitalist/industrialisteconomy, Working class).

○ The fact that she yells at Rip= conflict between thetwo economies

● King George III and George Washington= Aristocracy ( eliteclass with most power)

● Young Rip ( ditto of his father)= unchanging character of eliteclass)

● Judith ( Van Winkle) Gardinier=Proletariat(Capitalist/industrialist economy, Working class).

○ Cheerfully supports BOTH her father and brotherOther symbols:

● Shift in guns= gain power ( although weathered andweakened)

● Revolutionary War= shift from Feudal economy to Capitalisteconomy

● Shift in Crows= growth of misfortune● Shift in “Wolf”= the new Capitalist class resentment for upper

class reliance on working class● Flagons of alcohol= anti-alcohol, temperance movement


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