Research Article
Cultural Adaptation of Interventionsin Real Practice Settings
Flavio F. Marsiglia1 and Jamie M. Booth2
AbstractThis article provides an overview of some common challenges and opportunities related to cultural adaptation of behavioralinterventions. Cultural adaptation is presented as a necessary action to ponder when considering the adoption of an evidence-basedintervention with ethnic and other minority groups. It proposes a roadmap to choose existing interventions and a specific approachto evaluate prevention and treatment interventions for cultural relevancy. An approach to conducting cultural adaptations isproposed, followed by an outline of a cultural adaptation protocol. A case study is presented, and lessons learned are shared aswell as recommendations for culturally grounded social work practice.
Keywordsevidence-based practice, literature
Culture influences the way in which individuals see themselves
and their environment at every level of the ecological system
(Greene & Lee, 2002). Cultural groups are living organisms
with members exhibiting different levels of identification with
their common culture and are impacted by other intersecting
identities. Because culture is fluid and ever changing, the process
of cultural adaptation is complex and dynamic. Social work and
other helping professions have attempted over time to integrate
culture of origin into the interventions applied with ethnic
minorities and other vulnerable communities in the United
States and globally (Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis, 1992). In
an ever-changing cultural landscape, there is a renewed need
to examine social work education and the interventions social
workers implement with cultural diverse communities.
Culturally competent social work practice is well established
in the profession and it is rooted in core social work practice
principles (i.e., client centered and strengths based). It strives
to work within a client’s cultural context to address risks and
protective factors. Cultural competency is a social work ethical
mandate and has the potential for increasing the effectiveness
of interventions by integrating the clients’ unique cultural assets
(Jani, Ortiz, & Aranda, 2008). Culturally competent or culturally
grounded social work incorporates culturally based values,
norms, and diverse ways of knowing (Kumpfer, Alvarado,
Smith, & Bellamy, 2002; Morano & Bravo, 2002).
Despite the awareness about the importance of implementing
culturally competent approaches, practitioners often struggle
with how to integrate the client’s worldview and the application
of evidence-based practices (EBPs). When selecting and
implementing social work interventions, practitioners often
continue to unconsciously place themselves at the center of
the provider–consumer relationship. Being unaware of their
power in the relationship and undervaluing the clients per-
spective in the selection of EBPs tends to result in a type
of social work practice that is culturally incompetent and
nonefficacious (Kirmayer, 2012). This ineffectiveness can
be experienced and interpreted by practitioners in several
ways. In instances when clients do not conform to the content
and format of existing interventions, they are easily labeled as
being resistant to treatment (Lee, 2010). In other cases, when
clients fail to adapt to a given intervention that does not feel
comfortable to them, the relationship is terminated or the
client simply does not return to services. Thus, terms such
as noncompliance and nonadherence may hide deeper issues
related to cultural mismatch or a lack of cultural competency
in the part of the practitioner.
Culturally grounded social work challenges practitioners to
see themselves as the other and to recognize that the responsi-
bility of cultural adaptation resides not solely on the clients but
involves everyone in the relationship (Marsiglia & Kulis,
2009). In order to do this, practitioners need to have access
to interventions or tools that are consistent with the culturally
grounded approach. A culturally grounded approach starts with
assessing the appropriateness of existing evidence-based inter-
ventions and adapting when necessary, so that they are more
1Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC), School of Social Work,
Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, USA2 School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Corresponding Author:
Jamie M. Booth, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, 2117
Cathedral of Learning, 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA.
Email: [email protected]
Research on Social Work Practice2015, Vol. 25(4) 423-432ª The Author(s) 2014Reprints and 10.1177/
relevant and engaging to clients from diverse cultural back-
grounds, without compromising their effectiveness. This process
of assessment, refinement, and adaptation of interventions will
lead to a more equitable and productive helping relationship.
