

Math Game Analysis Assignment

118 Science and Math in Early Education 

Math Game Analysis Assignment

This week we are beginning to take a look at how young children incorporate the concepts behind STEM work: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. We will explore how learning through play will naturally support the authentic understanding of number and mathematical concepts. Play-based, freely-chosen Informal Science experiences.


Multiple articles, photos and videos will be available here.
All will be useful in increasing your understanding of mathematical thinking in young children and the corresponding role of the adult in creating environments where this thinking will flourish.

Reading: Textbook, Reggio-Inspired Mathematics. Please read all pages.
The Math textbook is a short, 30 page easy-to-utilize text. You will find a number of appropriate mathematical provocations in this text. You will also notice Loose Parts are the materials of choice.


http://www.communityplaythings.com/resources/articles/2015/empowering-mathematical- minds



http://www.communityplaythings.com/resources/articles/2017/understanding-number- development

Assignment Details:

First, read all of the material provided to you …this will provide you with more than enough information to tackle this assignment.

Part 1:

You will be using the Reggio text ( Reggio-inspired Mathematics book) , the Preschool Learning Foundation Mathematics

California Preschool Learning Foundations https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/psfoundations.asp Volume 3/Science and Volume 1/Math

Domain information, and Math Concepts According to the DRDP information.

Choose ONE provocation of your choice from the textbook, pages 4-18. (Number, Patterning, Space & Shape, or Measurement). Name the Provocation you chose. What materials were used in this provocation? In your opinion, what makes these particular objects appropriate for children to investigate this concept?

Why would the adult include either a childrens book related to the topic of investigation or a written prompt? In your opinion, how would this support the childs inquiry or investigation of these materials?

Relate this Provocation to the Mathematical domain or concept from your resource list. How would this provocation be a playful way for children to integrate mathematical concepts and how would this method be preferable to a more traditional approach to math ( large group required participation, counting aloud, filling in worksheets, etc.)?

Part 2:

For this part of the assignment you will be utilizing the file IMG_0799math.mov
You will be using all of the files in Module #5 as well to support your answers to the questions below.

This movie is taken from the STEM room interaction with 3 specific children in the STEM room at Community Seedlings Preschool in San Clemente. This video is on loan to us as an assignment and is not to be utilized for any purpose whatsoever other than for completion of this assignment.

Context of the video: The children are putting together a Ferris wheel made from small wooden pieces as a part of a study on movement and light and shadow work they have been showing interest in. Two of these children are 4 years old and one is a 3 year old. They have varying verbal abilities, but are quite familiar with each other and have been working cooperatively as a team for a few weeks on their interest in this work.

1. Describe your first reaction to the video clip. What can you say about the childrens interest in math concepts, as well as their ability to collectively figure out the issue of whether they have enough of the pieces they are constructing?
Now we are going to dig a bit deeper into what you are actually witnessing in terms of mathematical knowledge that is present in this clip. Use the information in Module #5 to get at this specific information.

2. The boy in the middle of the screen is doing the lion share of the talking about the quantity of materials they have/and the quantity they need to be finished with the construction of these pieces. Describe to me the key area of mathematical knowledge/concepts that you can see is reflected in his conversation with his peers. Defend why you chose this particular concept….explain your rationale.

3. How do the children cope with their uncertainty as to how many pieces they have completed? In what ways are they working together or expressing their individual ideas?

4. Given that children experience mathematics in their everyday lives which are freely chosen, such as in this clip at school,

a- how would the materials used in this experience help and extend their mathematical
knowledge growth?

b- Contrast this with children who are asked to fill out math worksheets individually in traditional classrooms. Explain how this everyday experience is more valuable to long term learning.


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