

The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance

Assignment Requirements


Chapter 1 – Introduction
An important ‘sales pitch’ for the importance and relevance of the topic academically and, if possible, practically with a description of the structure of the dissertation. State clearly the objective(s) of the study and why it is worthy of study.
Chapter 2 – Literature Review/Survey of Prior Research
This gives a proper context for the current research and allows you to demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of previous work.
Chapter 3 – Research design
Explanation, and justification, of the approach and methods of analysis adopted.
Chapter 4 – Results of Research
Reporting, analysis and discussion of results.
Chapter 5 – Summary and conclusions
In addition to the summary of results etc, always try to add something new here in terms of the importance, relevance, and implications of the results; refer back to the objectives of the study.

Structure of the Finance Topic Dissertation

This may depend on the research topic chosen, but generally will be consistent with the following logical order.


Chapter 1 – Introduction

An important ‘sales pitch’ for the importance and relevance of the topic academically and, if possible, practically with a description of the structure of the dissertation. State clearly the objective(s) of the study and why it is worthy of study.


Chapter 2 – Literature Review/Survey of Prior Research

This gives a proper context for the current research and allows you to demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of previous work.


Chapter 3 – Research design

Explanation, and justification, of the approach and methods of analysis adopted.


Chapter 4 – Results of Research

Reporting, analysis and discussion of results.


Chapter 5 – Summary and conclusions

In addition to the summary of results etc, always try to add something new here in terms of the importance, relevance, and implications of the results; refer back to the objectives of the study.



(i) Size of paper – A4.

(ii) Word Processing – 1.5 or double spaced on both sides of the paper. Long quotations should be indented and single spaced.

Minimum margins – 3cm left hand margin and 2cm right hand margin

You must arrange for word processing to be carried out; any expenses relating to word processing are your responsibility.

(iii) Numbering – pages to be numbered consecutively.


Layout of dissertation

The layout of the dissertation should be as follows:

(i) Title page

(ii) Acknowledgements (Optional)

(iii) Abstract

(iv) Table of Contents

(v) Main Text

The main body of the dissertation, divided into chapters and sub-headings as appropriate. Each chapter must start on a new page.

(vi) Appendices (Optional)

(vii) Bibliography

Items (ii) and (vi) are optional – all other items must be included.


Details are:

(i) Title page

Title, name, purpose, date and word count:

(ii) Acknowledgments (Optional)

If you wish to acknowledge any assistance/support/ideas/co-operation etc. it should be briefly carried out on a single page at this point.

(iii) Abstract

The main arguments and conclusions of the dissertation condensed into no more than two A4 pages (and preferably into a single A4 page).

(iv) Table of Contents

As a minimum this should include a list of chapter numbers, chapter titles and page numbers relating to the start of each chapter. This may, at your option, be expanded to provide information concerning sections of chapters etc. However, the detail provided must not obscure the clarity of the Table of Contents.

Any appendices (see vi below) should also be referenced in the Table of Contents.

An optional extra is a list of figures or tables – but this should normally only be provided if the tables and/or figures are considered numerous and worthy of being specifically referenced.

(v) Main Text

The main body of the dissertation, divided into chapters and sub-headings as appropriate.

(vi) Appendices (Optional)

Any appendix material will not be included in determining the overall length of the dissertation. However, please note that appendices are not to be used as a device to circumvent the word limit. The dissertation should be understandable without requiring the reader to consult data or other information in appendices. Only supplementary content which might be useful in expanding ideas or arguments should be included in appendices. Examples of content which should not be included are forecasts, explanations and justifications of forecasts, calculations of the discount rate (cost of capital) and valuation models. Such core elements should be included in the chapters of the dissertation.

If used, appendices can either be grouped together at the end of the main text or included at the end of each relevant chapter within the main text. The use of appendices and the positioning of appendices are both optional; but if appendices are used the positioning should be consistent, i.e. all appendices at the end of the main text or all following the relevant chapters.

(vii) Bibliography

This should include all works specifically referenced within the text and should contain the following details:

(a) Author(s)

(b) Title of Publication or Article

(c) Publisher/Source

(d) Date of publication

(e) Volume number and page numbers


The order should be alphabetical by author (or first named author with the second and subsequent authors providing the next sort fields) and by date of publication within author e.g.

Elton, E.J., (1968), ‘The Effect of Share Repurchases on the Value of the Firm’, Journal of Finance, Vol. 23 (March), pp. 135-150.


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