The ecological systems approach provides a structure for
understanding the importance of cultural adaptation in social
work practice. Situated on the outer level (macro level) of
the ecological system, culture frames the norms, values, and
behaviors that operate on every other level: individual beliefs
and behaviors (micro level), family customs and communica-
tion patterns (mezzo level), and how that individual perceives
and interacts with the larger structures (exo level), such as
the school system or local law enforcement (Szapocznik &
Coatsworth, 1999). In this approach, the relationships between
individuals, institutions, and the larger cultural context within
the ecological framework are bidirectional, creating a dynamic
and rapidly evolving system (Bronfenbrenner, 1977; Gitterman,
2009). The bidirectional nature of relationships is an important
concept to consider when discussing the cultural adaptation
of social work interventions for two reasons: (1) regardless
of the setting, in social work practice, the clients and the
social workers engage in work partnerships in which both par-
ties must adapt to achieve a point of mutual understanding and
communication and (2) culture is in constant flux, as individ-
uals interact with actors and institutions which either maintain
or shift cultural norms and values over time.
Although culturally tailoring prevention and treatment
approaches to fit every individual may not be feasible, cultu-
rally grounded social work may require the adaptation of
existing interventions when necessary while maintaining the
fidelity or scientific merit of the original evidence-based
intervention (Sanders, 2000). This article discusses the need
for cultural adaptation, presents a model of adaptation from
an ecological perspective, and reviews the adaptations con-
ducted by the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center
(SICR) as a case study. The recommendations section con-
nects the premises of this article with the existing literature
on cultural adaptation and identifies some specific unresolved
challenges that need to be addressed in future research.
Empirically Supported Interventions (ESIs) inSocial Work Practice
EBP has become the gold standard in social work practice and
involve the ‘‘conscientious’’ and ‘‘judicious’’ application of
the best research available in practice (Sackett, 1997, p. 2).
It is commonly believed that utilizing EBP simply requires the
practitioner to locate interventions that have been rigorously
tested using scientific methods, implement them, and evaluate
their effect; however, EBP acknowledges the role of individ-
uals and relationships in this process. EBP requires the inte-
gration of evidence and scientific methods with practice
wisdom, the worldview of the practitioner, and the client’s
perspectives and values (Howard, McMillen, & Pollio, 2003;
Regehr, Stern, & Shlonsky, 2007). The clinician’s judgment and
the client’s perspective are not only utilized in the selection of
the EBP intervention; they are also influential in how the inter-
vention is applied within the context of the clinical interaction
(Straus & McAlister, 2000). Achieving a balance between both
the client and the practitioner’s perspective in the application of
ESIs is essential for bridging the gap between research and prac-
tice (Howard et al., 2003). However, the inclusion of the clini-
cian’s judgment and the client’s history potentially muddles
the scientific merit of the intervention being implemented. This
is the fundamental tension and challenge when implementing
EBP and a key reason why the gap between research and prac-
tice exists (Regehr et al., 2007).
The attraction of EBP is clear; locating and potentially
utilizing empirically tested treatment and prevention inter-
ventions allow social workers to feel more confident that they
will achieve the desired outcomes and provide clients with
the best possible treatment, thereby fulfilling their ethical
responsibility (Gilgun, 2005). Despite this clear rationale, the
utilization of EBP is limited (Mullen & Bacon, 2006) and
when it is applied, research-supported interventions may not
be implemented in the manner the authors of the intervention
This lack of treatment fidelity when implementing EBP
may be due to practitioner’s awareness that the evidence
generated by randomized control trials (RCTs) may not be
applicable to the diverse needs of their clients or adequately
address the complexity of the clients’ life (Webb, 2001;
Witkin, 1998). Practitioners have natural tendency to adapt
interventions to better fit their clients (Kumpfer et al.,
2002). Some adaptations are made consciously, but others are
made quickly during the course of implementation and based
on clinical judgment (Bridge, Massie, & Mills, 2008; Castro,
Barrera, & Martinez, 2004). ESIs, however, can only be
expected to achieve the same results as those observed when
originally tested, if they are implemented with fidelity or
strict adherence to the program structure, content, and dosage
(Dumas, Lynch, Laughlin, Phillips Smith, & Prinz, 2001;
Solomon, Card, & Malow, 2006). Although adaptations are
typically made in response to a perceived need, when they
are not done systematically, based on evidence and with the
core elements of the intervention preserved, the efficacy that
was previously achieved in the more controlled environment
may not be replicated (Kumpfer et al., 2002). Informal adap-
tation has the potential for compromising the integrity of
the original intervention, thus negating the value of the accu-
mulated evidence that supports the intervention’s effective-
ness. This tension between fidelity and fit has generated a
need for strategies to create fit while insuring fidelity.
