

World War I

I have copy and pasted the entire instructions, ignore the parts where it says presentation, the presentation is an extension of this essay. I need the paper to be written from the perspective of a British draftee (first or third person, it does not matter). I will attach some of the resources that our professor might expect us to cite. Paper doesn’t need to be perfect, but I am shooting for at least a B- here. Try to reference the coursework attached as much as possible, but it need not be excessive, just enough to make the reference noticeable

This is a WWI history class, but the focus is less on the battles, and the warfare, and more on the human side. The class is more of a sociological, philosophical, or personal look at WWI history. We read a lot of poetry, analyze propaganda posters and watch movies. Basically I need a deep dive of what it feels like to be a British draftee in WW1. I can probably provide more class materials if needed,

For the presentation:
1.    each person in the group will present for four to five minutes from the perspective of a participant of WWI (either in first or third person, so either you present as the participant or you present as a Hist 340 student explaining the perspective of the participant). You can present from the perspective of any participant. You can be a combatant (officer, enlisted soldier, or veteran of any nationality) or civilian (nurse abroad, worker in a defense industry, journalist, etc.) You should discuss how a. the war has affected you personally, and b. how you place your experience in the larger context of WWI (its impact on your society).
2.    You can use films, documentaries, film clips, poems, songs, memoirs, propaganda, or any other materials from the class. In addition to class sources, you will consult one to two outside primary sources, ideally a full documentary or film (but clips are fine too, see list below for ideas) you have not yet watched for the class. You can also use letters, diary or memoir entries, propaganda posters, poems, or songs from outside of class. So, for example, you could write as an ANZAC soldier in the Gallipoli campaign, a war poet, a flying ace, a Harlem hellfighter, a soldiers wife in Warsaw, a nurse on the western front, etc.its really up to you. 
3.    After each person in the group has presented, I will be asking the entire group to consider similarities and differences among each individuals WWI experiences.
4.    You can present how you like, simply present (not read) for four to five minutes with no props, you can incorporate one to two power point slides if you want, you can recite a few lines from a film, poem, song, etcits up to you. Again, these are informal and should not be high stress.

Papers: Rolling deadline, between May 8-May 12 at midnight to be submitted on Blackboard. The paper builds upon your presentation (basically you are writing up your presentation, the presentation is your rough draft, the paper is your final draft), analyzing the course of WWI from the perspective of the participant you presented on by discussing the wars personal and societal impact. The paper can be in first or third person.

For the paper:
1.  The paper should be 5-6 pages in length, double spaced with normal margins and standard font.
2.  You should include direct quotations from both in class sources and your one to two outside sources (you
      can include more outside sources if you want but it is not required)
3.  You should use footnotes or endnotes after quoting and provide a bibliography that includes all your 
4.  Spelling and proofreading count. Go over your paper carefully for any errors before submitting it.

Possible films/series/documentaries to consult (you can find clips of almost all of these on YouTube)
All Quiet on the Western Front, 1930, the classic film on WWI, German youth quickly disillusioned with trench warfare (rent)   
Grand Illusion, 1937, French POWs in a German camp, in French (rent)
Paths of Glory, 1958, French perspective on the horrors of trench warfare & consequences of refusing to follow orders (free with prime)
Lawrence of Arabia, 1962, another classic, British intervention on the Ottoman front (rent)
Gallipoli, 1981, the disastrous battle of Gallipoli viewed through the eyes of two Australian dispatch runners (free with prime)               
The Lost Battalion, 2001, American battalion lost during the Meuse-Argonne campaign (YouTube)
A Very Long Engagement, 2005, a young womans search for her fiance after the war, in French (rent)   
Flyboys, 2006, American pilots fighting for France (rent)
The Red Baron, 2008, German flying ace (YouTube)
The Crimson Field, 2014, the series about nurses on the western front (rent    )                   
Testament of Youth, 2015, Vera Brittains perspective on the war (rent)       
Rangroot, 2018, Sikhs from India fighting on the western front (YouTube)
They Shall Not Grow Old, 2018, redigitized archival footage of British troops (rent)
1917, most recent film focused on British soldiers in combat, 2019 (rent)


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