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Here are the posts related to "feed"

week 6 feedback

 Your post was well written and quite thorough. You provided great emphasis and examples of potential challenges and things to consider when writing a results section. Personally, I found this section more enjoyable to create than other parts of the report so far. I also created my own graphs and tables to demonstrate the data analysis, which was kind of fun, lol. After developing your results section, what was the most challenging part of this step? And how did you overcome this issue? 

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Please provide peer feedback to the below.

” Significant and detailed training is one of the major learning areas I plan on using in my upcoming courses and at work. Providing more than enough information, resources, and tools to associates whether they are working here or in another country is key to everyones success. This class made me evaluate the onboarding training we have at my job. It helped me think about other areas that should be considered and reviewed in order to help a new employee. If they just move to NYC from another state, do they know how to get around, what areas to stay away from, where to get food, and so on. Learning a new job is will always be challenging but learning a new culture shouldnt be challenging, it should be exciting and us as peers can help with that.  “

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HRM Feedback

Please provide peer feedback to the below. No word limit. 

” I learned a lot about what all it takes to prepare for working or moving abroad even if it’s just for a short period of time. I’ve never considered working abroad until recently and after this course I would still consider it and would know the things to ask and preparations that would be needed to be more successful with the transition. This is the only area where I would apply this course because my area of study isn’t HR and I would in finance, so my learnings would just be applied in my personal life. “

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Post your response below and reply to 1 classmate with insightful feedback (reply to classmate should be between 250-500 words).

      How satisfied are employees at work? The response varies according to the individual, the workplace, and the country. Everyone wants to work for a legitimate company, especially one that offers excellent benefits and pays well.  We learn that understanding the motivational variables that drive employee behavior is critical to creating a more motivated and engaged workforce. Motivation is defined in Chapter 4 as the internal forces that influence the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior. Workplace emotion, attitudes, and stress play a huge role in organizational behavior. Employees’ moods, emotions, and general behavior have an impact on job performance. This involves decision-making, innovation, collaboration, negotiation, and management. Emotions have an impact on practically everything we do at work. It can be difficult for some people to put their emotions aside at work. They frequently occur before cognitive processes and, as a result, have an impact on them. It describes an employee’s emotional and cognitive drive, job self-efficacy, perceived clarity of the organization’s vision and his or her unique position in that vision, and belief that he or she has the resources to do the task. Improves organizational performance, which is linked to a higher level of organizational citizenship and a lower likelihood of turnover.

      Employment satisfaction is a person’s assessment of his or her job and works environment. Quitting or otherwise leaving the dissatisfying situation, attempting to improve the dissatisfying condition, patiently waiting for the problem to resolve itself, and reducing work effort and performance are four types of job dissatisfaction repercussions. Job satisfaction is related to job performance and customer satisfaction in a modest way. The majority of the time, it is the responsibility of the employer when employees are dissatisfied, resulting in stress and poor work performance. Employers should treat employees with respect and make them feel heard. Nobody wants to work for a company that treats them badly and pays them poorly. Emotions have a big influence on how we think and act. The emotions that we experience on a daily basis can motivate us to act and influence the big and minor decisions we make in life. Emotions might drive us to take action. Emotions aid in decision-making. This is critical in the job since we don’t want to get our emotions mixed up at work, especially if we have to make a critical decision, because emotions can cloud our judgment and lead to poor decisions. Many dissatisfied employees are hesitant to express their feelings in response to a direct question because doing so would imply that they made a poor career decision and are not enjoying life. Employees tend to indicate far less happiness with specific areas of their work, demonstrating this inflated outcome. In addition, it has been proven that many employees want to search for work in the coming year or would leave their current employer if the perfect chance arose.

     In chapter 4 we learned that emotions are physiological, behavioral, and psychological events that induce a state of readiness in response to an item, person, or event. Attitudes, on the other hand, are a collection of beliefs, sentiments, and behavioral intentions toward a person, object, or event. Emotions and attitudes are not the same things. For example, judgments regarding an attitude object are included in attitudes. Conscious logical reasoning is required. Attitudes might grow more steady with time. When it comes to emotions, it’s about having had experiences with an attitude object. Emotions can also be experienced as occurrences, which are frequently unconsciously and only last a few seconds. Job satisfaction is a person’s assessment of his or her job and works environment. It is an assessment of perceived job features, work environment, and work-related emotional events. Based on observations and emotional experiences, satisfied employees have a favorable opinion of their jobs.