Cultural Adaptation
The primacy of scientific rigor over cultural congruence may
be a limitation in applying ESIs and a standard that should not
be maintained in culturally competent social work practice.
When working with real communities, both must be satisfied
to the highest degree possible (Regehr et al., 2007). One solu-
tion to tension between using culturally relevant practices and
424 Research on Social Work Practice 25(4)
ESIs is locating interventions that have been designed for and
tested with a given cultural group. However, the limited avail-
ability of culturally specific interventions with strong empiri-
cal support may create barriers to this approach. Despite the
progress that has been made to date, most ESIs are developed
for and tested with middle-class White Americans, with the
assumption that evidence of efficacy with this group can be
transferred to nonmajority cultures, which may or may not
be the case (Kumpfer et al., 2002).
For example, a prevention intervention with Latino parents
found that assimilated, highly educated Latino parents were
responsive to the prevention interventions presented to them,
while immigrant parents with less education were less likely
to benefit (Dumka, Lopez, & Jacobs-Carter, 2002). This high-
lights the differential effects of an intervention based on culture
as well as a clear need for a more culturally relevant interven-
tion for immigrant parents. Despite a clear need for adaptation
in some circumstances, there is a strong risk of compromising
the effectiveness of the ESI when unstructured cultural adapta-
tions are implemented in response to perceived cultural incon-
gruence (Kirk & Reid, 2002; Kumpfer & Kaftarian, 2000;
Miller, Wilbourne, & Hettema, 2003; Solomon et al., 2006).
For that reason, when culturally and contextually specific inter-
ventions exist with strong evidence, it is certainly preferable to
select that intervention; however, in the absence of an ESI
designed and tested for the population being served, adaptation
may be a more viable and cost-effective option for scientifi-
cally merging a client’s cultural perspectives/values and the
ESI (Howard et al., 2003; Steiker et al., 2008). Systematically
adapting an intervention may increase the odds that the treat-
ment will achieve similar results than those found in more
controlled environments by minimizing the amount of sponta-
neous adaptations that the practitioner feels that they must
make to communicate within the client cultural frame
(Ferrer-Wreder, Sundell, & Mansoory, 2012).
Cultural adaptation may not only preserve the ESI’s effi-
cacy but also enhance the results attained in clinical trials
(Kelly et al., 2000). Culturally adapted interventions have the
potential to improve both client engagement in treatment and
outcomes and might be indicated when either rates fall below
what could be expected based on previous evidence (Lau,
2006). In an evaluation of a culturally adapted version of
the Strengthening Families intervention, there was a 40%increase in program retention in the culturally adapted version
of the intervention (Kumpfer et al., 2002). Although outcomes
were not found to be significantly better in the adapted version
of the intervention, the increase in retention is a significant
improvement. Improving retention expands the intervention’s
potential to reach and impact individuals who would not
typically remain in treatment. Despite the lack of difference
in outcomes in the Strengthening Families intervention, some
evidence has emerged that culturally adapted interventions
not only increase retention but are also more effective. In a
recent meta-analysis, culturally adapted treatments had a
greater impact than standard treatments, produced better out-
comes, and were most successful when they were culturally
tailored to a single ethnic minority group (Smith, Domenech
Rodrı́guez, & Bernal, 2010).
Adapting interventions in partnership with communities also
enhances the community’s commitment to the implementation
and the chances that the program will be sustained overtime
(Castro et al., 2004). For example, efforts to adapt HIV pre-
vention programs by modifying the messages and protocols
in order for them to sound and feel natural or familiar intellec-
tually and emotionally to individuals, families, groups, and
communities have improved the communities’ receptiveness,
retention, outcomes, and overall satisfaction, in addition to
retaining high levels of fidelity (Kirby, 2002; Raj, Amaro,
& Reed, 2001; Wilson & Miller, 2003).
