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Archive for the ‘English and Literature’
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final Exam:
You will write an essay interrogating the impact of AI, Geoengineering, the challenge of technology and / or the ontology of the virtual on peoples perception of the post-Covid19 world which has seen an acceleration in digital transformations across diverse sectors of industry and geographies. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Unit VI Annotated Bibliography
Compose an annotated bibliography (use the working bibliography format as found on pages 5860 in The Curious
Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers and on pages 373375 in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook) using
the sources you have found for your research paper. Remember to cite your sources using APA format.
You are only required to include two of your sources in the annotated bibliography. Your annotations should be at least 200
words per source.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hi,I hope your fine
This order request it made to add some work on a previous order which you have done for me.
I have got some feedback on the paper:
(((Introduction too brief(add 100 words) build it up. Be more self-conscious why are you focusing on your subject and arguing what youre arguing. Missing references. Any issues with your solution (think critically))).
- I want you to please work on the points in the feedback to make it an A pulse paper.
- Also pulse add about 100-150 words trying to convince the reader about what you are arguing.
-If you can please improve the structure to make it a better paper.
-Also, use stronger and more professional language. 

Research Essay

Researched MLA paper.You will primarily be discussing your own thoughts and ideas about the works. You will use secondary sources for this paper to provide necessary historical information, supporting information or scholarly opinions, etc. Your paper should be based around your scholarly analysis; The essay should not be mere summary or book reports.
Topic: Discuss how Young Goodman Brown serves as criticism of the Calvinist Church, and by extension, of Calvinist American society.
In the book Robert S. Levine.. the "Young Goodman Brown" is pp.345-355
The author-Nathaniel Hawthorne is pp.328-332 https://youtu.be/YhZXvVZkM0U

Literary Analysis

The topic I chose was HOME BY SILVIA SAUNDERS After selecting and reading the story, choose one of the following topics to analyze in a five-paragraph paper:

1. Characterize one of the characters from the story. Create a thesis that analyzes some attribute of the character. (Ex: Tom may seem like a cold, heartless killer, but a deeper look shows that he is really a scared little boy.) Choose three aspects of the character to use in the analysis. Each aspect must contribute to your attribute from your thesis.
2. Discuss the use of imagery in the story. Create a thesis that connects the images into a larger idea being portrayed in the story. (Ex: The animal imagery in the story clarifies to readers that world that seems so modern and technologically savvy is really more base and animalistic than it at first appears.) Make sure you have at least three images to support your thesis.
3. Discuss a theme of the story using three literary devices to validate the theme. (Ex: Fear

Character Traits and Work Ethic

1. Which character traits associated with a strong work ethic do you already possess? How will they help you in the future?

2. Which character traits associated with a strong work ethic do you not currently possess, but would like to work on in the future? How do you intend to develop these qualities?

3. Optional: How do you intend to demonstrate political, social, and environmental responsibility in your Capstone Portfolio?

Annie Dillards An American Childhood Excerpt of pg. 79-85

- Use only excerpt pages 79-85 for essay. (not the whole book)
- needs a works cited page.
- needs to compose of the following information (authors style, such as syntax, diction, tone, figurative language, imagery, authors purpose, narrative sentences, narrative viewpoint/voice, feelings and attitude of speaker)

Should social media be allowed to collect data from it’s users

For this assignment, your goal is to share your position and "join the conversation" on the topic you have been researching all quarter by preparing your writing for print or online publication.  Readers of commentaries want to grasp the issue you are presenting and understand your angle right away.  You must make your point quickly and memorably, with an ultimate goal of convincing readers to agree with you, act in some way, and/or change their minds
Choose a publication to which you will write your commentary from the specified list of options: Teen Vogue
Determine the style, tone, level of formality, etc. that is typical for that publication.
Analyze the target audience for the publication, and consider how their needs dictate the writing choices you will make.
Write a Commentary Article between 700 - 1000 words using the same topic you've been researching all quarter

only daughter

part 1:Explain the difference between "only daughter" and "only a daughter" in this essay.  Is there anything here that resonates with your experience either as a daughter, or as the brother of an only daughter in the family?  If you're a man, and have no sisters, how would this essay speak to you?  Does it still carry some sort of echo for you?  What kind of feeling does that evoke?
How does being "an only daughter in a family of six sons" end up creating a sense of loneliness and aloneness in Sandra Cisneros?  What positive things came as a result of that loneliness?
What expectations did her father have for her, and how did she thwart those expectations?
When writers use specific sensory and descriptive words and phrases (conveying sensations of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell through their words), it's known as imagery.  What vivid sensory images does she use to allow us to picture the fathers room in our minds. Why does she use these spe


no work cited page necessary

After reading these 3 selections attached below, list and discuss as many similarities as you observe between Kings speech and Lincolns Gettysburg Address. Also discuss how King is perhaps talking back to the Declaration of Independence. As you note the connections between texts, consider why it is important to do so why make connections???