

Scope strategies

Scope strategies


This is intended to engage you with a current issue related to the study of religion and enable you to see the significance the study of religion in today’s world. For these assignments you must write a tweet and a mini blog.
For the first part of the assignment you must find a good news story about religion and write a Tweet about the story that can be read by following a URL that you provide in shortened form. Do not post the Tweet.
Then you must write, but not post, the text of a 250 word mini-blog that discusses the news story in terms of the issues studied in this course.
select study tool on the website,I am in the RELS205.There are some ppt for this course.
*How to Tweet and write a mini-Blog
Please note that the instructions for Tweeting are slightly different from those found in the course outline. Somehow corrections to the course outline did not get onto it. In the existing course outline it says that you send your Tweet to us and we will Tweet it.
This defeats the object of your learning how this technology works. Therefore, we want you to post the Tweet yourself. To do this you need to follow the instructions below. It really is very easy. If any of you cannot do this or are worried about it send us an email. But, you ought to have no difficulties.
You can read the mini-blogs from last term’s courses at: http://uwreligions.wordpress.com/
The purpose of this exercise is to help you see how your course engages the world outside of academia and its relevance for understanding modern society. It also aims at helping you know how Tweets and Blogs work in terms of modern communications and news stories.
*How to Tweet:
1) Find an interesting news story dealing with: a) religion generally if you are in Rels. 205;
2) To find your news story search online newspapers, magazines, and other news sources. You can find some of these sources at: http://people.ucalgary.ca/~hexham/links/links.html
3) Once you have decided on which story you want to Tweet and write Tweet and mini-Blog about it.
4) To send a Tweet go to: https://twitter.com/
5) If you have a Twitter account sign in. If you do not have a Twitter account you need to create one. Twitter accounts are free and do not require personal or other information from you.
6) Write your Tweet drawing attention to the news story. Remember you are only allowed to use 140 characters.
7) The Tweet must include a shortened url that takes the reader to the story and a hashtag linking the story to the course.
8) To shorten the url first copy it from the site where you found the story.
For example if you found the story “Millennials at worship services are few but passionate” on the USA Today website it has the url:
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/12/22/religion-millennial-church/1770519/ This is far too long for a Tweet.
9) Therefore go to Bitly to shorten the url. This free service is found at:
Once there post the url into the shorten box. This gives you the shortened url: http://usat.ly/ROKZjS
10) Highlight the new shortened url and put it into your Tweet.
11) Then add the hashtag which identifies the story in terms of the course and other similar stories posted by your colleagues. The hashtag we are using is: #worldrels. You can also add #uofc if you have the space, i.e. if you used less than 140 characters. Send an email to the course email saying that you have sent out your Tweet.
12) Now write a mini-blog that comments on the news story you Tweeted. This must be no more than 500 words in length and should contain both a heading and the shortened url leading to the original story.
13) The mini-blog must relate the news story to things we are dealing with in the course. That is it must make a link between course content in a broad sense and the news story as well as your own reaction to the story.
14) Do not post the mini-blog. Rather you send the mini-blog to the course email address.
15) At the end of your mini-blog add a personal identifier in terms of initials or a name to identify yourself. We suggest that unless you really want to you do not use your real name. But, this is up to you.
16) After providing your personal identifier you should add a course identifier. This will be #205 depending on which course you are taking.
17) We will then review the mini-blog and post it. If there are any potentially problematic comments in the mini-blog we will send it back to you for revision.
18) At the bottom of your mini-blog, on a separate line, add your Tweet so that no mistakes are made in terms of grading. Give it the title: My Tweet.
We hope that these instructions are clear and that you enjoy the exercise.





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