Finally, cultural adaptation is advantageous because it
allows the social worker to address culturally specific risk
factors and build on identified protective factors. In the case
of Latino families, differential rates of acculturation between
parents and youth appear to be a risk factor for substance use
and delinquency among youth, indicating that family-based
interventions may be the most culturally relevant intervention
(Martinez, 2006). In addition to a source of risk, cultural
norms that place a high value on family loyalty are protective
factors against a variety of negative outcomes (German,
Gonzales, & Dumka, 2009; Marsiglia, Nagoshi, Parsai, &
Castro, 2012). Identifying risk and protective factors unique
to a community and addressing these within an intervention
have the potential to increase the efficacy of the intervention.
The importance of EBP and culturally competent practice
has created tension in the field of social work. Evidence
has landed support to both claims: (1) interventions are more
effective when implemented with fidelity (Durlak & DuPre,
2008) and (2) interventions are more effective when they are
culturally adapted because they ensure a good fit (Jani et al.,
2008). These different perspectives highlight the tension in
the field between implementing manualized interventions
exactly as they were written versus to adjusting them to fit the
targeted population or community (Norcross, Beutler, &
Levant, 2006). Although this debate is far from resolved, the-
ories of adaptation have been developed that allow the
researcher/practitioner to adjust the fit without compromising
the integrity of the intervention (Ferrer-Wreder et al., 2012).
If the cultural adaptation is done systematically, it has the
potential for maximizing the benefit of the fit, as well as the
benefit of the ESI, thus providing a strategy that addresses
many of the concerns surrounding EBP’s applicability in
social work practice (Castro et al., 2004).
An Emerging Roadmap for Cultural Adaptation
Cultural adaptation is an emerging science that aims at
addressing these challenges and opportunities to enhance the
effectiveness of interventions by grounding them in the lived
experience of the participants. Strategies and processes to sys-
tematically adapt interventions while insuring a more optimal
cultural fit without compromising the integrity of scientific
merit have been proposed and are beginning to be tested
Marsiglia and Booth 425
(La Roche & Christopher, 2009). The first step in all adaptation
models is determining that the cultural adaptation of an interven-
tion should be perused. Adaptation of an ESI is indicated when
(1) a client’s engagement in services falls below what is
expected, (2) expected outcomes are not achieved, and (3) iden-
tified culturally specific risks and/or protective factors need to
be incorporated into the intervention (Barrera & Castro, 2006).
Once the determination is made to conduct an adaptation,
there are a variety of models that one could follow all of which
fall into two categories: content and process (Ferrer-Wreder
et al., 2012). Although most current adaptation models have
merged the discussions regarding the content that should be
modified and process by which this modification takes place,
it is useful to consider them separately.
Content models identify an array of domains that may be
crucial to address when conducting an adaptation. The ecolo-
gical validity model, for example, focuses on eight dimensions
of culture: language, persons, metaphors, content, concepts,
goals, methods, and social context (Bernal, Jiménez-Chafey,
& Domenech Rodrı́guez, 2009). The cultural sensitivity model,
also a content model, identifies two distinct content areas: deep
culture, which includes aspects of culture such as thought pat-
terns, value systems, and norms, and surface culture, which refers
to elements, such as language, food, and customs (Resnicow,
Soler, Braithwaite, Ahluwailia, & Butler, 2000). Proponents of
the cultural sensitivity model argue that both aspects of culture
should be assessed and potentially addressed if areas of conflict
or incongruence between the culture and the intervention are
identified (Resnicow et al., 2000). Surface adaptations allow the
participants to identify with the messages, potentially enhancing
engagement; while, deep culture adaptations ensure that the
outcomes are impacted (Resnicow et al., 2000).
