

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The intent of this assignment is to assess your ability as a media professional to cri2cally contextualize ideas, informa2on, and principles from two sec2ons of the text Biopoli:cal Screens to a hypothe2cal world that is defined by its rela2onship to the produc2on and consump2on of digital content. That world is the world of the The Circle.
The intent of the assignment is not to criDque the text. Any cri2cism of the text will be ignored and will adversely effect your grade. Note that the book is very different from the movie. This assignment requires that you read the book not that you watch the movie.
The assignment will be reviewed and graded based on (1) depth not breath, (2) your ability and willingness to link material from The Circle to material from The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) and Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25) in crea2ve, intelligent, and legi2mate ways that demonstrate comprehension and understanding, and (3) your ability and willingness to write from a feeling place rather than from simply an intellectual one.

The Assignment
Comple2ng the assignment requires that you: (1) grasp the principles from The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) and Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25), (2) perceive them at work in The Circle, and then (3) reflect on their conscious and unconscious effects personally and culturally on (a) some characters within The Circle, (b) The Circle itself as an organiza2on, and (c) the larger world within which The Circle exists.
Approximately half the paper should concentrate on The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) and the second half on Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25). No introduc:on and no conclusion. One, but not the only way, to complete the assignment is using a repe22ve three step process: (1) Take an observa2on, principle, phrase (etc…) from The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) or Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25), (2) then perceive the world of The Circle through it, and then (3) interpret/reflect in a feeling-toned way a bit about what you perceive the effect to be when you add 1 to 2. Repeat this process the number of 2mes you need to in order to complete the assignment.
A minimum of 3 interpreta/on/reflec/ons per sec/on from The Biopoli/cal Apparatus and Neoliberal Brainhood is required. Thats 6 minimum at 1 full page each (450-500 words). Keep any quota:ons to a minimum. A sure way to lose points is to quote heavily.

For instance, on page 13 within the The Biopoli:cal Apparatus sec2on of the text the author states, Capture is essen2ally a process of using content to bring together bodies and persons into specific arrangements or assemblages to capilazi2ze on their produc2vity. Contextualized to The Circle there are many ways that this observa2on can be applied. For instance, in general the idea behind an all-inclusive campus, or more specifically the rooms that staffers can rent but many end up living in. Likewise many of the technologies that are introduced in The Circle seem to be designed for this func2on. Any one of a number of characters seem to believe this sort of ideology – consciously or unconsciously.
Similarly, on page 19 within the Neoliberal Brainhood sec2on of the text the author states, In neoliberalism, the ideals of economic compe22on, efficiency, profitability, sa2sfac2on, benefit, and success are fundamentally generalized into the domain of life itself. In the book The Circle the whole idea of Comple2on, which is defined by content, could be interpreted in terms of this observa2on as could specific technologies, or the ideology of individual characters that are for or against it.
A`er making a connec2on between a principle from the text and the world of The Circle, reflect on it, and write a bit about how it makes you feel and what it makes you think of as a media professional. If you need it a list of feeling words is available here: hap://www.psychpage.com/ learning/library/assess/feelings.html).


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