      There are five methods for dealing with occupational stress. To manage work-related stress, a variety of strategies are available, such as removing the stressor, retreating from the stressor, modifying stress perceptions, reducing stress effects, and obtaining social support. These five approaches can assist an individual in managing their stress and also boost their job motivation. People deal with stress in a variety of ways. The ideal coping approach is usually determined by the source of stress as well as other factors. Employee motivation is built on the foundations of five factors that we believe are essential for motivating employees: Reward and recognition, development, leadership, work-life balance, and work environment are all important factors to consider. Positive feedback keeps the work environment lively, and motivation is nothing without it. Too much optimism, on the other hand, can come across as dishonest and unproductive.

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Post your response below and reply to 1 classmate with insightful feedback (replies to classmates should be between 250-500 words).

Training employees is essential to their performance on the job and for achieving the objectives of the organization. To train an employee means to ensure that they acquire the capabilities required to perform their jobs. It can also serve to develop their skills for a future job that they may hold. Most importantly, strategic training is the most beneficial for an organization. Strategic training is where the training initiatives taken by the organization aligns with its values and business strategies, which would theoretically help them gain a competitive advantage. Such training can be divided into four different categories: legally required training, basic and remedial skills, job and technical training, and soft skills. Legally required training includes those such as safety compliance, nondiscrimination, harassment prevention, driving skills, industry-specific requirements, and others mandated by law. Basic and remedial skills might include training on the English language, literacy, and core mathematics. Job and technical training includes customer service, equipment operations, quality procedures, IT and technical skills, and product details. Soft skills are interpersonal communication, ethics, team relations, conflict management, coaching and feedback, as well as diversity and inclusion. All of these can be taught through training in order to improve employees performance at work. 

Training employees is a significant investment in their performance. It accounts for, on average, 2% of an organizations cost of payroll, as employees will spend many hours training if the organization chooses to do so. Training costs might also include the costs of venues, food, and compensation if an employee is required to attend outside of their work hours. However, how much companies choose to invest and spend on training will vary by industry and how large the company is. Industries that are highly regulated tend to spend more on training, including healthcare, real estate, banking, insurance, etc. This might be a combination of government regulations that require specific training for these jobs and the performance standards the industry has set for employees in the field. Theoretically, the more that an organization invests in training their employees, they will enhance their skills and perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively. This is a tradeoff that most companies have to face, because training is so costly and the results are not always guaranteed. If training works as organizations expect it to, they will see lower turnover, higher profitability, and improved quality. 

One concern that many companies may have with investing in training is the turnover rate of their employees. Organizations may be hesitant to invest in training their employees due to fear of those employees then leaving the organization to utilize their enhanced skills elsewhere. This can be an unreasonable concern, as many businesses recognize that training is essential to improving their current employees work and to achieving success. There is always a chance that an employee will leave an organization, but training them will allow for improvement while they are still with one organization and could even increase their desire to stay if they see an opportunity for career development within the company. 

However, training is only effective if it is planned and carried out properly. Many companies follow a standard process called instructional systems design, and more specifically the ADDIE framework. This contains five steps to follow in order to ensure that all the necessary learning materials are provided during a training to a specific group of people at that time. The first step of the process is to assess the needs through organizational analyses, individual analyses, and task analyses. This ensures that the problem is defined, as well as the resources, learning environment, and learners existing skills. The next step is designing the training, considering the learners themselves and what strategies to use. The third step takes the design further, where the learning materials and content are developed and tested to ensure effectiveness. Following these phases is the implementation or delivery of the established training, where it is taught to its target audience. After these are completed, assessment of the results must be made to evaluate how effective the training was. Evaluation can be done once the process is completed in its entirety, known as summative evaluation, or it can be done at the end of each phase, known as formative evaluation. This would be a very formal, meticulous method of training individuals and employees, though informal and on-the-job training can be just as effective in ensuring that employees know how to perform a task well. Either method can and should be utilized for an organization to improve their employees performance and results despite the costly investments, so long as the training is effective.

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Feedback Control system design, simulation and analysis

Create a block diagram for Liquid Zone Level Control. Derive the transfer function for each block in the block diagram mainly including the transfer function for the plant and the measurement sensors. Determine the initial PID parameters and check the stability of the system by using Ruth-Hurwitz criteria. If possible, build this closed loop system in MATLAB Simulink. 

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Ethics feedback

Please provide meaningful feedback to the below.