Castro, Barrera, and Martinez (2004) and Castro, Barrera,
and Steiker, 2010 have proposed a content model that identifies
a set of specific dimensions—at the surface and deep levels—
that are essential to consider in the adaptation process: cogni-
tive, affective, and environmental. Cognitive adaptations are
considered when participants cannot understand the content
that is being presented due to language barriers or the use of
information that is not relevant in an individual’s cultural
frame. Vignettes given by the original intervention, for exam-
ple, may not be relevant to the participants or may be offensive
due to spiritual or religious taboos. The content may create a
negative reaction from the participants which in turn may block
their ability to hear and integrate the message. It is that content
that needs to be modified while the core elements of the inter-
vention are respected. Affective-motivational adaptations are
indicated when program messages are contrary to cultural
norms and values, creating a resistance to change within the
individual (Castro, Rawson, & Obert, 2001). Environmental
factors (later referred to as relevance) make sure that the con-
tents and structure are applicable to the participants in their
daily lived experience (Castro et al., 2010).
While content models of adaptation tell adaptors where to
look for cultural mismatch, process models provide a frame-
work for making systematic assessments of cultural match,
adjustments to the original intervention, and tests of the adap-
tations effectiveness. At a minimum adaption process, models
follow two systematic steps: (1) identifying mismatches
between the original intervention and the client’s culture and
(2) testing/evaluating changes that have been made to rectify
these disparities (Ferrer-Wreder et al., 2012).
Most process models of adaptation begin with building a
partnership or coalition with members of targeted community
(Castro et al., 2010; Harris et al., 2001; Wingood & DiCle-
mente, 2008). Sometimes the ESI that will be adapted is
selected at this stage; however, more information is often gath-
ered about the targeted population before selecting the inter-
vention that would provide the best fit (Kumpfer, Pinyuchon,
Teixeriade de Melo, & Whiteside, 2008; Mckleroy et al.,
2006; Wingood & DiClemente, 2008). Whether the interven-
tion has yet to be selected, extensive formative research is con-
ducted to assess the etiology of the social problem that is the
target of the intervention, possible population-specific risks
and protective factors, and measurement equivalence to insure
and accurate evaluation of intervention outcomes (Harris et al.,
2001). Some information about the target community may be
gained by reviewing relevant literature; however, interviews,
focus groups, and surveys are also used to collect primary data
about the social and cultural context that may impact the out-
come of the intervention or conflict with the program’s mes-
sages/implementation strategies.
At this point in the process, some adaptation models recom-
mend making changes based on the formative research
(Domenech-Rodriguez & Wieling, 2004; Harris et al., 2001), while
others suggest implementing the intervention with minimal
changes and assessing the need for further adaption. In an innova-
tive approach, the Planned Intervention Adaptation model suggests
making significant changes to one version of the intervention
while making minimal changes to another and implementing them
both simultaneously to test the differential effects (Castro et al.,
2010; Ferrer-Wreder et al., 2012; Kumpfer et al., 2008).
Regardless of the level of adaptation, the modified inter-
vention is pilot tested and based on the outcomes subsequent
adaptations are made (Ferrer-Wreder et al., 2012). Once a
final adaptation has been made, further testing takes place
in effectiveness trials. Across all theories of adaptation, the
process is iterative with refinements made to the intervention
at every stage based on the evidence generated in the prior
stage (Domenech-Rodriguez & Wieling, 2004). Regardless
of the depth of changes made, the adapted intervention must
be rigorously tested to ensure that the effects of the original
ESI are preserved after changes have been made.
Case Study: Adaptations of Keepin’it REAL(KiR), the Southwest InterdisciplinaryResearch Center (SIRC) Approach
Over the past 10 years of health disparities research, the SIRC
has developed a process of cultural adaptation that includes
most of the elements outlined previously. The specific
426 Research on Social Work Practice 25(4)
adaptation model utilized at SIRC is an expanded version
of the Barrera and Castro (2006) model as illustrated by
Figure 1.
KiR is the flagship empirically supported treatment SIRC
(Marsiglia & Hecht, 2005). KiR is a manualized school-
based substance abuse prevention program for middle school
students. It was designed to (a) increase drug resistance skills
among middle school students, (b) promote antisubstance use
norms and attitudes, and (c) develop effective drug resistance
and communication skills (Gosin, Dustman, Drapeau, &
Harthun, 2003). It was created and evaluated in Arizona
through many years of community-based research funded by
the National Institutes on Drug Abuse of the National Insti-
tutes of Health. It is a model program listed under Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National
Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. There is
strong evidence about the efficacy of the intervention with
middle school Mexican American students (Marsiglia, Kulis,
Wagstaff, Elek, & Dran, 2005), however the community-
identified need to reach out to younger students and to stu-
dents of other ethnic groups generated a set of adaptation
efforts summarized in Figure 2.
