


Essay 1 – Argument for Banning Smoking in Public Places
There has been an ongoing debate for years about whether or not to ban smoking in public places. Both sides of the argument have done their best to deliver compelling facts to support their opinions. No one denies that a person should be allowed to smoke if they choose to, but the problem comes when a person’s smoking becomes an issue for those around them. The following are some arguments in favor of banning smoking in public places.

Secondhand smoke increases the risk of fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease by about 30%. In studies smokers had less of a risk or problem with coronary heart disease than the people exposed to second hand smoke. Secondhand smoke also increases the risk of lung and other cancers as well as other respiratory problems and accounts for 53,000 deaths each year in the United States. 3,000 of these deaths alone are from lung cancer in non-smokers and approximately 22,000 are from heart disease in nonsmokers.

Secondhand smoke is especially dangerous for children. It has been found that children who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from lung diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis and many others and have a higher risk of developing asthma. It is also shown that children who breathe secondhand smoke have more ear infections than children whose parents shield them from the dangers. There are approximately 150,000 – 300,000 cases each year of children under 18 months of age with infections from second hand smoke which results in around 7,500 -15,000 hospitalizations each year. It has also been found that one of the added reasons for sudden infant death syndrome is secondhand smoke or having a parent or guardian that regularly smokes. Secondhand smoke is also known to cause problems and issues in fetuses of mothers who are exposed to it.

The main reason that we should ban smoking in restaurants and other public areas is because the smoke does not remain solely in the smoking area. Having a smoking area and a nonsmoking area in a building is better than having everyone mixed together and I will admit to that however; if you drop food coloring in water doesn’t it spread? Smoke has the same effect and anyone who has ever paid attention to it will notice that fact. Smoke spreads from the smoking section all through the building in the air, therefore spreading the dangers with it. For this reason smoking should not be allowed in public buildings.

Smoking in public places also has several other negative effects. Everyone is aware of the unpleasant smell associated with smoking. Imagine being a non-smoker going out to dinner or some other event, only to find that when you get home, your clothes and even your body smell like cigarette smoke. This is highly offensive to people who are non-smokers.

Allowing smoking in public places puts everyone there in a potentially dangerous situation. Risk of injury by fire is greatly increased in places that allow smoking. The environment suffers as well, as no matter what provisions are put in place, cigarette butts always find their way to the ground or floor or whatever the case may be.

Smoking in public areas and whether or not to ban it is definitely a hot issue today. Smokers do have a right to their freedom; however the entirety of the United States has a right to be able to remain smoke free and have freedom from secondhand smoke. Whether a decision will ever be made that will be fair to both sides of the issue will be reached is unknown. The government continues to weigh the risks of secondhand smoke with the number of angry smokers. If the issue is truly looked into and the risks are truly weighed I do hope and believe that our government will decide it is better to look out for our health.

Essay 2 – Argument against Banning Smoking in Public Places
In recent years, there has been considerable legal and social debate on the topic of whether or not to ban smoking, cigarettes, cigars, and pipes in public places such as offices, restaurants, and libraries. Many people have used the health risks, both for smokers and non-smokers who inhale secondhand cigarette smoke, as one of the strongest arguments against allowing smoking in public places. As a smoker, I will admit that this article may seem to be biased. However, I feel that there are some very substantial reasons that smoking should not be banned in public places.

Many public places such as schools have set aside a portion of the grounds in which smokers may smoke. In many cases, these designated smoking areas are located far enough away from the building so that the cigarette smoke will not affect the nonsmokers. As implied by the sign on the smoking area, these areas are the Designated Smoking Areas, and those that do not smoke should generally avoid these areas. If non-smokers should wish to enter the smoking area, then they should not complain when their clothes smell of cigarette smoke
Employees who smoke often do so because of stressful situations. Situations at work can inevitably lead to stress, thus the need for a quick cigarette to calm nerves. If there is a no smoking policy, then the employee either will be less productive due to an inability to remain on task, or will “sneak off” to have a cigarette just as young teenagers sometimes do in Junior High and High School. Contrary to popular belief, smoking does not project an unprofessional image; it is the idea of smoker having to sneak off that project the unprofessional image.

Contrary to increasing popular belief, smokers do have rights. As long as smokers are following company policy regarding smoking, such as smoking in designated areas, and properly extinguishing and disposing of smoking materials, they are not harming anyone aside from themselves. Smokers fund their own healthcare through the high taxes they pay on tobacco. In any case, heavy smokers are unlikely to give up since they are addicted to nicotine.

Banning smoking in public will encourage people to smoke more at home. This will harm other people in their house, particularly children. This is important, since children are not old enough to choose freely to smoke passively. Also, people smoking at home may drink more alcohol than they would if they went to a bar. This is because they can buy it more cheaply at a supermarket or off-licence. Drinking more alcohol may lead to other health problems.

A ban on smoking in public places would drive many bars, pubs and clubs out of business. Smokers would not go to these places. These businesses would also earn less money from selling tobacco. In many places, pubs and Working Men’s Clubs are important social places for communities. They also provide jobs for people with few skills in places with little other work. It is therefore important that they survive.

It would be impossible to police this ban in many public places anyway. Small workplaces will often ignore the ban and are unlikely to be caught. Staff who do not smoke are unlikely to report smokers, in case their colleagues work out who told the authorities.


1. The report must use your own language. Do not cut and paste sentences from the two essays and place them in your report. Reword sentences. If you do cut and paste a sentence you must use quotation marks and if you cite another source than the two essays write the author, year, and page number in brackets in the text after the quotation.

2. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the paragraph idea.

3. The report should:
• have a cover page (p. 1 but not paginated)
• include the rubric (p. 2 but not paginated)
• start the pagination on the third page
• use Times New Roman, font size: 12
• have a space of 1.5 between lines,
• be 3 full pages in length (not including the reference list)
• start each paragraph with a topic sentence
• be written in the third person (do not use “I” or “my” or “our” or “we”)
• use full sentences

4. The report must use the following headings:

1) Introduction
Introduce the issue and state its importance, offer your initial overall opinion regarding the arguments of both essays, and say what your report will cover.

8-10 lines (to include one reference)

2) Arguments for banning smoking
For each of the 6 reasons identify the reason, fallacies, argument type (by analogy or authority for example, and/or factual/value/policy), assumptions, and counterexamples (alternative explanations which oppose the reason). Use a separate paragraph when analyzing each reason.

Six paragraphs

Each paragraph to include:
– the reason
– fallacies
– argument type (by analogy, authority, example, fact/value/policy)
– assumptions
– counterexamples

3) Arguments against banning smoking
For each of the 6 reasons identify the reason, fallacies, argument type (by analogy or authority or example, fact/value/policy), assumptions, and counterexamples (alternative explanations which oppose the reason). Use a separate paragraph when analyzing each reason.

Six paragraphs

Each paragraph to include:
– the reason
– fallacies
– argument type (by analogy, authority, example, fact/value/policy)
– assumptions
– counterexamples

4) Comparison of the two essays
Compare the similarities of the argument types and the fallacies in the two essays. Other similarities? Justify your answer with examples.

Two paragraphs

First paragraph – contrast the argument types between the essays

Second paragraph – contrast the fallacy types between the essays

5) Contrast of the two essays
Contrast the differences of the argument types and the fallacies in the two essays. Other differences? Justify your answer with examples.

Two paragraphs

First paragraph – compare the argument types of the essays

Second paragraph – compare the fallacy types of the essays



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