

Sociological imagination

Sociological imagination

The sociological imagination can be a difficult concept to grasp. To exercise your sociological imagination first, write an autobiographical account of their own attitudes toward one of the following: abortion, aging population, or children being tried as adults. The paper should begin with a clear statement of your position, followed by a description and analysis of how they think broader social forces have influenced their personal views. Furthermore, consider how sociologists have a mandate of objectivity in constantly separating their personal beliefs from the topics they are investigating.


1. Each essay must be 800 words, 1” margins, Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font, double spaced, correct grammar and spelling, and ASA citation format with references—10 points will be deducted if these requirements are not met.
2. Section titles must be included in the format under grading criteria to organize the essay for the reader and grader (see the requirements for each under the grading criteria):

3. If you do not cite within the text and with a reference at the end of each essay using ASA format, you will receive a “zero” on the essay as this is plagiarism. Please see the writing tips, and the website referred to in this syllabus on proper ASA citations and references—60 points will be deducted.
4. Each essay must identify and define relevant sociological concepts, ideas, or theories from the textbook—15 points will be deducted if these requirements are not met.
5. Each essay must apply sociological concepts, ideas, and or theories to the textbook—15 points will be deducted if these requirements are not met.
6. Each essay must be attached in BB as a .doc or .docx document format. I will not accept any other format, and this is to ensure I can open the document. If you have a MAC computer, then you can use a campus computer to convert the format. You will not receive any points for the project or an automatic “0 if this requirement is not met—60 points will be deducted.

Contact the ITAP if you need assistance.

GRADING CRITERIA FOR ESSAYS—Section Titles must be included

The essay topics are below the Essay Writing Requirements below in this syllabus. You must follow these criteria for each essay.


Is the introduction interesting and does it capture the readers’ attention? Is there a conclusion which summarizes the essay in relation to the thesis or does the essay merely drop dead at the end?

2.) THESIS (

Is there a thesis statement which tells the reader what you plan to do in the essay? Is it specific? Do you do what the thesis statement says you will? (Sometimes we start our research and writing having one thesis or purpose in mind and through the research process that thesis becomes modified, or changed entirely. That’s part of the natural development of a research project but be sure to modify your thesis accordingly in the final draft of your essay.)


Is each idea or point addressed in the essay relevant to the topic; are the major points well developed using your own understanding of the material and have some additional information/evaluation, or is there a mere listing of fact after fact which leaves the reader snoring or with unanswered questions? Do major ideas reflect the expectations in the syllabus; are the major ideas treated evenly or is the essay heavily
weighted on one point? (Interesting anecdotes or illustrations help to keep the readers interest and to further develop a point). Are examples and quotations used, and when used, are they relevant and do they help to develop the point you are making or did you merely decide it was time to throw in a quote and let “your” fingers do the walking.


Do you (the writer) understand the material presented or is it a bunch of regurgitated mumble jumble? Are technical terms and language or/foreign areas redefined in common language so that the uninformed reader can understand them? (10 POINTS)

Does the essay go beyond a mere summary of information? Is there an application of the material to a wider sociological concepts or key concepts presented in class? Is this application section thorough and well thought out or is it a one paragraph rush job, blow off, or afterthought? (15 POINTS)


Is there an evaluation of the material presented, namely, what are the advantages and limitations of the sociological concepts you discussed. Is your reasoning in the evaluation section clear and specific? Have you included specific examples or evidence that supports your ideas or did you simply give your opinion and not back it up with support?




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