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720 Faith Integration 2: Analytics in a Corporation



Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2
Bartlett: Chapter 2
Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88
Merida- Pages 129-163
Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)
Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached)

Faith Integration Paper 2 : Analytics in a corporation.

Must use at least 4 high quality peer-reviewed sources. The Ahmed (2019), Bartlett (2013), and Merida (2015) course textbooks are required sources. Must have at least 1 biblical integration.


The student should read the weekly assigned chapters in Ahmed, Bartlett and section topics in Merida. Then answer the question being posed as a Christian leader with critical reflection of the topic, supported by in-text citations and examples. This paper is focused on the development of students as Christian leaders in organizations. Another objective of these papers is to provide students with integration of theory

780 DB: Call to Lead and Develop other Leaders


Manning & Curtis: Chapters 8-9, 12-13

Read Merida: The Wise Fool 9:10-11:43, The Torn Kingdom 12:1-14:20. A Lamp in Jerusalem 14:21-16:34

Chapter 8: Leadership Authority

Matthews 20:25-28

Evaluating a Competency Approach in Assessing Biblical Leadership Effectiveness (attached)

After completing the reading assignments, post your initial response to the following points:
    Reflect on a time that you observed an example of effective leading and how it affected your own leadership development.
    Identify a biblical example of effective leading and compare it with your takeaway from the reading assignments. Include what lessons can be learned and how you might implement it in your workplace responsibilities. (School Administrator)
    Analyze two scholarly sources and discuss to what extent they align with your response to the discussion question.

Must be support

720 DB WK 2 Inside the Corporation

Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2
Bartlett: Chapter 2
Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88
Merida- Pages 129-163
Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)
Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached)

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
    Identify the reasons advanced data analytics is required in modern businesses.
    Evaluate how leadership within a company uses decision-making analytics.
    Describe how advanced analytics is utilized in a modern company.
    Describe why speed and accuracy of quality communication is important.
    Describe how moral leadership plays a part in business analytics.

After completing the required reading, provide a CRITICAL ANALYSIS discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading. At the post graduate level you are NOT to provide a summary but rather provide a critical t

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hi,I hope your fine
This order request it made to add some work on a previous order which you have done for me.
I have got some feedback on the paper:
(((Introduction too brief(add 100 words) build it up. Be more self-conscious why are you focusing on your subject and arguing what youre arguing. Missing references. Any issues with your solution (think critically))).
- I want you to please work on the points in the feedback to make it an A pulse paper.
- Also pulse add about 100-150 words trying to convince the reader about what you are arguing.
-If you can please improve the structure to make it a better paper.
-Also, use stronger and more professional language. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain some of the economic problems that many cities are facing and the solutions that are being implemented by U.S. fire departments to cope with their shrinking budgets. Please use 4 academically recognized sources.

1. Research and discuss the economic problems U.S. cities have faced which have had a direct impact on the fire service.
2. Research three (3) fire departments that have faced serious economic problems and then discuss the solutions that were implemented by that department to counter the effects of the economic downturn.
3. Discuss whether the solutions have been a success or failure.


Allison is a 35-year-old Caucasian female who is a disabled veteran that recently lost her job due to a declining state of mental health. Allison has suffered from PTSD for over 10 years. Allison was originally diagnosed with PTSD after returning from combat overseas from the Middle East by the VA and was given an honorable discharge. Allison had incurred a vast amount of trauma throughout her years as a military member including sexual assault by an older service member. Allison has attended mental health treatment at the VA on and off over the last 10 years. Allison has not disclosed the sexual assault with the VA due to shame and fear of retaliation from the military.

Describe how a human service professional would use the biopsychosocial model to assess Allisons needs.
Discuss two types of crises that may have led to Allisons diagnosis of PTSD. Define PTSD and identify three symptoms that Allison may be experiencing because of it.
Explain what level of distress and imp

The Trump Political Agenda and the Misinformation Campaign

The rough draft should follow the format listed below. Each item in your rough draft represents a different section of your paper.

Introduction (with a thesis)


Various Perspectives on the Issue



Proper grammar and spelling required
Rough Drafts should be written in Microsoft Word
Rough Drafts must contain at least 8-12 pages excluding the title page and bibliography.
Rough Drafts must follow APA format

Please add sources/references as necessary.

interactive poster or ePoster

Assessment 1: ePoster 25% weighting Individual or Group

You are to create an interactive poster or ePoster for Assessment 1.

An ePoster allows you to display information in an innovative and interesting way that is not possible with a traditional style poster. You can embed multimedia content in your poster in addition to the static items (titles, logo, summary, references). Multimedia that can be included are videos, slideshows, animations, graphs, scrolling text, and 3D rotational models. You can zoom in and out for specific sections of your ePoster (see the video below).

Your ePoster MUST include a Porter's Value Chain for your new product, you MUST also include the most appropriate type of factory and process for your product with justification as to why you have made that selection. You may record yourself discussing why you have made your selection and embedded the video in your ePoster. The ePoster MUST have a title, your name, and t

Need case study on each topic min 300 words

Consider the following scenario: Your patient has suffered from schizophrenia for two decades and has received classic dopaminergic treatments since the onset of illness. The latest research supporting use of the glutamatergic model has not been tried on your patient, and there is an opportunity for your patient to enter clinical trials utilizing glutamate-based treatments. Your patient suffers significant executive function impairment and memory impairment. Do you recommend participation in the clinical trial? Why or why not?

Fluid Imbalances

Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following:

Describe what a fluid and electrolyte imbalance is and how this is important to the function of the body?
Pick a fluid or electrolyte imbalance and describe how the patient would present, in addition to the treatment (nursing and expected medical)?

You should include a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA format.