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Here are the posts related to "feed"

Describe the homeostatic feedback system that would be activated in response to an elevated blood glucose level?

1.Why do cells need glucose?

2.Describe the homeostatic feedback system that would be activated in response to an elevated blood glucose level?

3.Vitamins and minerals are important for body health. Name sources  and describe the role of calcium ions and vitamin D in maintaining bone  health. What would be the consequence to bone health if there was a  lack of either calcium or vitamin D in the body?

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What was your work and what was the feedback?

Work is due on tomorrow (12/16/19) at 20:00 hours (8pm eastern time zone). Work needs to be completed according to the Turabian writing style. 

Complete assignment In around 100–300 words.


Think of a time when you received feedback from someone in regards to your writing. 


Answer the following questions about the example of feedback:

· What was your work and what was the feedback?

· What was your experience of receiving the feedback?

· What strategies could you use to incorporate the feedback?

· Theologically speaking, how can utilizing the feedback of instructors, classmates, and friends be a theological exercise?

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Describe how this class has helped prepare you for future classes in the program. If this is your last class, then you can provide feedback on how to make this class better.

create a paper that provides feedback on the content in the textbook and their personal reflection in the class. 

The wordcount for this assignment is a minimum of 600 words (for content only). Please be sure to submit original work only along with a cover page and a brief summary or conclusion at the end. 

This homework assignment has two paragraphs and a brief conclusion or summary: 

Paragraph 1. 

List which chapter in your textbook provided you with the best insight of the class topic “Emerging Threats and Countermeasures”. Explain why you selected this chapter, its topic and provide details on the benefits or knowledge you acquired. (Minimum 300 words) 

Paragraph 2. 

Describe how this class has helped prepare you for future classes in the program. If this is your last class, then you can provide feedback on how to make this class better. (Minimum 300 words) 

• No references needed for this assignment • Please do not just summarize the chapter. Provide your complete thoughts.

• Don’t forget to add a brief summary or conclusion. 


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Clinical Field Experience D: Assessment And Feedback

For this field experience, you will assess students, provide them feedback, and reflect on the summative assessment implementation.




Part 1: Assessment


In the previous field experience, you designed and implemented a lesson that provided additional learning support to a selected group of students. In the final part of the assessment process, you will conduct a summative assessment for the same group of students.




Your summative assessment should be designed to determine mastery of identified standards. Prior to completing the assessment, review the pre-assessment to ensure appropriate concepts are measured in the final assessment. 




Once your summative assessment is complete, ask your mentor teacher to review it for approval.




Administer the assessment to the group of students. You may provide multiple assessment methods (oral, written, technology driven, etc.), and differentiate assessment based on the needs of the students.




Part 2: Provide Feedback


Individually review each student’s assessment results with him or her. During each conference, ask the following questions to engage the student:


  • How do you feel about the lesson?  
  • What was most difficult?
  • What was easy?


During this time, begin with a positive strength of each student. Provide effective, descriptive feedback by identifying instructional goals for the student to continue working on. End on a positive note that shows compassion, justice, and concern.


Use any remaining field experience hours to speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher and/or work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. 




Part 3: Reflection


Submit a 250-500 word reflection of your experience creating a summative assessment, administering it, and providing feedback. 


Did the data you collected in the pre-assessment help you prepare an applicable summative assessment? 


What challenges did you run into during the summative assessment and how did you deal with them?


Explain how you will use this process in your future professional practice.


Submit a description or copy of your assessment, along with a 250-500 word reflection on giving instructional feedback to the students, as one deliverable.


APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Describe at least five features of good written feedback with short explanation that includes at least one in-text cited reference.

In our course text, David Nicol (as cited in Svinicki & McHeachie, 2014, p.109) explains, “There is no such thing as good teaching without good feedback”. As an instructor, you will be providing feedback to students on a continual basis. Many instructors keep a tip sheet or checklist handy while grading. For this assignment, you will create a tip sheet or checklist of your own in a word document that:




  • Describe at least five features of good written feedback with short explanation that includes at least one in-text cited reference.
  • Explain, using at least five examples, how to modify feedback to meet the needs of diverse learners that includes at least one in-text cited reference of support.
  • Outline, with examples, the seven types of feedback with examples of each.