As Figure 2 illustrates, KiR was adapted for fifth-grade stu-
dents (Harthun, Dustman, Reeves, Marsiglia, & Hecht, 2009)
following the SIRC adaptation model and an RCT was con-
ducted to test whether the effects of the intervention increased
by intervening earlier (fifth grade vs. seventh grade). Students
who received the intervention in both the fifth and seventh
grade were no different in their self-reported use of alcohol
and other drugs than students who received the intervention
only on the seventh grade (Marsiglia, Kulis, Yabiku, Nieri,
& Coleman, 2011). This effort did no yield the expected
results but provided evidence from a developmental perspec-
tive that starting earlier was not cost effective.
The second adaptation presented in Figure 2 was also
community-generated and supported from the evidence gath-
ered during the initial RCT of KiR. Urban American Indian
(AI) youth were not benefiting from KiR as much as other
children (Dixon et al., 2007). Following the principles of
community-based participatory research, a steering group,
including leaders from the local urban AI community and
school district personnel in charge of AI programs, was
formed to guide the adaptation process. In addition to enga-
ging community members and setting up a structure to ensure
a collaborative partnership, before beginning the adaptation
process, formative information was collected by consulting
the literature to identify culturally specific risks and protec-
tive factors and focus groups. Focus groups were conducted
with both Native American adults and youth to explore cultu-
rally specific drug resistance strategies that were frequently
applied by urban Native American youth (Kulis & Brown,
2011; Kulis, Dustman, Brown, & Martinez, 2013).
Based on this information, collected in conjunction with
four Native American curriculum development experts, KiR
was adapted, and while maintaining its core elements, the
content and structure were changed to be more culturally rel-
evant to Native American youth (Kulis et al., 2013). Changes
to the curriculum included (1) new drug resistant strategies
that were identified by the AI youth as being more culturally
relevant to them, (2) lesson plans designed to teach strategies
in a more culturally relevant way, (3) more comprehensive
content focusing on ethnic identity (a protective factor identi-
fied in the literature), and (5) a narrative approach in teaching
content (Kulis et al., 2013). In the initial pilot test of the
intervention, results showed an increase in the use of REAL
strategies indicating a promising effect. Based on pilot test
feedback, the intervention has been further adapted and
implemented on a larger scale through an RCT. The research
team at SIRC is currently in the process of developing a
Identification of EBP with community. Preliminary adaptation
Pilot-testing of the
adpated version
Integration of the results.
Further adaptation if
RCT of the final
Community Engegament
& Needs Assessment
Figure 1. The SIRC adaptation model (Barrera & Castro, 2006).Note. SIRC ¼ Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Centre.
keepin't REALPhoenix efficacy
trial: EBPN = 6,035
Adapted with Jalisco-Mexico middle schools
N = 431(2011-2013)
Adapted with Phoenix urban American Indian middle schools
N = 247(2007-2012)
Adapted with Phoenix 5th gradersN = 3,038
Figure 2. The SIRC family of adapted interventions.Note. SIRC ¼ Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Centre.
Marsiglia and Booth 427
parenting component to this intervention using the processes
that were established in the development of the youth version.
