

HRD – Peer Analysis

Analyze peer posts and provide a response with a new academic peer reviewed article. This is the feedback instructor provided so please adhere to their feedback as well:
  The discussion board should be a “conversation” between you and your colleagues.  I know you are sticking to third-person voice, but for the discussion board only, its OK to create a friendlier tone for this class.  For example, instead try:

“Hi Lois,

I see how you reflected upon certain aspects of….”

Instead of

“In the post, Jackson reflects…..”

Post 1 – Author: James
Internal Recruitment Strategies

Whether it is filling a job vacancy already existing within an organization or hiring for a newly-created position, organizations have a variety of strategies they might pursue to fill that vacancy. At the broadest level, two strategies that human resource (HR) professionals might utilize are internal recruiting and external recruiting. The purpose of this paper is to explore the considerations surrounding internal recruitment strategies and the benefits and challenges of pursuing this strategy.

Internal Recruiting Tendencies
Before exploring the benefits and challenges of internal recruiting, it is worth noting the situations naturally slanted toward use of an internal (vs external) recruitment strategy. Orlitzky (2007) presents evidence that internal recruiting was less likely to be utilized for new positions filling positions that had not existed before within the organization (an exception to this rule occurred in hospitals). Similarly, situations of high turnover in a job position were also less likely to use internal recruitment and more likely to employ an external recruitment strategy. Further, whether or not organizations naturally tend toward recruiting from internal labor markets is affected by the organizations size and geographic location. Larger firms and those in communities with limited populations have the opportunity to make better use of internal recruiting strategies. Finally, bureaucratic type organizations, especially public-sector/governmental bureaucracies are statistically more likely to fill positions through internal recruitment (Orlitzky, 2007).

Benefits and Challenges
Whether or not internal recruitment naturally fits in organizations structure or if it is an innovative approach with the organization, its use comes with both benefits and challenges. Keller (2018) notes several benefits of internal hiring. The first benefit is that it is usually much less expensive to recruit internally. The costs of making potential candidates aware of the job-opening as well as the costs of interacting with them during the selection processes are cheaper within the organization, since there is not a need for expensive advertising or external headhunter agencies. Another benefit of internal recruitment is that its use becomes an avenue for career management and career progression within the organization. It is a tool for managers and HR professionals to offer increased responsibility and compensation to quality employees (Keller, 2018).

There may also be significant challenges and issues arising from internal recruiting and promotions. Seebruck and Savage (2019) conducted a study of the hiring practices for basketball coaches in NCAA Division I college basketball. Their study focused on the effects on the diversity of the hiring processes for internal versus external hiring. The authors assert that internal recruiting and promotion is more likely to negatively affect the diversity of the hiring, meaning that internal hires were statistically more likely to match the race of the outgoing head coach (Seebruck & Savage, 2019).

The exploration of an internal recruitment strategy by HR professionals revealed its tendencies, benefits, and challenges. HR professionals should be aware of the types of organizations that naturally tend to rely heavily on internal recruiting. By doing so, they may seek innovative routes for recruiting, which might mean either more or less internal focus on internal recruiting, depending on the type of organization. If they choose to pursue internal recruiting, benefits might include cost reductions in recruiting expenses as well as providing a tool for career management/development for existing employees. A challenge to be aware of the potential negative impact on the diversity of the workforce when pursuing internal recruiting strategies. By understanding this information provided by the body of knowledge related to recruiting and hiring, HR professionals and leaders can fully utilize the tool of internal recruitment to increase the effectiveness of their organizations.


Keller, J. (2018). Posting and slotting: How hiring processes shape the quality of hire and compensation in internal labor markets. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63(4), 848-878. https://doi.org/10.1177/0001839217736045 

Orlitzky, M. (2007). Recruitment strategy. The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management, 273-299. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199547029.003.0014

Seebruck, R., & Savage, S.V. (2019). To promote or hire? How racial processes and organizational characteristics affect internal promotions in NCAA Division I college basketball coaching. Social Problems, 2019 (0), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1093/socpro/spz030 

Post 2 – Author: Patrice
Human Resource professionals contribute to strategic planning by determining human capital needs (Wright, 1994). Human capital can be obtain through external recruitment strategies. External recruitment allows organizations an opportunity to gain new talent, create a diverse workforce, and maintain competitiveness in the market. New talent contributes and combines with already held internal skills to create a competitive advantage. This is supported by Wright (1994) who states that organizations with high levels of talent (cognitive ability) have gains at another firms expense. When advantage is held over other firms, an organization is competitive in the market.

External recruiting can pose challenges for organizations. For example, organizations in remote locations may have a sparse talent pool. One recruitment strategy used to obtain talent, or at last peak candidate interest, occurs through targeting. Recruitment targeting is a method that provides or offers desirable needs to attract talent. Organizations can bridge talent pool gaps by collaborating with local colleges for future graduates, discuss career growth opportunities, or offer compensation packages, perks, and unique benefits (Pratt, 2020). Recruitment targeting also applies to diversity.

Internal practices and decisions drive the required number of targeted candidates in the talent pool that are willing to apply, accept, and be offered a vacant position that fill specific gaps (Newman & Lyon, 2009). Diversity is mandated by practicality, legality, and ethics and recruitment efforts aim to meet diversity requirements (Newman & Lyon, 2009). Organizations can maintain market competitiveness by way of external recruiting to obtain a competitive advantage through talent recruiment.


Pratt, M. K. (2020). How to attract provider talent to your practice. Medical Economics, 3, 20. https://search-ebscohost-com.waylandbu.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true &db=edsgih&AN=edsgcl.631507289&site=eds-live


Newman, D. A., & Lyon, J. S. (2009). Recruitment efforts to reduce adverse impact: Targeted recruiting for personality, cognitive ability, and diversity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(2), 298317. https://doi-org.waylandbu.idm.oclc.org/10.1037/a0013472

Wright, (1994). Human resources and sustained competitive advantage: A resource-based

Perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5(2):301-326.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/239667389


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