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write a summary about Alternative Media and Processes

View the attached powerpoints on "Visual Thinking Strategies" & "Alternative Media and Processes"
Write a 1 page summary (12pt Font, Times New Roman, Double Space) of Alternative Media.
      -Include an image (on page 2) of an artwork that reflects "Alternative Media and Processes"
    -Write a brief description of the artwork (What's happening in the artwork? What do you see that makes you say that? What more can you find?)
  -Make a connection between you and the artwork (what reasons does this work relate to you/your identity?).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reading 1: Mills (in Lemert 2018)
Introduction to C. Wright Mills (p.275)
The sociological imagination (pp.275278)

1. Lemert explained that, true to [Millss] ideal of the sociological imagination, his writings based
strong critical ideas on careful empirical work (page 275). What might this tell us about Millss
approach to research and theory?
2. What do you think Mills meant when he wrote, The sociological imagination enables us to
grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society? (page 276)
3. What were the three sorts of questions asked consistently by the classic social analysts who
had been imaginatively aware of the promise of their work? (page 276).
4. What kind of capacity does that imagination allow? (page 276)

Research Paper Guidelines for Zara

What are the import requirements of retail clothing?
Why would these requirements effect the Zara logistics team when importing?
How does Zara manage a global supply chain?
How does Zara manage the logistics of moving its clothing strategically between stores?
How does the requirements of maximums in the store help Zara logistics?
How does Zara master global replenishment?
What are Zaras best practices that make it a leader in global logistics?

Two part question on Starbucks case study that has to be reviewed in order to answer. Use examples from the case to answer the following questions.

Starbucks case study is attached that has to be reviewed in order to answer. Use examples from the case to answer the following questions.

Two Part Question:

Part 1:From your reading of the Starbucks case , identify 3 customer needs that you believe Starbucks is satisfying and explain how they satisfy them.

Part 2: Next identify 3 Customer wants that Starbucks has identified and how are they proceeding to satisfy them.

Argument Analysis Essay

Please write an analysis of ONE of the following:

Go Ahead, Speak for Yourself by Kwame Anthony Appiah (pgs. 114-115)

How Do You Explain the 'Obvious' by Nausicaa Renner (pgs. 117-119)

The Checklist for Analyzing a Text will be extremely helpful to you as you develop your analysis. You are welcome to do outside research, whether for context or other responses to the text; however, this is neither required nor necessary to complete this task effectively.

Essentially, you are writing a rhetorical analysis, which should include:

A solid summary of the text: what it is saying, what it is arguing, and why that is important
Identification of the authors thesis, intended audience, message, purpose, and rhetorical methods used
A clear thesis: Your judgment regarding the effectiveness of the text

The Final Draft

This is my paper that I want to revise and change. Like I want this paper to be more on about indulge in a movie sense element. Like I want the lines to be short not a lot of lines from characters. Because basically It just give dialogue. I want you to read the story and figure out what needs to be change. My instructor want it to be more dynamite and very understandable for the audience to read. Make this a movie. Also the character Laura seems to be a little bit of an issue. Mostly, she is giving to more dialogue in her lines. Some certain lines shouldn't be said out, it should be in action. Remember, this is a story about two friends surviving to get out of a dark place. None of them should not know how to get out. Please be more affirmative in writing this paper. Give it your best shot. It's alot of changes, make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Read this file down below and give your in take on what should change. Please like I said, don't give a whole dialogue in betwe

Octavio Paz

Octavio Paz is credited with being one of the leading intellectuals of "mexicanidad."  In the three poems you have read, how do you see Paz's exploration of his Mexican identity?  Is there something universal in the poems that speaks to you and your own sense of identity (even if you are not Mexican)?  Why or why not are these poems personally resonant to you.

Background information on Octavio Paz


Text of Poem #1 "Proem"


Text of Poem #2 "The Street"


Text of Poem #3 "Dawn"


Waiting for the Barbarians’ and ‘Burn

Both the novel, Waiting for the Barbarians, and the film, Burn! are critiques of colonialism and nationalism.  How did you respond personally to these two texts?  Did you find their critiques to be compelling?  Do you personally respond more to the novel or the film?  Were there aspects to the style of the novel and/or the production values of the film that impacted the way you felt about the subjects?

Confucianism and Daoism.

Think about what you have learned so far about Confucianism and Daoism.

Which philosophy would create a better society? Why do you think so?

Back your argument up with at least one quote from a primary source (see links below).
The quote you choose should provide evidence for the statements you are making about why you have chosen Confucianism or Daoism.

Your quotes must come from the primary text. The primary text comes below the short introductory explanation; look for the sections with numbered verses. Do not quote from the italicized explanation at the beginning of each reading; they will not count! The goal of this assignment is to get you to work through the poetic language of the primary texts, looking for examples of the concepts we've talked about in class. These texts are not simple to understand! You many have to read them more than once.

You must cite your quotes. Use the name of the text (Analects or Daodejing) and the line number in parenth

Journal Entry for Class 9

1.Thinking about your team projects, what have you learned about teaming that can help you in your business life? Share at least 1 example to illustrate your findings.

2.As you research opportunities in stakeholder capitalism, how has your perspective on the purpose of a business changed since Class 1 (if at all)?

reading: https://hbr.org/2015/01/get-the-boss-to-buy-in