

The Importance of Role Models for URM to succeed in Technology Related Fields

I am providing peer-reviewed sources. Please use all of those and do in-text citations.
Source #1 *peer reviewed
Citation: Deen Lango. (2019). How African Women in Tech are Changing the Narrative. Women             of Color Magazine, 19(1), 16.
Link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26652801?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents
Use: Talks about some current role models for URM Women in the tech fields.

Source #2 *peer reviewed
Citation: Sax, L. J., Blaney, J. M., Lehman, K. J., Rodriguez, S. L., George, K. L., & Zavala, C.             (2018). Sense of Belonging in Computing: The Role of Introductory Courses for             Women and Underrepresented Minority Students. Social Sciences (2076-0760),             7(8), 122.
Link: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0760/7/8/122/htm
Use: importance of a sense belonging in Tech majors and the disparity between the sense of         belonging of URM women with other groups. We could tie this into the lack of assessable     mentors for URM women in their fields.

Source #3 *peer reviewed
Citation: Guy, B., & Boards, A. (2019). A seat at the table: Exploring the experiences of             underrepresented minority women in STEM graduate programs. Journal of Prevention &         Intervention in the Community, 47(4), 354.
Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10852352.2019.1617383
Use: Theme 1: Mentoring in this article talks about how it is important to have mentors that         have shared experiences with the URM Women but as there is not an abundance of these         mentors that this may be a reason why some URM Women are deterred from majors in         the STEM fields.

Source #4 *peer reviewed
Citation: Ruiz, E. C. (2013). Motivating Latina Doctoral Students in STEM Disciplines. New         Directions for Higher Education, 2013(163), 3542. https://doi.org/10.1002/he.20063
Use: (page 39 and top of 41) importance and lack of latina faculty for latina women pursuing         higher degrees in STEM, particularly Math.

Source #5 *peer reviewed
Citation: OBrien, L. T., Garcia, D. M., Blodorn, A., Adams, G., Hammer, E., & Gravelin, C.         (2019). An educational intervention to improve womens academic STEM outcomes:         Divergent effects on well-represented vs underrepresented minority women. Cultural         Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Link: https://doi-org.proxy-bc.researchport.umd.edu/10.1037/cdp0000289.supp
Use: The present research demonstrates the importance of intersectional approaches to studying the experiences of women in STEM.

Source #6 *peer reviewed
Citation: Lisberg, Anneke, and Brett Woods. 2018. Mentorship, Mindset and Learning             Strategies: An Integrative Approach to Increasing Underrepresented Minority Student         Retention in a STEM Undergraduate Program. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations     and Research 19 (3): 1419. Link:http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy-bc.researchport.umd.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,url,uid&db=eric&AN=EJ1189103&site=eds-live&scope=site.
Use:University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, uses the STEM Boot Camp program which was designed to improve the retention of underrepresented minorities in STEM majors, primarily by preparing incoming freshman for introductory gateway STEM courses using peer and faculty mentorship.

Source #7 *peer reviewed
Citation: Ilumoka, A. (2012). Strategies for overcoming barriers to women and minorities in         STEM. IEEE 2nd Integrated STEM Education Conference, Integrated STEM Education         Conference (ISEC), 2012 IEEE 2nd, 14.
Link: https://doi-org.proxy-bc.researchport.umd.edu/10.1109/ISECon.2012.6204171
Use: The STEM research effort reported here attempts to find ways to diversify the STEM workforce through identification of pedagogical strategies for recruitment and retention of women and minorities into STEM classrooms and ultimately into the STEM workforce.


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