

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Dear Students

We are nearly at the end of our semester and this week you will be submitting Assignment 2 as per the brief online and my email instructions yesterday.

Next week is our final week and the ePortfolio is due at the end of your class. Usually, in week 11 we go out on an excursion to an interactive exhibition somewhere in Sydney. We quite often visit the White Rabbit Gallery in Chippendale and students write about their experience as part of the final reflection for assignment 3. Due to closures everywhere this semester we are asking you to go to the virtual exhibition this week, please click this link:


We would like you t visit all of the areas and reflect on the virtual experience in your ePortfolio.

Be sure to re-read the assignment 3 brief in detail, including the criteria matrix to ensure you have covered everything. **IMPORTANT** this is a reflective work, so in your writing there should be a maximum of 10% description 90% reflection. If you are unsure revisit the academic skills class on reflective writing where you will find this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1eEPp5VSIY

** As per the brief instructions, remember you MUST copy all of the text from your ePortfolio into a word document and upload this into Turnitin at the submission point.

Copy of brief:

eportfolio – Due at the end of class in week 12

Your task for this assignment is to explore the key concepts, processes and design considerations in multimedia by developing a web-based e-portfolio. The e-portfolio should tell a story about you and your world including reflection on your learning and understanding of topics examined in this subject.

The multimedia section of your e-portfolio should incorporate examples or samples of your work. It should also illustrate your understanding of the complexities of multimedia and its crossover into social media through analysis and reflection.

You should use a combination of written and visual texts supplemented with audio where appropriate, embedded into your e-portfolio.

What you should include as a minimum

This assessment addresses multimedia course work and your reflections will demonstrate the level of engagement with our concepts and content.

Reflections relating to your experience and understanding of:

        Images and multimedia including an image analysis, the movie poster and animation assignment process
        The week 11 excursion
        Your understanding of multimedia in general, this forms an essential part of this project
You can showcase work completed as part of your Multimedia Subject in the Coursework section. The examples can be a sample of the work completed, not necessarily the whole of the work. Remember this is a showcase and therefore should exhibit the best of your work, knowledge, thinking, analysis and skills.

You should also keep a weekly journal which will include a screenshot of your tutorial work plus brief notes which demonstrate your understanding of techniques and process. This work is to be uploaded at the end of each tutorial.

You should also upload a jpeg version of the movie poster created for assignment 1 and a compressed version of your animation with audio attached from assignment 2.

*You may need to upload the animation to a private YouTube channel and embed this link in your ePortfolio.

Copy all text from your ePortfolio into a word document each week.

This word document will form part of your submission via Turnitin in week 12, ePortfolio links with no word document submission are incomplete and cannot be marked.

A reflective section that communicates your understanding of multimedia and what you have learnt in the subject. There should be a minimum of four reflections.

        Starting with an image analysis in week 2, you will then reflect on each of your assignments and the excursion.
These reflections may be broad, you can discuss still and moving in general whilst making connections to course concepts or can be assignment specific.

You may choose to write further posts to illustrate your understanding of multimedia in general or any special interests you have.

Extra images, animation’s and video files can be uploaded to support your reflections and design processes in any format.

You may also consider including a review of a movie, anime or other multimedia. For example, you could incorporate a review of the use of multimedia in the discipline area you want to study at University.

You might include visuals and links to sites that inspire your work and creative thinking.

The look and feel of the site should also represent a little of your personality, identity and interests.

You may choose to incorporate additional image manipulation, e.g. creation of own images or background etc. demonstrating a more advanced set of skills.

The deadline for this project is the end of class in week 12

        Before submission check that you have copied all text from your ePortfolio into a word document. The word document must be saved using your name and student number.
        ***Upload the word document to the Turnitin link in the assignment submission area and ***add the url for your portfolio in the comments section.
        Ensure that the ePortfolio link you provide is set to private in Canvas.
        Copy the link from that setting and paste into the comment section of the submission.
Anything handed in after the above will incur late penalties.

A url with no word document submitted to Turnitin is incomplete and cannot be marked.

Please check the Unit Outline for late penalties/submissions.

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