Written Communication:


  • Syntax and Mechanics: Exhibit meticulous use of grammar, spelling, organization, and usage throughout your submission.
  • Source Requirement: Reference at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook in order to provide compelling evidence to support your ideas.
  • Page Requirement: Your submission must be two pages in length excluding a title and reference page.
  • APA format: All in text citations, page format and references must be written in APA 6th edition format.

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Feedback Paper should be on movies

Feedback Paper


Chariots of Fire








Film Feedback Analysis Paper


The film analysis paper is designed to be a short essay, which allows you to begin thinking about the movie(s). Writing helps you to think, since you have to articulate your otherwise unformed or vague thoughts. This, in turn, will help us to have a good discussion of the film(s) with others, including on the message board. While it is not required to complete this before the message board, it may be helpful.The essay should be approximately 500-700 words. This should not summarize the plots /story of the films, except where it is necessary to make your examples clear, since your reader(s) has seen it.Rather, devote your limited words to ANALYZING or giving feedback on the film.In your analysis, you need to address the following questions, not necessarily in this order and certainly not as a checklist, but rather in the form of an essay, with a thesis statement, specific examples drawn from the film, and with a conclusion.


  1. What is the film’s goal? Or when doing two films, what were the goals?
  2. How well has the goal been accomplished?                      
    1. What are the primary conflicts in the movie(s)?
    2. How do they contribute to the movie’s goal / meaning?
  3. What sociological/religious/cultural issues does the movie(s)? If 2 movies, give similarities or contrasts.
  4. What does it simulate you to think about? Does it have any impact on how you view sport or society?


Your essay should incorporate discussion of technical issues related to film making (at least some you notice). These sort of issues might relate to issues such as:


  1. mise-en-scene (arrangement of scenery or settings)
  2. music
  3. lighting / color
  4. acting / casting
  5. sets / costume


The instructor does not expect you to be evaluating these things at a high level, but please look for them. How does it impact the story?


Format and Submission


The instructor is fully aware that most of these movies have reviews and analysis online. Please be cautious in using these as you will tend to analyze the films from that writers perspective, and not your own. Use your experience and background, especially the sport related ones, not someone else’s. Or worse, you will be tempted to plagiarize which can cost you your grade or graduate student status. Use your words and ideas.The paper will be submitted via dropbox by deadline listed in syllabusThey should be double spaced, with one-inch margins, using Times New Roman, 12pt font. They should have an interesting title (not just the name of the movie!) and your name should appear at the top of the first page.The last part of your analysis paper will be the honor statement (this won’t count towards the word limit!):On my word of honor, I have completely viewed the movie (or movies) that I am analyzing.==================================================================Film analysis papers will be graded using the following rubric. Before you submit your paper, you should examine it carefully and think about how you would fill this rubric for your own paper.Paper rubricScorePossItem2Introduction / Conclusion: Does the paper have an introductory paragraph with a clear and argumentative thesis statement? Is it clear what you are going to discuss?1Organization: Is the essay clearly organized? How a paragraph relates to its predecessor and successor should be clear. Does the paper have effective transitions from example to example? Each paragraph should discuss only one example. Does the paper do this or are there multiple points made in a paragraph?6Assignment: Does the paper address the questions posed:


  1. What is the film’s goal? Or when doing two films, what were the goals?
  2. How well has the goal been accomplished?                      
    1. What are the primary conflicts in the movie?
    2. How do they contribute to the movie’s goal / meaning?
  3. What sociological/religious/cultural issues does the movie(s)? If 2 movies, give similarities or contrasts.
  4. What does it simulate you to think about? Does it have any impact on how you view sport or society?


2Examples: Does the paper cite specific examples from the readings to support the argument? Does it spend too much time summarizing the film? Or does it briefly describe scenes to facilitate their analysis?2Mechanics and Grammar: Does the paper follow APA guidelines, citation guidelines, and have an honor- statement?Is the paper written in formal, academic English, without spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, etc?2Filmmaking storytelling: Does the paper attempt to identify film making or storytelling techniques, and the purposes for doing so.15One last very important point. Perhaps you really want to write about some other aspect of the film that does not really fit. Perhaps it is a character or situation that you really connect with. Perhaps there is a current event that you want to relate these films to. Or maybe you just have a really good idea that doesn’t fit with the above rubric. If that applies to you, then please write on that topic. If you want to go longer than what is mentioned above, then just make sure it is well written. Explore your ideas. It need not fit the above flow.It does need the following, however.