Implementing and adapting KiR for the Mexican context is
the most recent adaptations done at SIRC. Collaborators in
Jalisco-Mexico identified Keepin’ it as an ESI suitable for
Mexico. The initial review of the intervention resulted in a
‘‘surface’’ adaptation consisting mostly of translating the
manuals from English to Spanish and changing some of the
vignettes that were not appropriate for Mexico. The Jalisco
team recruited two middle schools to participate in a pilot
study of the initial adapted version of KiR. The schools were
randomized to control and experimental conditions. Imple-
menters (teachers) and student participants participated in
the regular classroom-based intervention for 10 weeks and
were also a part of a simultaneous intensive review process
of the intervention through focus groups. The overall level
of comfort and satisfaction with the intervention was high and
the pre- and posttest survey results were also favorable. The
main concern for teachers and students was the videos that
illustrate the REAL resistance strategies. The original videos
were dubbed into Spanish, but the story lines, the music, and
even the clothing felt foreign to the youth in Jalisco. As a
result, new scripts and new videos were produced by and for
youth in Jalisco. This method of adaptation did not change the
core elements of the original intervention but did address
aspects of deep culture (Steiker et al., 2008). Because the
youth wrote and acted in the videos, they were able to con-
struct scenarios that accurately reflected their cultural norms
and values.
The results of the pilot also provided additional feedback to
edit the content and format of the manuals. See Figure 3 for
the pilot results on alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use.
The results of the pilot were very promising and identified
female students at a greater risk. Females in the control group
(not receiving the intervention) reported the greatest increase in
substance use between the pre- and posttest. The pilot results
illustrate the need for the cyclical and continuous adaptation
process. This case study highlights the need to conduct a gender
adaptation in addition to an ethnic or nation of origin adapta-
tion. With the adapted manual and the new videos, the bina-
tional team of researchers is applying for funding to conduct
an RCT in Mexico of the revised intervention now called
‘‘Mantente REAL.’’
Adaptation in Social Work Practice
The previously discussed models, including the SIRC model,
are based on collaborations between practitioners and research-
ers, where researchers take the lead in the formative assess-
ments, adaptations, and evaluations of effectiveness. In many
social work practice settings, this process might look different,
although it is recommended that regardless of the setting, a
partnership with the intervention designers is developed if
significant modifications are going to be made to the original
intervention. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) has devised a set of practical guidelines for practitioners
adopting an ESI and strongly discourages adaptors to change
the deep structures of the intervention (McKleroy et al., 2006).
In the CDC model, as in the SIRC model, the adaptation
process starts with the selection of an ESI that best matches the
population and context (Solomon et al., 2006). The selection of
an intervention is based on an initial assessment of the targeted
population and an exploration of possible intervention varia-
tions (Ferrer-Wreder et al., 2012). Assessments of the pop-
ulation can be made through a review of the literature and by
conducting interviews with key informants or focus groups
with potential participants. The initial assessment of the popu-
lation should go beyond potential participants’ ethnicities to
include multiple and intersecting identities. Cultural adaptation
frequently starts and stops with the identification of race, with-
out examining how age, gender, sexual orientation, religion,
acculturation, and geography shape culture. The lack of such
identification information could potentially impact the partici-
pants’ experience with the intervention (Wilson & Miller,
2003). A thorough assessment includes consideration for both
deep and surface culture, as well as population-specific risks
and protective factors (Solomon et al., 2006). During this initial
Wave 1 Wave 2
Wave 1 Wave 2
Wave 1 Wave 2
Alcohol Frequency
Male (E)Male (C)Female (E)Female (C)
Cigarette Frequency
Male (E)Male (C)Female (E)Female (C)
Cigarette Amount
Male (E)Male (C)Female (E)Female (C)
Figure 3. Pilot results of ‘‘Mantente REAL.’’
428 Research on Social Work Practice 25(4)
phase, social workers strive to find the best possible fit because
the fewer modifications they make, the less likely the fidelity of
the intervention will be compromised in the adaptation process.
After the intervention is selected, the practitioner thoroughly
evaluates the theoretical underpinnings of the intervention and
assesses the intervention in light of the cultural norms and values
of the clients being served (Green & Glasgow, 2006). The
practitioner then systematically works to reconcile any mis-
matches between the intervention and the participants’ lived
experiences without altering the core components of the inter-
vention or features of the intervention that are responsible for
the intervention’s effectiveness (Green & Glasgow, 2006;
Kelly et al., 2000; Solomon et al., 2006). When it is deter-
mined that elements of deep culture need to be changed and
these changes have the potential of altering core elements of
the curriculum, the evidence previously found for effective-
ness may be negated indicating the need to retest the interven-
tion in an RCT (see Figure 4 ).
