What is the premise of the story, and what is Miss Milly’s interest in Mr. Adams in order to get the story going?
Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V2vdvbEqPA
Answer the following quesions based on the video
1. What is the premise of the story, and what is Miss Milly’s interest in Mr. Adams in order to get the story going?
2. How does Miss Milly defend her working relationship with Mr. Adams? 3. What moral problem occurs between Miss Milly and Mr. Adams?
4. Is Mr. Adams’ work ethic based on utilitarianism, duty, virtue, power or Aristotle’s mean? Choose only one of these and provide support for your answer by writing how Mr. Adam’s work ethic is NOT one of the other moral theories.
5. Is Lucas McCain’s personal ethics based on utilitarianism, duty, virtue, power or Aristotle’s mean? Choose only one of these and provide support for your answer by writing how Lucas McCain’s personal ethics is NOT one of the other moral theories.
6. Is Miss Milly’s work ethic based on utilitarianism, duty, virtue, power or Aristotle’s mean? Choose only one of these and provide support for your answer by writing how Miss Milly is NOT one of the other moral theories.
7. In this story, Hattie Denton is the foil. How is Hattie Denton the foil to Miss Milly, and how does this literary device help teach a moral lesson that Miss Milly needs to learn?
8. The Marshall seems fair and understanding, but firm. What ethics system does he belong to, just name one, no need to write a support for the choice: Duty, utilitarianism or virtue?
9. Some people will argue that there are no ethics in business. Either make a case in favor of this position and use an example from the film to support your argument, or, make a case against this position and use an example from the film to support your argument.
10. In Plato’s “Myth of Er,” he discusses one being either good or bad at his/her craft. The importance of the craftsperson is as the supplier of the city. If someone is a bad supplier, then that person corrupts the city with bad supplies, and the city cannot function correctly. List one of the story’s characters’ comments about how the store should be run in terms of who would be considered a good craftsperson and who was a bad craftsperson based on one of the five questions found in the Peter Drucker video.
answers must be thorough and complete. no short answers please
List of character names in the story to focus on:
Lucas McCain – the Rifleman Miss Milly – new store owner
Micah – the town Marshall Mr. Adams – the collector of the money
Hattie Denton – former store owner Jim Oxford – friend of Lucas McCain
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