  • Honor statement.
  • Connection of both movies. It does not need to be an equal balance, but there should be some commonalities or points of connection.
  • A connection to recreation, sport, or leisure.
  • Some meaningful theme throughout.

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In Alaska exists one of the largest ocean feeding glaciers The Columbia Glacier.

In Alaska exists one of the largest ocean feeding glaciers The Columbia Glacier. It has recently been discovered that it is retreating at a pace of up to 50 feet per day. Antarctica is another area with extensive land based ice sheets that if they were to melt would raise sea level 200 feet. Greenland may be the most immediate threat to sea level rise. The ice sheet on Greenland is 1500 miles long and 50 miles wide and is losing 150 billion tons more of ice per year than it gains! Ice melting is being studied extensively here. Based on this documentary and what you have learned from your text and lecture:1. Describe the life cycle of a glacier (how is it created/destroyed)? 2. What are 3 consequences of melting glaciers? (Make sure you define which kind of glaciers will cause the consequences you describe).3. What was your opinion on the documentary; do you feel that the melting glaciers are an immediate problem?

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Question 1 Relying on customer feedback is: always important most importa

Question 1
Relying on customer feedback is:

always important
most important when developing radical innovations
most important in turbulent markets
most important when developing incremental innovations
most important when competitive intensity is low

Question 2
%u201CTechnology push%u201D refers to those situations in which:

the product is released early to innovators
technological uncertainty prevents the product%u2019s release
the target market is a well defined group of %u201Ctechies%u201D
the product is vulnerable to obsolescence
R&D is the prime mover behind innovation and marketing efforts

Question 3
Responsiveness to market intelligence involves all of the following except:

selection of target markets
development of products/services that address customer needs
positioning products in a way that produces both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
commitment to execution
providing feedback to customers

Question 4
The Kano concept:

is a planning approach that links customer requirements competitive data and design parameters
uses the voice of the customer to ensure a tight correlation between customer needs and product design specifications
is a graphical representation between types of product attributes and levels of customer satisfaction (dissatisfaction)
reduces design time by 40 percent and design costs by 60 percent
identifies the types of attributes that must be present in order to ensure the product is functional
Question 5
Technology enthusiasts are also known as:

early adopters
Question 6
To be successful small high-tech companies must:

have access to substantial capital
be more flexible than their larger competitors
have patent protection
engage in expeditionary marketing
be market pioneers
Question 7
___________ should perform observational studies.

cross disciplinary teams
product development engineers
marketing researchers
product managers
Question 8
All of the following are characteristics of incremental innovation except:

R&D invention in the lab
extension of existing product or process
firms use standard marketing research tools
product characteristics well defined
customer pull
Question 9
Which of the following is most useful for developing information that might lead to breakthrough products?

survey research
focus groups
conjoint studies
customer visit programs
concept tests
Question 10
___________ are the costs incurred by a customer that makes it costly or risky to change to a competing vendor%u2019s products.

transaction costs
transfer costs
loyalty costs
conversion costs
switching costs
Question 11
What are the stages in the purchase process?

problem recognition information search alternative evaluation purchase decision post-purchase dissonance
problem recognition information search alternative evaluation purchase decision post-purchase evaluation
SWOT analysis information search alternative evaluation purchase decision post-purchase evaluation
problem recognition information search purchase decision post-purchase evaluation
problem recognition criteria definition information search alternative evaluation purchase decision post-purchase evaluation
Question 12
With respect to radical and incremental innovation which of the following is true?

incremental innovations deal specifically with high-tech products
radical innovations are extensions of existing products
radical innovations are characterized as demand-driven markets
each type of innovation requires a different type of marketing strategy to be successful in the marketplace
%u201Cshadow%u201D products are viewed by customers as radical and by suppliers as incremental
Question 13
___________ are the set of skills at which a company excels.

managerial experiences
innovative strategies
core competencies
Question 14
Which of the following is not an organizational barrier to being market-oriented?