One of the biggest reasons companies seek to expand their business internationally is because the market in foreign countries offer a higher profit potential that they home base company. However, these business should strongly consider the legal and ethical issues that surround this expansion, as they differ greatly from those of the United States. Some of these ethical considerations in international business include wages, working environment, corruption, human rights, and pollution and environmental concerns.

Employees in foreign countries are paid a much lower wage than those in the United States. In addition, the working conditions are quite inferior to our own and not conducive of promotion a positive work environment. A U.S. based company must work to fulfill/abide with the local laws, but develop a company policy that also ensures the protection of its foreign employees while paying them a sufficient hourly rate and working reasonable hours to sustain a living.

Corruption is pervasive in foreign business and politics. U.S. companies are strongly encouraged to evaluate potential markets before they make a decision to expand business. Some companies in foreign countries make large payments in exchange for business that they would not likely secure without the large payoffs. This is both unethical behavior and an illegal action under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Companies looking to expand into foreign countries should be aware of the disrespect for basic human rights and make a conscious ethical decision, no matter the temptation or pressure, not to fall prey to accepting and participating in the unfair treatment of the foreign citizens. Instead, the U.S. companies should stand for whats right and be an active participant in promoting and working towards human rights improvements.

Companies in the U.S. are aware of the laws to protect the environment and the continued fight to improve pollution and environment control laws.”

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Please provide meaningful feedback to the following post.

You are an expatriate (with a spouse and a 6-year-old daughter) sent on assignment for one year to Hong Kong.

During my time in the military, I had the opportunity to live and travel to various countries and continents. The following answers are based upon my experiences or the experiences of friends

What should you do to prepare for departure?

  • Make contact with your liaison in Hong Kong before departing the US
  • Ensure transportation and lodging are scheduled before departing the US
  • Preparations for the childs education will need to be made, whether she is home schooled or sent to a school where English is spoken
  • See a doctor and ensure all prescriptions are filled for 30-90days until you can find a doctor there
  • Find a local Urgent Care that is covered under your health insurance for any emergencies
  • Know how to get to your place of employment and how you plan to get there (public transportation/carpool)

What training should you or your family complete pre-departure?

  • Attend training/read about the culture and common practices
  • Basic understanding of the local religion/traditions/holidays which guide their way of life

What challenges will you face upon arrival?

  • Language barrier!
  • Currency exchange
  • Transportation
  • Healthcare

What expectations do you have from your home and host country organization?

  • Training before I leave the US for Hong Kong
  • A liaison from Hong Kong prior to arriving and liaison from the US during the assignment

What are the dos and donts for an expat working in Hong Kong?

  • After attending training before leaving the US, these types of dos and donts should be covered
  • A simple gesture like pointing your finger is considered rude and talking about politics is a dont in Hong Kong
  • Like every state in the US has different laws, Hong Kongs laws may differ from the country of China. Know the different laws that govern Hong Kong.”

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HRM Feedback

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There are some organizations that believe their product or service will sell itself anywhere. No need to fully understand cultures, customs, or norms. Is it possible to be successful as a business in another country without fully knowing its customs, culture, or norms? Give your reasoning for either or.  


I don’t think it’s possible to be successful as a business in another country without fully knowing its customs, culture, or norms. I feel this ways because doing things the way you do things in your own country wont always go over well with the cultural norms in a different country. Countries think, act, operate, and perceive things differently so you have to do your research and come up with a strategic plan to even think about being successful. On another aspect of things you also got to know these things in order to be able to recruit employees and retain them. I know we all are human and thrive on some of the same values when it comes to survival but you have to think and go above the normal thinking when it comes to business so regardless to many of the same things across countries of background, culture, language, customs or norms we all can be motivated by the benefits, perks and other potential motivators you must establish in your business and to be successful. If you make sure you cover your research in that country you will know if your product or service is of a need or want in that country to help determine if you start or expand in that area successfully.

This article is a good read on this topic and provides some very enlightening information that supports each country or region has its own way of doing business, and knowing that before you engage in starting a business or service there will set yourself up for success.

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Breast feeding

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of breastfeeding and address the following:

Explain at least 3 advantages and 3 potential disadvantages or concerns related to breastfeeding.
Explain at least 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages or concerns about formula feeding.
Describe the impact that breastfeeding has on a working mother.
Describe at least 1 legal issue and/or recent legislation related to breastfeeding.
Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.

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