Although some interventionists have explicitly identified
core components that must be preserved to ensure effective-
ness, others have not. In the case when they are not explicitly
stated, it becomes the implementer’s responsibility to uncover
aspects of the intervention that cannot be changed or removed.
Identifying the theory of change (i.e., cognitive behavioral
theory, reasoned action, and communication competency) is
the most practical way of identifying core elements, although
contacting the authors and conducting experiments are also
possibilities (Solomon et al., 2006).
After the intervention has been adapted to reconcile any
conflicting mismatches, a pilot test is recommended of the
adapted intervention with a small group of participants (at
least N ¼ 10) using pre- or postsurveys and focus groups(McKleroy et al., 2006). Any information gleaned from this
data will be used to further incorporate any adaptations into
the intervention.
The extent of adaptation must be determined by the level of
mismatch between the intervention and the population being
served (Barrera & Castro, 2006). Frequently, cultural adapta-
tions only address surface aspects of culture while neglecting
the deeper messages being communicated in the intervention.
This is not necessarily bad practice. It is possible that chang-
ing the language, photographs, and the scenarios in an inter-
vention is all that is needed to make it culturally relevant.
There are, however, situations in which this is not sufficient
(Resnicow et al., 2000). As mentioned previously, surface
adaptation allows participants in the program to identify
themselves with the intervention, but it could fail to address
the larger cultural norms that may be impacting the target
behaviors or decision-making process. If it is determined that
significant and/or deep changes are needed, the developers of
the intervention need to be contacted and asked to assist the
social worker in the process. It should be remembered that any
changes have the potential to compromise the intervention’s
effectiveness and need to be implemented with extreme cau-
tion. Social workers adapting interventions should document
all changes made to the original intervention and systemati-
cally evaluate the outcomes in order to ensure that the desired
results are being achieved.
Social work ethics clearly instruct social workers to provide
culturally competent practice and to implement interventions
with the best possible evidence of efficacy. Due to the vast
diversity in the human family, these imperatives can be in con-
flict. This conflict highlights many of the questions that still
linger in the discussion of the value of implementing social
work interventions with fidelity versus adapting them to better
achieve a cultural fit. It has been suggested that one way to rec-
tify this tension is to adapt interventions in a systematic manner
based on scientifically validated methods. Despite the apparent
clarity of this task, the adaptation process can be challenging.
The theories of adaptation that have emerged in several differ-
ent fields put forward similar processes of adaptation. These
may require an extensive assessment of the etiology of social
problems, an understanding of the deep theoretical structure
of the original intervention, and rigorous evaluation that may
be beyond the capacity of individual practitioners. To this end,
more work needs to be done to build the capacities of social
workers and social work agencies for utilizing and conducting
Figure 4. The continuum of adaptation: Balancing the fidelity and fit.
Marsiglia and Booth 429
rigorous research that would enable them to reliably adapt
social work research theories and practices. In the absence of
needed resources, social workers are encouraged to build
relationships with research institution that can help them sys-
tematically assess and adapt interventions, so that they can
provide the most culturally competent services. When adapta-
tions cannot be reliably implemented, efforts need to be made
to identify interventions that have been previously adapted
and tested with a given population, such as those in the SIRC
model, and implement them with fidelity. With the ever
expanding number of rigorously tested, culturally specific,
and culturally grounded interventions, it may seem feasible
at some point to have an ESI for every population in every
context; however, the dynamic nature of culture and the vast
diversity among humans ensure that cultural adaptation will
continue to be a likely necessity in the future.
Authors’ Note
This article was previously presented at the conference on Bridging
the Research and Practice gap: A Symposium on Critical Considera-
tions, Successes and Emerging Ideas, sponsored by the University of
Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Houston, TX, April 5–6,
2013. This article was invited and accepted by the Guest Editor of this
special issue, Danielle E. Parrish, PhD The content of this article is
solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily repre-
sent the official views of NIMHD or the NIH.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research
was supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health
Disparities (NIMHD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH Grant
P20MD002316-05, to Flavio F. Marsiglia, principal investigator).
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