people%u2019s tendency to hoard information
core rigidities within the firm that lead to discounting customer feedback
) the tyranny of the served market
) customers%u2019 natural inability to envision new technological solutions
) none of the above (in other words a%u2013d are all organizational barriers to being market-oriented)
Question 15
The starting point for strategic market planning is:

identification of opportunities
definition of mission and goals
identification of markets in which the firm will compete
definition of the profit dynamic
SWOT analysis
Question 16
Competitor analysis should focus on:

direct competitors
the entire industry
the focal industry and related industries
capturing primary data about current and potential competitors
all of the above
Question 17
The notion of cycle time excellence suggests that:

firms should strive for the most sophisticated combination of attributes when designing technological breakthroughs because the first adopters of new
technology are the most technologically sophisticated
companies trade off cycle time against costs (in other words faster cycles times are typically more costly)
companies that focus on cycle time excellence may find that competitors have beat them to market
companies trade off cycle time against customer switching costs (in other words by getting to the market quickly customers face lower switching costs)
companies may initially develop a product with a relatively basic combination of attributes in order to reach the market quickly; this initial product is then
followed up with more sophisticated models
Question 18
A migration path:

is an element of the bowling alley strategy
starts with the beachhead
helps the customer transition between product generations
should be based on incremental improvements
all of the above
Question 19
Strategy innovation is primarily concerned with:

the strategic market planning process
bringing a unique perspective to customer value creation
developing innovative products
entering new markets
bringing new voices into the strategy formation process
Question 20 Which of the following is not a particularly useful process for idea generation?

focus groups
depth interviews
Question 21
Addressing disagreements in a way that allows for both partners to have a stake in the outcome addresses both partners%u2019 needs simultaneously and is
mutually beneficial to both is the definition of ___________.

a horizontal alliance
corporate governance
integrative conflict resolution
Question 22
Which of the following is not identified as an insight from empathic design?

work-arounds or ways that users have developed to cope with imperfect situations
ways in which users have customized the product to their own needs
unique usage situations for the product
identification of what the high-tech company is technologically capable of delivering
circumstances that prompt people to use a product or service
Question 23
Hewlett-Packard and Kodak jointly pursuing the digital photography market is an example of:

relationship marketing
a vertical partnership
a complementary alliance
a merger
early supplier involvement
Question 24
In ___________ technology is a rapidly depreciating resource.

turbulent markets
slow-cycle industries
fast-cycle industries
B-to-B markets
B-to-C markets

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1- For the linearized system design a full state feedback control system to cont

For the linearized system
design a full state feedback control system to control the radius r of the
satellite close to the linearized trajectory. Design an observer as only the angle
theta is measured as output. For a step
input reference such that r_des = r+0.1r where r is the initial radius design
a controller that achieves this trajectory under 1sec with no overshoot. Design the observer such that it has dynamics
thrice as fast as the controller. 2-
a) Design a PD controller using
the output theta to control the radius close to the linearized
trajectory. For a step input reference
such that r_des = r+0.1r where r is the
initial radius design a controller that achieves this trajectory under 1sec
with no overshoot. b) Add a step disturbance
to the system with magnitude %10 of the initial radius r. Make sure using the PID controller that the
steady state error becomes 0. 3-
Model the system using Simulink
and apply the controllers in 1 and 2. Plot the r and theta of the satellite as
well as control and error functions as well as the 2D system motion. Show how
changing controller parameters effects system performance. 4-
Compare the results for the
State Space and PID controllers.

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(a) Why would it be important to feed the reactants in stoichiometric proportion

(a) Why would it be important to feed the reactants in stoichiometric proportion? (what are several likely reasons for wanting to automate the SO2 feed rate adjustment?(b) If the first stream contains 85.0 mole% H2S and enters the unit at a rate of nf = 3.00 x l02 k mol/h what must the value of nc (k mol S02/h) be?(c) Fit a function to the H2S analyzer calibration data to derive an expression for x as a function of Ra. Check the fit by plotting both the function and the calibration data on the same graph.(d) Derive a formula for R( from specified values of Rt and Ra using the result of part (c) in the derivation. (This formula would be built into the controller.) Test the formula using the flow rate and composition data of part (a).(e) The system has been installed and made operational and at some point the concentration of H2S in the feed stream suddenly changes. A sample of the blended gas is collected and analyzed a short time later and the mole ratio of H2S to SO2 is not the required 2:1. List as many possible reasons as you can think of for this apparent failure of the controlsystem

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